Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Mighty Beard Tavern's Blog more Questions than Answers??
After reading The Might Beared. I found myself loving some of the ideas while scratching my head at the possibilities and unanswered questions left to the imagination.
What I loved:
1. Rested Exp:I really like the concept of rested exp making it a vital resource people will seek to use making sure people would even visit a tavern.
2. Battle Maps:"The Battle maps allow players to strategize, gain bonuses on planned attacks, and see the blueprints of attackable points." "If attacking a node or castle they’ll be able to discern defenses, analyze possible weak points and gain tactical advantages before any battle begins. The battle map might not fit into a lower level tavern, or one with smaller rooms however." Really cool idea, making rooms become a priority before and during the siege love this concept!
3. Having to gain information: I like the knowledge factor that people have to talk to one another about events or dungeons that are possibly out in the world, and that It could also be considered a trap adding that extra level, of making sure your information is creditable.
4. The Artwork: The Artwork was amazing in this blog, all of the coastal art, but the one landscape that looks to be red sand looks Stunning! Way to go Intrepid!
What I am not exactly happy with:
1. The voice chat system: "After you return from your excursion, you’ll find a private chat available to you (with voice to) for all patrons within the building. This puts you right into the place you are, it keeps you present – in the moment. We want the interaction between players to be meaningful and easy". The problem I have with this is time and time again games tend to show extreme toxicity and issues when voice chats are implemented, if someone is being toxic or overly rude, who decides who get kicked the Tavern owner or Intrepid? Is/will this be considered a banable offense and how will voice logs be used to prove that a violation has occured?
2. Parlor Games- I don't necessarily find the dice games a bad thing I just see it as more of gimmick than actually needed. (Please no hate)
Things that Left more Questions than Answers:
1. Bulletin Board: This would have made it into What I love Category if more answers where presented, I guess its more of how the execution of this feature will be used. How much control will be given to the players for quests will they be able to "name quests" How long of an expire time will be used for a quest. If multiple Taverns are in the location would you post them to individual Taverns or would they be a central hub board for multiple Taverns.
2. How close can Taverns be to each other? "a home away from home and your connection to the world when you’re not on a quest. What makes a dimly lit, odd smelling, drunk-patron-having tavern a great place? It’s the atmosphere, it’s the people, it’s the feeling you get, and it’s the memories". They have stated that land will be a driving force in Ashes but, will there be building limits in place if Taverns have a proximity around each other meaning that another Tavern cant be built for x amount of distance within an existing Tavern I would consider this a good thing. If there is Tavern after Tavern after Tavern next to each other what really separates or gives you that away from home feel, I think it would take away from the local Tavern idea if multiple Taverns can be chained next to each other.
3. Attackers vs Defense in Renting Tavern Rooms during a Siege: Is a question more about Defense about protecting your city from Sieges with Battle Maps Rooms in Taverns. If it is possible for the attackers to rent rooms during a siege is it also possible for the Defense city to rent the rooms as well. If the attackers cant gain access to the rooms for the siege and don't have the information of they dynamic map I can see it being highly sought after and rooms would fill up fast.
What do you guys think about the last Blog what where your head-scratches what did you like what didn't you like?
What I loved:
1. Rested Exp:I really like the concept of rested exp making it a vital resource people will seek to use making sure people would even visit a tavern.
2. Battle Maps:"The Battle maps allow players to strategize, gain bonuses on planned attacks, and see the blueprints of attackable points." "If attacking a node or castle they’ll be able to discern defenses, analyze possible weak points and gain tactical advantages before any battle begins. The battle map might not fit into a lower level tavern, or one with smaller rooms however." Really cool idea, making rooms become a priority before and during the siege love this concept!
3. Having to gain information: I like the knowledge factor that people have to talk to one another about events or dungeons that are possibly out in the world, and that It could also be considered a trap adding that extra level, of making sure your information is creditable.
4. The Artwork: The Artwork was amazing in this blog, all of the coastal art, but the one landscape that looks to be red sand looks Stunning! Way to go Intrepid!
What I am not exactly happy with:
1. The voice chat system: "After you return from your excursion, you’ll find a private chat available to you (with voice to) for all patrons within the building. This puts you right into the place you are, it keeps you present – in the moment. We want the interaction between players to be meaningful and easy". The problem I have with this is time and time again games tend to show extreme toxicity and issues when voice chats are implemented, if someone is being toxic or overly rude, who decides who get kicked the Tavern owner or Intrepid? Is/will this be considered a banable offense and how will voice logs be used to prove that a violation has occured?
2. Parlor Games- I don't necessarily find the dice games a bad thing I just see it as more of gimmick than actually needed. (Please no hate)
Things that Left more Questions than Answers:
1. Bulletin Board: This would have made it into What I love Category if more answers where presented, I guess its more of how the execution of this feature will be used. How much control will be given to the players for quests will they be able to "name quests" How long of an expire time will be used for a quest. If multiple Taverns are in the location would you post them to individual Taverns or would they be a central hub board for multiple Taverns.
2. How close can Taverns be to each other? "a home away from home and your connection to the world when you’re not on a quest. What makes a dimly lit, odd smelling, drunk-patron-having tavern a great place? It’s the atmosphere, it’s the people, it’s the feeling you get, and it’s the memories". They have stated that land will be a driving force in Ashes but, will there be building limits in place if Taverns have a proximity around each other meaning that another Tavern cant be built for x amount of distance within an existing Tavern I would consider this a good thing. If there is Tavern after Tavern after Tavern next to each other what really separates or gives you that away from home feel, I think it would take away from the local Tavern idea if multiple Taverns can be chained next to each other.
3. Attackers vs Defense in Renting Tavern Rooms during a Siege: Is a question more about Defense about protecting your city from Sieges with Battle Maps Rooms in Taverns. If it is possible for the attackers to rent rooms during a siege is it also possible for the Defense city to rent the rooms as well. If the attackers cant gain access to the rooms for the siege and don't have the information of they dynamic map I can see it being highly sought after and rooms would fill up fast.
What do you guys think about the last Blog what where your head-scratches what did you like what didn't you like?
That is also my perception of the bulletin board you put up a LFG request, or perhaps notices regarding materials or services you require, perhaps something gathered or the service of a crafter.
As for the interactive map it could be used by people to point out points of interest they have found while out exploring, it has been suggested that points of interest will not appear on your map as you happen to pass by. You will actually have to find that dungeon entrance and you may very well be the first person to find it, you then go back to a tavern and are able to use the interactive map to show where it is located.
I really do like the idea of no points of interest just appearing on your map as you pass by, if you can place your own mark with appropriate information that only you know about just make the whole experience more immersive IMO.
I know as of right now we have a great helpful community, but once mass amount of players filter in rotten apples also trickle in as well. So I am hoping that there are controls in place to deal with this and other issues swiftly rather than having that age old "he said she said" issue when dealing with a GM.
If someone is so easily triggered by what other people say then they can just not use the chat.
We shouldn't deny ourselves content so the special snowflakes have their safe place.
I don't think voice chat will be the whole room together in one voice channel by DEFAULT.
I think it will be something like discord:
when you enter tavern you will get voice channel listed, together with names of people that are located in tavern. Then you will have an OPTION to stay out of voice completely, or to join in to tavern voice group, or to just activate private voice conversation with specific player(s) either 1 on 1, or in privately made channel with password (I'm not sure about that last one, but would be nice, like chat for only few friend sitting around the table).
And I really think this will be presented as options, and not anything by default.
And you will likely be able to mute people, which is pretty mainstream in voice chats now.
And tavern owner will likely have moderator rights for his own tavern channel, which also makes sense (and maybe he will be able to appoint co-moderators as well).
I don't think anyone misunderstood anything. We weren't talking about the option to join or leave the chat as that will obviously be implemented as they did say "available".
After you return from your excursion, you’ll find a private chat available to you (with voice to) for all patrons within the building.
Assuming they aren't leaving out any information there will only be one available voice channel for "all patrons within the building".
Its not being about a special snowflake, there are issues that and technically laws in place, to protect peoples rights, and stop Racism etc. Having a voice chat also adds the trickiness of helping protect those rights.
Its not about having a safe, in regards to shelter people from everything, its about protecting the basics of peoples rights. Saying we don't need a safe place, and just a mute option isn't the way to go. Other games have started out with the option and the community either slowly becomes toxic and uses that as the excuse to justify their behavior. Having a lot of controls, and having a strong sense of community and GM presence of having a strong stance on this subject would stop a lot of the "Big Issues" that will/might be present with the voice chat.
I understand its the internet, and you cant protect people from everything, but by just shying away or using the old excuse mute button isn't the right way to go either a better solution should be in place, rather than just the bare minimum.
I personally feel a report system would be fine; after reporting someone it should automatically mute this person for you; I think if too many players report the same person there could be consequences, such as a permanent voice ban..?
The problem is I just don't see how you can prove that someone said something rude etc. This kind of thing can be abused so easily.
It would be really annoying if some kind of troll went around reporting everyone else in the tavern, in the worst case preventing them from using voice chat due to too many reports....
This will have to be really well thought out.......
Dear Stephen, what about role players? What do they get?
'Oh we've thought about you, we'll give you an inn'
nothing else?
'nooooo... why would anyone need anything else.'
Sooooo... now the inn is going to be stacked full of players who don't understand rpers, who will be too busy focusing on the next quest, expanded content to even bother being considerate and not charge through us....
And That's ignoring the voice chat...
If you want everyone to be able to play your game the way they want, why does my feelings of concern keep on growing? There's been two things that've been mentioned to me this week that only go to build my concern further that there really is no one there in the Intrepid team who understand, let alone are concerned about the large contingent of heavy role players that would love to find their next home.
Seriously losing heart, it's like an abusive relationship, I keep on pulling myself together and coming back in the hope that something will magically change and I can find a home to create some stories... But though the world is prettier, I'm beginning to think that Ashes is going to be more disappointing to me than the option of 'ugly world but more rp friendly options that are also in production right now...
If that's not to be the case, what safe environment is Ashes going to offer.
Theses are good points, I myself am not really ever involved with RP my very limited experience is knowing that they usually has dedicated servers for RP. But I can see your position as being a small group of the overall MMO demographic.
I am not sure having just RP only taverns is the solution, so i agree with you that's how inclusive environments work. I would hope that there will be options in place to protect everyone so you don't limit groups and have multiple options available for everyone rather than forcing people to do what the other MMO's have failed to make better.
Oh well.
Would I prefer an rp server, sure. Am I unhappy there won't be one? No.
It is the way it's going to be.
gundel didn't seem to be aware of the fact that there weren't going to be any, I thought it right to let them know.
I'm upset that the main thing...almost sole thing... that Intrepid had held up as a token for the heavy rpers has just been soiled because whilst a tavern for community will be great, what do the rpers have now?
"so you're telling me that the shipment of eastern squash I ordered...."
" NC quests, lfg, healer"
"bounty up!"
"...has been entirely infested with beetles?"
"ducking noob had the world's worst build for a ranger. Wiped us all."
*Skarro's fists clench as his jaw tightens*
Yeah. perfect rp environment.
A RP channel could be created, and all troll who enter the channel could be individually muted.
I can't really think of any other solution.
Why not get together, coordinate in OOC and all decide to congregate in the same node presumably a couple nodes distance from heavily populated areas? This would mean fewer players who are not actively RPing who might possibly break immersion or crash an event. With enough RPers, you as a group would be able to take control of the node development / node government, allowing the group to have better control over your RP environment.
Can't say I would knowingly disrupt RPers, however it would be very difficult not to cause a disruption performing what could be described as normal or regular game play. To add to that, I would be very surprised if IS doesn't add additional tools that could contribute to RP game play.
I feel like your using racism as a buzzword. There are no rights to protect, it's not your right to not experience toxicity online.
The only "law" we have is Intrepids Code of Conduct & Terms and conditions. They set the terms, they don't have some imaginary legal obligation to make us all feel safe.
How people act online is their choice, As long as they're not breaking those terms and conditions they can play that music through the mic, have a heated discussion about racial equality or shit talk the tavern owner because he's rp'ing.
Now I don't want any of that either but luckily I'll have a mute button. This magical button that let's me pick who I can hear. Your definition of toxicity will be different to the person beside you so the only way to stop all the special snowflakes getting triggered is to let them go around muting to their hearts content.
To reiterate, a mute button isn't the bare minimum, it's the holy Grail, the end all for all your toxicity problems. Someone's triggering you? Boom, not anymore. You can ask for more, more, more and pretend there's some fundamental problem to be fixed but I doubt you'll see any change in human nature any time soon.
Look Simba, everything the light touches is yours.
What about that shadowy place?
That's where the roleplayers live, you must never go there, Simba.
Don't get me wrong, if we get a mute button that's fine I guess, my problem is when the line is crossed and its not a joke or heat of the moment, when its just pure hatred. Something should be done about it. Not just having that mentality of being just mute them.
I understand that this wont happen often. But I assume Intrepid will have a code of Conduct in place in there rules that will have these issues covered and people who violate it will be dealt with.
But other people have had great insight on here as well, about RP etc and having that be trolled or attacked as well. It's not about being a millennial either (because funny enough I am not one) I just think people should be held accountable for their actions. I understand not everyone agrees with that but its what I believe.
Whats happens in other games like APB, ARMA 2-3, Battlefield, CSG, Rust..... when comms hurt someone's feelings? How about discord / TS / (god forbid) Ventrilo?
If there is going to be some form of voip in Ashes I can guarantee that you will come across a prepubescent boy who closely resembles Porky Pig in RL, bunny hopping inside a tavern non stop, yelling out all the things he is going to or has done to your mom. Its sad, it sucks, Porky's parents should have dropped the $1.25 for birth control 10 years ago, but they didn't.... so we gotta deal with it.
As @Elder said, there isn't anything else you can do but mute him.