Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

(Idea) 1st expansion is.............Flight..................why?

Because it's not the main focus of the game right now, but will be in the game due to owning a dragon. Why should it be added? Cause it would be cool. Really after a good year under our belts of playing this game, or two, any expansion to it, MUST expand on other areas. Sky city anyone? Just food for thought.


  • Sorry to get your hopes up? or down? They have been very clear that widespread flight, just like p2win mechanics, fast travel, group-finder and other mechanics they are against will never make an appearance except in a very limited form. So while the avian race may get their own expansion years down the line, expect it to be some form of portal or limited air taxi to get there.
  • ...................what?
  • Not sure if troll thread, or dead serious...
  • To me, flight is cancer. If you get to just soar over everything with little to no interaction with the world it makes you miss so much of the hidden depth of the world. Wow basically used it almost as a whole new grind that took away from the game as a whole because they went and redesigned a lot of the old world eventually to accommodate for it. Though one could argue the world needed an update graphically eventually anyway.

    Still, get on a ground mount.. or some sort of non-instant travel like a boat. You may find some great adventure that you never would have found otherwise.
  • No flight please, Sky City exploration and maybe even nodes for sure, but there should be access points (climbing tall trees was previously suggested).
  • Sky city, yes, I would love one, but no manual flight.

    I'd personally prefer some magic elevator floating upward and taking you to that city, while you are chilling and enjoying the view, that becomes more and more impressive.
  • I wouldn't mind an area designed around flight combat. or maybe an arena where you hover through the air at certain points as you fight to totally change the way the fight is going. OR a dodgeball type of game with everyone floating around on a vent or something, possibly everyone could get magical wings that could let you glide for a short period of time while playing dodgeball. ONLY USABLE IN ARENAS OR OTHER SMALL AREAS PLEASE!
  • Think I've mentioned this before but Sladeborne, one of the monster species, used to live in the sky before being corrupted. This to me suggests that there is a world in the clouds and could be explored one day. I don't think we will be able to fly there or flying will be allowed once there. 

    I think a zip line would be pretty fun xD
  • never
  • It has been made quite clear flight just is not something they want in ashes, pretty much end of story.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    why flight is p2w?  If not flight, what about gliders.  The developers seem to fear a second archeage example.. lol  But not everything is p2w. Pay two win is something you pay and using it to advance.  If something is ingame item for everybody, is NOT p2w.

    I believe it is more of the fear may got NOT to bring features that makes it comparable with archeage (negativity because of p2w), than calling flight as p2w.

    Right now archeage turns into something different from farming/crafting. They nerfed crafting and farming at 3.5 patch, now with 4.0 they devastate it, they may remove this aspects totally in the feature. So ashes of creation will be the only pure farming game along with star citizen (if they ever make it), chronicles of elyria, etc far distant mmos.

  • Oyranos said:
    why flight is p2w?  If not flight, what about gliders.  The developers seem to fear a second archeage example.. lol  But not everything is p2w. Pay two win is something you pay and using it to advance.  If something is ingame item for everybody, is NOT p2w.

    I believe it is more of the fear may got NOT to bring features that makes it comparable with archeage (negativity because of p2w), than calling flight as p2w.

    Right now archeage turns into something different from farming/crafting. They nerfed crafting and farming at 3.5 patch, now with 4.0 they devastate it, they may remove this aspects totally in the feature. So ashes of creation will be the only pure farming game along with star citizen (if they ever make it), chronicles of elyria, etc far distant mmos.

    @Oyranos Why are you talking about P2W? The devs said they don't want flying in the game for other reasons!
  • I wouldn't mind an area designed around flight combat. or maybe an arena where you hover through the air at certain points as you fight to totally change the way the fight is going. OR a dodgeball type of game with everyone floating around on a vent or something, possibly everyone could get magical wings that could let you glide for a short period of time while playing dodgeball. ONLY USABLE IN ARENAS OR OTHER SMALL AREAS PLEASE!
    I'd be okay with open flight only in very limited areas. The problem with limiting it, is this game is supposed to progress as players develop the world around them. Which means if any form of flight became available in a limited form, there would be a strong drive to develop it further, stifling which would harm the game. So... No flight. No instant fast travel. These are two main reasons i backed this game.
  • Wow... can actually see my thought process chewing on that as i wrote that post... started one way, finished the exact opposite! Lol  :D
  • The real test will come at live launch. When they have customers who did not follow the development of the game and have no idea what Intrepid is trying to do by limiting these "functions" that the current crop of mmo gamers have become used to. It will be important for those that understand how mechanics such as cross-server groupfinder ruin communities to calmly explain to those screaming "WHAT do you mean I have to find and form my own group, this game sucks!!" and bring them around on the way of thinking. How these issues are addressed by the "community" in each region will either be a very powerful recruitment tool, or will lead to the opposite result.
  • Its going to be hard for the current generation of MMOers to conform over to the idea of AOC. A lot of ppl are used to having everything easy and given to them so they won’t be able to easily understand the vision.  I really just hope that we have a greater amount of ppl willing to play AOC like it’s meant to be and have less of the type that will complain and try to convince IS to make the game user friendly.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    Yes there will be a huge initial influx of people jumping on AOC at launch who have not followed the game they will not understand or even comprehend why certain design choices were made, Many will not even attempt to understand why fast travel, no group finder and many other choices were made, they will just rage and say they were dumb.

    Ashes is trying to reclaim many of the systems that have been ignored, dumbed down, hark back to games that required time and effort to achieve results in, create a game world that is alive where much of the content is driven by the player base its self. It is the player driven content that excites me the most and to many this will be a foreign concept as all they have had to do is follow the quests, grind for gear get to max level do the raids and then wait for the next content patch so there is more for them to do.

    I think and I hope that ashes can create something new and exciting where we the players create the content we drive the narrative and oh there are quests, dungeons and some raids you can do too if you like.

    This went a bit off topic lol 
  • my outlook is if you are a true dark souls AND mmorpg player then you will most likely love this game, but then there is the rest of the population -.-
  • I have never played dark souls nor have I spent much time on any mmorpg. I plan on loving this game :wink:
  • Well mainly I figured if they will have dragons in the game for a few players, then why not add the flight down the road later. It's not something I was seeing coming soon anyway, but only after we pretty much been in this game world over a year or two. After that time, a lot can and will happen within the game world. We should have very active guilds, some with castles. We will have huge level 6 cities. There would have been a few siege wars that happened. Players at this point would have settled into whatever life style they are looking to do.

    So, why not have something like flight in an expansion? Unless I missed something, can the dragons fly that will be given to the Mayors of the huge level 6 cities? Unless these dragons are just going to walk around, but I did see wings on them, and that looks to be a flyer to me. So why not add this later, even if you limit it, maybe have balloon flight only. Make it so you have to work with the weather and the wind. Make it where it's not 100% safe, and issue can and should happen. Arrows anyone?

    even if you have mounts, maybe you could still run the danger of some bigger creature hunting your type of flying mount, so fly wouldn't be 100% safe, and would make for a hole new type of game play.

    Sure I agree we should take our time to explore the land, make town, and grow out business. But once 90% is found then what? We will look for new lands, that should be something added in an expansion. So why not add flight to the old land, or even just the new land. Put limits on it if that's what you want, but why toss out something that can be fun. Flight in AoC should have it's own risks too, not just an auto pilot to the next town.

  • Because it cuts into the core pillars of gameplay that they have built the entire premise of the game around. If everyone can fly everywhere then there is no risk of meaningful pvp. Got an enemy node between you and your friends? Instead of having to navigate through without getting killed, screw it, I will just fly over. 

    People still seem to be stuck in the mindset that this is planned to be some sort of themepark with level dependant zones that are static and never change. "Oh, I climbed RockCandy Mountain when I was level 20, no reason to go there again." The ability to actively delevel nodes through the siege mechanic will pretty much guarantee that the claim of "Oh, I saw that, no reason for me to go back there." will be moot. People will want to change the environment, not just to destroy someone else's work, but to unlock new content possibilities.

    They have stated from the beginning that certain trends in the last decade of mmos have ruined the genre. Many of us are here because the message resonates. If they give everyone flying mounts, what is next? Groupfinder? P2Win?

    Rather than read my rant, here is a shotgun blast of Discord quotes about dragons and their vision for them.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    Herdo said:
    Oyranos said:
    why flight is p2w?  If not flight, what about gliders.  The developers seem to fear a second archeage example.. lol  But not everything is p2w. Pay two win is something you pay and using it to advance.  If something is ingame item for everybody, is NOT p2w.

    I believe it is more of the fear may got NOT to bring features that makes it comparable with archeage (negativity because of p2w), than calling flight as p2w.

    Right now archeage turns into something different from farming/crafting. They nerfed crafting and farming at 3.5 patch, now with 4.0 they devastate it, they may remove this aspects totally in the feature. So ashes of creation will be the only pure farming game along with star citizen (if they ever make it), chronicles of elyria, etc far distant mmos.

    @Oyranos Why are you talking about P2W? The devs said they don't want flying in the game for other reasons!
    my reply was for @UnknownSystemError Member first comment he did (p2w mechanics).

    Now I also read about dragons.. Well, snakes is not my thing if they ever decide to add Gryphon's or Pegasus too, I will consider it :).    I don't like the moon deities mounts, I prefer the SUN deities mounts "always".  If I was a king or queen in this game, I wouldnt accept a dragon..  :)
    (Pegasus is rare, also the myth of Pegasus is definition of rarity. Only the purest hearts or bravest can mount it). Though I read about kings and queens, Pegasus is not for kings and queens, but for heroes.  Kings and Queens are not pure nor brave.
  • Commas are important. My intention was not to equate flying with p2win, but to equate flying with other mechanics that they are not planning to implement because they go against their stated pillars of gameplay.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017

    (my prev comment vanished again after edit so this is a repost) My comment went for @UnknownSystem error.

    Now I also read about dragons.. Well, snakes is not my thing if they ever decide to add Gryphon's, eagles or Pegasus too, I will consider it :).    I don't like the moon deities mounts, I prefer the SUN deities mounts. (eagles are also used in LOTR) but it is known as a sun deity mount by Zeus.

    (Pegasus is rare, also the myth of Pegasus is definition of rarity. Only the purest hearts or bravest can mount it). Though I read about kings and queens, Pegasus is not for kings and queens, but for heroes.  Kings and Queens are not pure nor brave. 

    So my suggestion would be Dragon for the money, eagles, pegasus, gryphons for the poor but brave or pure. :)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    They may very well add a questline that has a pegasus mount or a very close equivalent to be bred in game through the husbandry system. Just don't expect them to have true flight, just the ability to glide from a higher point to a lower. They have already confirmed limited gliding for certain mounts that everyone will have access to once tamed, bred, or purchased from other players. Notice the stunted wings on the side of the Obsidian Stallion artwork.
    Image result for ashes of creation gliding mount
    Image result for ashes of creation gliding mount
    Image result for ashes of creation gliding mount
    Image result for ashes of creation gliding mount
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017

    many confuse Pegasus with Unicorns.  Unicorns are moon deity mounts with a horn. Pegasus is a horse with 2 wings and represents the SUN. Some create images of half unicorns and half pegasus.. Thats absurd because the creators do not understand the true meaning behind it, the symbolism.

    dragons are indeed equivalent to kings and queens, but balance is missing if they only do that. They also need something for the heroes/poor but brave or pure players


  • I WANNA HAVE A SNAKE AS A MOUNT AND SLITHER AROUND ON IT, YES PLEASE, STEVEN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys can have your flying mounts and go shove it :P SNAKE FOR THE WIN!
  • Node Owners will have access to some Flying mount if I remember correctly. But specifically that person, so it's a rare sight.
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