Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Summoner Skill Ideas
Which one or more would you like to see implemented? (Please assume that all of these skills can level up with the character)
If you like more than one, discuss in the comments.
If you like more than one, discuss in the comments.
And yes, I will good in salughtering Engilsh.
What people Summon will largely be influenced by race.
And, the Summoner will be kind of puppeteering their minions, so keep that in mind when thinking up abilities, but...
Those all sound like they could be fun for a Necromancer, sure.
Maybe a short barrel cannon with legs that digs into the ground to fire a powerful shot that does aoe damage. Imagine combining this dude with a necromancer. You could have a cannon that fires corpses at the enemy and for good measure they are filled with spiders. Yes people corpses fill with spiders been fired out of a cannon.
I personally think everything should have mechanical legs or a way to move the mechanical stuff while not having to drag you sorry self over there and do it your self. Cause from a game play point of view, you want to do stuff with your character as well, not just be the guy who runs around keeping all the plates spinning. So telling your cannon where to dig its self in will impact your damage. Since to close and it will not be able to fire upon the enemy, to far and it will be out of range.
Some personalized summons would be quite cool, but I know this would be quite a drain on development resources.
I was thinking something in line of like Rangers could tame any wild animal they encounter in world, and then it becomes their pet. Stats become standardized, but skin remains of the animal they tamed.
For summoners, maybe some demonic / undead areas in world could be of service. They could go there and study a particular demon / undead mob, and learn about it and after obtain it as summon. Stats become standardized for summoned creature, but skin remains from original creature.
Once you learn to (archers) tame a beast, or (summoners) summon a beast, a cash shop could sell some alternate skins for it.
For example, you tame a bear, and original bear you tamed is brown, and you get a brown bear pet. But at that time you become eligible to buy / use different BEAR skins from cash shop as well, black, gray etc.
If you didn't tame a wolf for example, you can not use CS wolf skins. But if you tamed a tiger, then you have original tiger, and you can use alternate tiger skins if you buy them.
Similar would be for summoners. If you learned how to summon a skeleton, you would have that original skeleton, and you would have few alternate skeleton skins to buy form cash shop. IF you wish to use that succubus CS skin, you would need to learn to summon a succubus first by tracking one down in the world, and learning about it.
Here are my ideas.
Summoners Link: All summoner self-buffs are transferred to pet. (give summoners a set of situational buffs they can cast as utility they can use through their pets, or just to make them tanky)
Buffs like:
Entropic Exhumation: Your summons die after 10seconds but drain their foes health over time. Enemies near you take x damage per second.
For utility I'd do something like "The hidden connections" and allow summoners to activate portals in dungeons to teleport people or something.
As for the actual skills I'd try to balance it between the pet and summoning environmental hazards or something. That way you don't necessarily have to play a pet case you can create traps etc.
So many something like:
Tangled Reality which would disorient people's movement keys and randomly change all the colors on their screen. (fun must be allowed!)
Damage dealing fire walls, knockback gales, slippery ice floors and uh... I guess you can make a rock staircase to give yourself height advantage? Probably could like levitate on a boulder to make melee hate you forever, but also force them to use the utility stuff they have to jump onto it. Or just throw it at them...
Then your standard pet summons like living rocks, enchanted ice, tempestuous winds and consuming fire mwuhahaha!
For movement spells:
Targeting a spot then summoning yourself to it might be neat but melee must all have a way to get up to higher spots or it'll be unfair.
Or summoning your enemies somewhere else (probably a summoner/tank thing).
Switching spots with your pet.
That's all I can think of while I'm supposed to be working so I'll try to add more to the convo later =p
And no animal flesh is not good enough, it has to be human!
Any takers?