Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.



  • Can't wait now! Hope everyone has a great time!
  • The tank shield wall was absolutely gorgeous! Also the Cleric (which I never play, healing not my thing) make me want to heal. As you can guess, am a sucker for big sparkly effects o:) Cannot wait.
    Anyone have the PAX schedule. Could not see it anywhere.
  • December 15, 2017 Alpha 0 confirmed. Time to have @lexmax change the coffee circle graphics.
  • @Jazznblues If you're talking about the PAX Panel here is the information on the PAX site Ashes of Creation Panel.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Pax hype! I am so excited for all the new info to come out, this trailer is awesome thanks, for giving us a little taste. I like how the combat works so far, not a button masher and not just stand there and just click seems to be a really good mix of the two.

  • Nice to see, sit back and take things in slowly let the new information wash over you. Then go and make my eyes bleed by reading the comments on yuotube lol.
  • What is alpha 0?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Its what they are calling their pre alpha-----> alpha 0.
    Or rather friends and family testing
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    • barring in mind thats its Pre-Alpha:

      For a presentation such as PAX, I'm really hoping that
      • The " Facial Structure/ Expression(s) " for Characters gets altered. In the video, it looks kinda lifeless, emptiness, " dead-piercing eyes ", etc . Although i wouldn't be surprised if its already fixed by now xD
      • I can tell that the Abilities  & SFX Sound Effects for Abilities are placeholders, but was hoping that it could be change.
      • For the Ranger, the Arrow doesn't seem to be traveling as fast ( at 6:10 - 6:12 ). Duly note, i definitely like how Realistic the Ranger actually shows Placing the Arrow in his Bow before releasing it
      • The Cleric Weapon-Stance ... why is she holding it like a sword ? D  . Maybe hold in the ... " Center/ Mid-Area " ; the " Inner-Most Mid-Area " OR the " Outer-Most Mid-Area " ( please look at the 2 pictures below for examples -Look at the Hand-Placement )


      In this image ( above ) ... the hand placement is in the Outer-Most Mid-Area. However in the image ( below ) ... its in the Inner-Most Mid-Area

      I say this because i'm hoping none of the Testers at PAX gets a Bad Impression of it by seeing these things mentioned.

      Overall I do like what i see - the Cleric Abilities Animations the most   
      But this is all Pre-Alpha ... really looking forward to Alpha Stages   o 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Btw, the " NPC's A.I. " seems kina dumbed-down. The opponents are just standing around watching itself die  :s
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Early days, and it is meant to be a on-rails themepark experience to give people a small taste that haven't been exposed to the game before. So not having the A.I. react in unpredictable ways on a scripted experience you are trying to demo in a limited time period is probably a good thing. "We tried their game, but the bird guys said screw this getting beat on and just ran away, so we couldn't finish the quest. This game sucks."
    Also they are going to be working hard on mechanics. Was watching one of the gameplay clips and you hear one of the guys who worked on it get all excited because the players who are for once owning the boss are doing the interruptable geyser mechanic the way he had envisioned it. Only two groups out of 60 or something had beat the boss at that point. "Thank god someone actually found the mechanic, that was two weeks of coding for that one thing."
  • like the way is two playable modes like they already know pvp and pve are different unlike other games for just though pvp in at the end  
  • Varkun said:
    Its what they are calling their pre alpha-----> alpha 0.
    Or rather friends and family testing
    alpha 0 is not Freinds and Family... alpha 0 is for the people who win keys in the weekly drawings
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