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[Podcast] From The Ashes Episode 18: Live From PAX (Includes Interview with Steven Sharif)

From The Ashes Episode 18: Live From PAX - The Ashes of Creation podcast produced by The Dungeon Crawler Network! Join Aggelos and Thais, the Founders of The Dungeon Crawler Network, as they bare witness the rebirth of the MMORPG genre from the ashes of an industry that has left gamers behind!
Reporting Live from PAX West 2017, this episode starts off with a short interview with Steven Sharif, Creative Director of Intrepid Studios, to talk about the experience of PAX as well as some of the feedback that the team has received from players that got to play the demos. After that, Telchar and Aggelos continue the PAX experience discussion after the first two days of PAX.
Show Notes:
- PAX Feedback Interview with Steven Sharif
- The Phoenix Roundtable: PAX Experiences
Podcast Information:
- Your Show Hosts: Aggelos (@Aggelos_WoF), Thais (@TwitQueenThais)
- Listen to From The Ashes on iTunes, Google Play, YouTube
- Follow From The Ashes: Website, Twitter, Facebook
- Follow The Dungeon Crawler Network: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus,, YouTube
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Nothing you can do about that obviously. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Thanks for another great vid though.
Much appreciated.
Just out of interest though....why did you use skype and not discord ?
@Rune_Relic I know! I almost didnt put it out but there was some good info in there. I am kinda of an audio snob and it grated at me. I should release the original to show how much work I put into it to clean up the audio
The reason we used Skype over Discord was actually because originally it was supposed to be a video interview. We actually tried but the call kept cutting out and Steven was soo great with giving us time in his busy schedule it got to the point where we either cut the video or he would have had to leave.
Oh right. Thanks for the background info. Makes sense now.
I think videocalls are imminent for discord. SoonTM
1: Ashes could still become vaporware... playable game can become vaporware.
2: I forgot to ask the devs when we might get the next Node video. Everyone's voice was so shot, I tried not to overload them with questions. Hopefully -as Telchar says- we'll get some new blogs and vlogs fairly soon.
3: Two things that were missing at PAX were the sandal (available online only) and the race buttons.
@Dygz Hey Dygz! Let me address your points.
- You are right. I wouldn't technically use the term "vaporware" here as that makes me believe that there is no game at all and just all concept art etc to fuel people along but I do believe that there is a chance that the game could close up shop so to speak and never reach completion. This has happened to other Kickstarter MMORPGs (Sky Saga, Greed Monger, etc) as well as alot of Kickstarter MMORPGs that we have yet to see reach release (Star Citizen) but that is the risk you take when Kickstarting any project. You are backing based on a promise of a completed product. You are not buying a game, just a dream. So I know all of us here that are hyped for this game are banking on that dream but if it doesnt come out I didnt back it at a level that will break my bank account. Its a gamble and sometimes you win sometimes you lose.
- Yeah, I have been waiting on the followup to their first few Node videos for awhile. I know that nodes are a central part to the game and some would say its defining feature. we know a general idea of how they will work but all of us still want to know details.
Like they didnt have any of them at all? Or did they run out?
@Krojak Awesome man! I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think of it! We have several episodes out nowLots of vaporware at one time had playable demos appear at conventions for years. Something becomes vaporware when it fails to release.
I'm not sure how that applies not that many devs consider early access to be release.
It's just way too early to say that Ashes isn't vaporware. It would only become vaporware when the devs announce that they are discontinuing development before official "release".
I actually backed just to support the development of the EQNext concepts - like nodes and players building the cities from scratch and having a dynamic world, etc.
Supporting the development makes it more likely that a game with those features will eventually develop - as the devs learn how to implement the design.
Might not be Ashes... I'm OK with that.
2: Yeah, blogs etc would be nice. I had planned to ask, but I was only there Monday and the devs were kinda running on fumes by then - especially since they had been crunching so hard preparing the PAX demo. Felt kinda brutal to inundate them with questions.
I think it was at the panel that Matt Broome said he's never worked at a company where the founder stayed as late as the devs.
They still have a lot they want to do - next is supposed to be cranking out the 4 other archetypes asap - and start releasing art for the non-human races.
Hoepfully, they'll take a bit of a breather for blogs and vlogs rather than continue to crunch.
3: I was told the sandals are online-only. The racial buttons didn't make to PAX. I think Josh said they aren't ready yet, but they do plan to sell them at later conventions. The Ashes PAX button is much smaller than I was expecting, but I'm actually more interested in the racial buttons.
Most of the devs said that they aren't ready to tell us which symbol goes with which race. Jeff Bard shared that he thinks the banner in the PvE demo is a Wood Elf banner. I think Py'Rai are the Wood Elves? Jeff was so wiped, I decided to confirm that later.
We were going for a Star Citizen feel @Tekonll