Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Levels... Why?
@Elder writes:
Levelling systems are designed to give
people a sense of accomplishment. Alternate systems could work but the
reason levels are everywhere is because it gives players a visible
indicator of their progress.

- If you don't use a skill within a certain timeframe the ability is diminished or lost, that creates a daily or weekly that must be completed.
That be my only major qualms with your thoughts on levels - I am sure there are games that have it where the HP increase isn't a need and there for not done, this will -heavily- depend on what combat system they use however and it does make the rest of the world hard, if not impossible, to balance with just that one change in mind. A stagnant High Hp will make Soloing content too easy and the community aspect of the game is diminished, while a stagnant Low Hp will make having certain things like AoE extremely unusable for both PvPers and Creatures to fight unless Hordes of Players were online to attack at once to essentially 'one shot with many bolts' something.
RPGs are about character skills and abilities - not player skills and abilities.
Roleplaying trumps Game.
HP progression and damage progression and stat progression are all crucial for the Hero's Journey.
Doesn't have to be to the insane levels of MMORPGs.
I expect Ashes to fall in line with EQNext's game design -which they are already doing with the wide variety of horizontal progression- by keeping vertical character progression comparatively shallow.
At the end of the day, it's the same thing just in a different wrapping.
At the end of the day you can't go into the most difficult dungeon right from the start with your level 1 fireball and level 1 strike, to show some amazing indepth knowledge to outskill it.
Sorry if I sound harsher than intended, but like I said, same thing just shifted to a different place.
In my opinion, levels are not the problem, the implementation is. The common practice of neglecting the levelphase in favor of " endgame" is what is the problem.
Ashes seems to work a bit against that, there will be horizontal skill progression. What that means in detail is still to be written down, but in the context of removing endgame, where this came up, it could very well be something along your suggestion.
First a game with no levels can be an RPG.
Improved character and ability skills can and should increase damage and stats. Without the improved skills you don't earn improved damage. Without improved character where are the improved stats?
Is this a game about a Hero's journey or is it about everyone, or many heroes working to create a new world?
Seems to me Intrepid is opening new doors and possibilities in the MMORPG world.
I like your idea, in theory, but it does present it's own set of problems.
Like a previous poster stated, without levels, how do the game mechanics work for hp/mp? If those values are static, then how does that effect the values of mob hp/mp, in relation to players hp/mp?
Also, I'm not sure how gear works in Ashes, yet. I THINK they're going for a more tabletop D&D approach, over the standard WoW approach, when it comes to gear. Meaning gear is going to be agnostic, and that gear will affect defense, spell failure, stealth checks, and the like, but it won't effect the values of your characters stats.
If they make hp/mp static, then gear will probably have to have stat boosting elements added, to keep pace with the increase of difficulty in relation to mobs, dungeons, and raids.
High fantasy RPGs are all about the Hero's Journey. Without the levels and the Hero's Journey, that is something other than an RPG.
More akin to Second Life or a Sim. It could be an MMO. But not an RPG.
You are going to need and want some form of gauge to measure the skills and abilities and damage output and stamina and stats of your opponents...
And that gauge will be levels.
Intrepid is opening new doors and possibilities in the MMORPG world - bringing back more RPG elements - while maintaining levels.
Heck, even nodes have levels in Ashes.
Thanks, I'll sleep on it.
A cap must be held or the game will die due to a player surpassing everyone by a mile.
In order for a game to lose the levels they would have to lose many other things. How will you know where your going to find mobs your strength? How are you going to set a penalty for having a strong character party a new character? There must be a way to prevent him from boosting the lowbie right?
No "veteran" wants to be stuck in the same area and fighting the same mobs as the new player, that sounds like i'll be stuck killing the same thing forever. I need a feeling of accomplishment and that I have moved on since when I first started
I think the issue is that there has never been an issue with levels. Maybe i'm missing your point but it's almost like you'd rather them just hide the level "number"? But, that wouldn't make any sense....
I also liked how the armor/weapons worked everything was useful if you wanted to fight something with high physical dmg you would use a dull copper set of armor while if you went up against most dragons Valorite armor was a better choice.
But I think at this point it would be too late for them to change from a level based progression to a skill based progression system. Levels also allow us to easily see what we should be doing in the game. Is X mob too strong for me? Will that guy from my enemy guild one shot me if I attack him?
Yes, a title indicates levels.
King, prince, duke.
Pope, bishop, priest.
Black belt, green belt, yellow belt.
Against, I'd love to hear other opinions again on this slightly revised thought process.