Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Dungeon Length

How long would you want the dungeons in Ashes of Creation to be?


  • Dont know if this has already been asked but I would like a dungeon to take a long time and be immersive with the party around me
  • I want them to take a long time, with different wings that need different abilities from the archetypes to unlock. Want to find the secret door to the east wing, need a mage with the detect magic ability. Want to open the west wing, need a rogue with the climbing skill to get to that area that can't be teleported to by a mage to throw the lever to open the door. We know they are going to balance instanced dungeons to 8 man groups, so shouldn't be too game breaking.
    Also with no fast travel, just getting to certain dungeons that may be in nodes not controlled by your "faction" will be dangerous and an adventure all it's own. Would hate to spend two hours fighting as a group to get to the entrance, then find out the content inside takes 15 minutes to finish.
  • For the love of god please make great dungeons. None of this Archeage, glitch the boss, dull grind crap. I really enjoyed the dungeons in LotRo and would really like to see them build an elaborate system that we can adventure for hours in ♡
  • short, but full of content.
  • The dream dungeon for me would be someone having to go with a blank map and "scout" (just walking around would clear the blank map based on the surroundings) for monsters and strategies with the party on how to defeat this pack of monsters. I want to be able to really talk and strategize with my party members instead of going brain-dead and clearing everything. I do understand that some people don't have the time for long dungeons, so I was thinking maybe providing save points inside dungeons (like campsites in darkest dungeon), mabye the dungeon leader would be the one who would be able to go to the save point (like raids in world of warcraft where the party leader is the one that is saved to the dungeon but instead of raid it would reset after a day instead of a week).
  • Would be interesting to have save points, other mmos have done it, but none of them had restrictions on fast travel. Could possibly be exploited as a summon mechanic, so probably not going to see it. I as the leader have the save point for dungeon just outside of node we are attacking. Form group, summon, disband group, reform with new people from guild, summon, disband, rinse and repeat.
  • Would be interesting to have save points, other mmos have done it, but none of them had restrictions on fast travel. Could possibly be exploited as a summon mechanic, so probably not going to see it. I as the leader have the save point for dungeon just outside of node we are attacking. Form group, summon, disband group, reform with new people from guild, summon, disband, rinse and repeat.
    Yeah I thought there would be a chance to be used as an exploit. I was thinking mostly like that the monsters wouldn't respawn till the next day as long as you got to the save point. You would only have to run the whole way to the savepoint again. Hopefully there won't be a summon or fast travel option.
  • Por que no los dos?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    The options you gave are limiting to be honest. It's either they're too long or too short. I would prefer if they're somewhere between those two. Not too long to the point that doing one run would mean i spend four or five hours playing the same instance. Likewise, not too short that it isn't even meaningful experience. Also, when making a dungeon it's crucial to consider gear drops and how frequent the developers would want players to kill the last boss and get a good chance at a decent drop. With all that being said, i would like it if an average run takes about 40 minutes for a well geared party to run through. Speed runs should be half that time.
  • I'd like a good variety, but my favorite is a contested dungeon with progression; meaning the deeper you go the higher the level.  I don't think any dungeon meant for group play should last longer than 3 hours at the most.
  • Assuming dungeons have some replay value (which they definitely should have) I'd like to see different sizes. Small dungeons that only take an hour or less to finish and bigger dungeons that can take a whole evening to clear. That way I can search for a dungeon group depening on how much time I have at the moment. Sometimes I can just hop in for an hour or two, sometimes I can spend my whole day in a virtual world. I absolutely love deep, immersive dungeons but I know that it'd be difficult for me if I had to spend at least three or four hours in a dungeon to make it worthwhile. I simply don't have that much free time on a regular basis anymore.
  • Long as good D&D dungeon
  • What do you think is short. A dungeon can last max 30-45 mins for me.
  • I want also see different variations what it comes to lenght and not just say those all needs to be extremely long. 

    Especially to some open world dungeons its good idea to create several levels to cater different group sizes and different power level players. 
  • Iirc devs talked about wishing to make content for everyone, so there would be short dungeons, medium dungeons and long dungeons out there, which is nice.

    I myself prefer long epic dungeons. But I also wish people can get to enjoy dungeons even if they will have less time available.

    The more options and choices, the better.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Zastro said:
    Por que no los dos?

    Furthermore, why would we be asking the devs to make all dungeons the same in any aspect?  Long/short, easy/hard, comical/serious, 3/4/5/n-player, etc., etc.

    Group instances should be designed to make sense in their context within the game world/story/progression, and there should be variety so that 1) we goldfish gamers don't get bored, and 2) we can find something to do to fit our goals, mood, and allotted playtime for the day.
  • I remember when Rift launched. Our guild spent so much time in one of the dungeons that I was nearly in tears, trying to learn the boss mechanics. I was the healer, and I don't think I'd ever been challenged so much in any dungeon prior to this. Of course, this particular fight wasn't a healer's fight, but still -- I should be able to keep my team alive, right? It was one particular fight, and the hours we spent just on that fight were amazing for team-building, even though they were frustrating. 

    I was greatly saddened when the boss mechanics on all the dungeons were pat, figured out, and the speed runs began. I felt like people who'd never experienced the newness of these dungeons really lost out on the sense of accomplishment that went in to learning, failing, trying again, and then overcoming the dungeons.

    It's not, for me, so much specifically about the length of the dungeon as it is about the replayability. I don't want the dungeons to become pat, to become blase events that people can faceroll through. That is, probably, one of my great concerns.
  • longer the better as it will have a sense of achievement completing it  
  • 15-30 minutes is too short.

    2 hours is too long.

    45-75 minutes sounds about right.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Why not both? A couple short <30m, a couple long >90m and the rest in between. Why do we have to have absolutes - we ain't Sith.
  • It doesn't matter as long as it's fun. 3 hours or 30 minutes, as long as I enjoy every single minute, the length is not a problem.
  • I hope to have dungeons of various lengths that offer surprises around every bend.   Variety, danger, scary!  If there is a way to change the outcome or add an unexpected surprise randomly to make dungeons repeatable and still interesting that would be wonderful!
  • You realize we have a whole underground race and stretch goal content that is what you are calling for? Underground nodes, npc factions, dark and light areas, places for freeholds, and on and on.
  • procedurally generated dungeons :) 
    completely random every time you enter them. that would be awesome. 
    some times it would be a short dungeon other times a long one andmobs and bosses change each time you try it. 
  • I think one of the best attractions of Ashes is the fact that you can go down any road you wish.  Don't want to raid or go into a dungeon? Then do something else.    Don't want to go out of your safe corner in your town? Then stay and craft while others gather for you.  Ashes is designed to be ever evolving with choices to be made by everyone.
  • Dolphin said:
    It doesn't matter as long as it's fun. 3 hours or 30 minutes, as long as I enjoy every single minute, the length is not a problem.
    That's what she said.
  • Long dungeons would be the best I think but a bit of both wouldn't be bad
  • This. This will be the glue that keeps the community together. We need randomized dungeons. The pathways shouldn't be the same. The mini-boss at certain points should be different, i.e melee boss or ranged boss. The pathways to secret rooms should always be randomized and require a different class -- not just, "LF a mage for secret rooms!" Puzzles inside the dungeons, similar to Skyrim's spinning totems should be included and randomized each time. I cannot stress how much randomization is needed, it will make the PvE content last for a VERY long time. Maybe this could be implemented by segmenting dungeons in parts that the developer could then give a certain objective. i.e As soon as you walk in the dungeon there is an area. It could be pool of acid with small mobs around it, but it could also be a trap room/ monster house or just a 3-forked passageway, utilizing the range or mage to discover which is the path they should take. 

    So many possibilites.. 3 million dollars.. ain't it possible? Work with us, I.S!
  • So long as they have a decent time investment and aren't easy, then I'll be happy.
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