Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I've looked and can't find any reference to invention. Does anyone know if this has been addressed. Anything from the mundane (creating hot air balloons or repeating crossbows) to Magical (craftead, enchanted mounts) any feedback on this negative or positive I would love to hear.
No gunpowder mechanics confirmed, though people are wondering what the plan for ship to ship is going to be. My guess is it will be ballistae to keep with the whole no hunters with guns credo. Make cannons then you have everyone clamoring for a patch with guns as new weapons since "It is in the lore, they are using cannons, so give me mah guns. Pew Pew!"
Mounted combat is rumored to be extremely limited, so ET slaying bicycle probably not going to happen. They go that route and it starts going all Final Fantasy where you have the main characters driving around in muscle cars to go fight demons.