Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Legacy Servers - Coincidence?
I just have a feeling that the popularity of this vision has led to the realisation that wanting a game with community and challenge isn't just nostalgia.
Too little, too late though.
Too little, too late though.
cause combat and graphics are getting boring even if its fun.
People played for years and those servers had some big problems, not the least of which was the threat they would be closed down at any moment.
I do agree that many people will play for a week and leave. I expect all of these people to have never played classic and have no interest in what it offered, preferring the easy mode, instant gratification experience currently on offer.
I am kind of torn. Part of me wants to play, but another part doesn't want to get invested only to switch to Ashes. But that is two years away, but then again so may Legacy servers. Maybe, just maybe, these legacy servers will be ready just a few months before Ashes will release (that's a little tinfoil hat though).
Legacy was released to keep players
in WoW and not AoC?!
Whatever their bait, i'll chose Verra over Azeroth any day!
Part of it is exactly why AoC is being made, the overall feeling of reward with difficulty, group community, and epic feel. Original wow had some horrible grinds that is for sure, but many aspects were very rewarding because of the difficulty. I still remember hitting lvl 40 to get that mount, it was amazing, I went and showed my mom (go mom, lol).
That part of the game isn't nostalgia, it's an element that has just been lost in the current wow (after WoTLK) due to catering to casuals among other things.
That being said, AoC will easily top classic simply because of the input from the devs. community and lets be realistic, amazing graphics comparatively. Hopefully ashes will bring the good parts of classic wow, and other games that had that quality, without having the imperfections. MMGA
I don't even think it is conspiracy theorist to think that this is a direct result of Ashes popularity. Many of us are here because we want that type of game to play again.
After years of saying they will never do legacy servers, and even making fun of people who want it, now, after Ashes kickstarter was so huge and they can see the huge groundswell of people who want this kind of game, they just happen to do a complete 180 and do legacy servers.
I fully expect them to "work" on them for 18 months and then release them just before Ashes, with enough time to try and hook people because their characters are progressed to try and keep them for just a little longer. It's just good business.
Classic WoW, yes please. Been waiting since Wrath. The private ones were pretty cool but after the second one was shut down and everything lost I couldn’t do it again. If Ashes people get together on one of these I would be there.
It is very interesting that blizzard is opening them up though must be a real desire in the community for them.
I still keep in touch with one guy (only one but it shows there are people out there) who played TBC for about 3 months and gave up on WoW (flying and gear progression being so ludicrous were his nemeses). But he has been playing on various legacy servers for the past 6 years.
I'm hoping to get him over to Ashes, as he is an old school MMO gamer, but in the meantime he will be on these servers in an instant.
It is apparent that there are a lot of people still out there that desire such mmo's and will go back to legacy servers, ashes will recapture that .... I hope.
Wow is still ugly though
By my nature, I love playing challenging games that require you to be social to succeed, creating bonds that can't be found anywhere else. I may try legacy servers when they go live, but my hope for better MMO's still lies with AoC.
I mean, just look at Battle for Azeroth. Just no. I like a compelling story in my games, not just a filler xpansion.
@Varkun Yes, WoW is very ugly. I recently resubbed to help a friend run some old raids for achievements (got to use that 4 million gold for something - tokens are 180k now though!) and switching from that to any other modern MMO is really eye-opening.
Also @Bajjer, holy crap, are WoW tokens seriously that high right now? Before I quit they were up to about 80Kg each.
I agree with what has been said here you can relive your memories of the game after like 2 weeks of playing the game. So my guess it will be late 2018 or 2019 spring when you see legacy servers...... Right around the time of Ashes being in what has been speculated as Beta.
Did they honestly shut down pvp servers?
Actually, there is one difference, this should actually lead to more balanced PVP instances. As you may know, some PVP servers heavily favor one faction. In contrast, these instances are designed to allow an equal number of flagged players from both factions into them before pouring people into a different one. So if anything, it may improve world PVP for some players.
In Ashes, community will be king. This is my number one draw for an MMO.
This is somewhat off topic but there really are some silly choices made at times that just corrode away the very foundation of what mmo's once stood for. Let's hope AOC can recapture that.
As a result, you invite people to a party when you both seem to be killing centaurs.
You had to drink every two pulls. Every level felt like an accomplishment, getting new skills, a talent point to invest.
Because, if you weren't careful, an equal level enemy could kill you, the fights were slow. Your mana or other resource wasn't endless. So you naturally figure out which spells work best in what situation, all without ever touching a guide.
This tedium makes you gravitate towards other players rather than avoid them.
And, finally, getting a mount very late, gave you a lot of down/running time. And guess what, to kill that particular tedium, you went talking with other players. Made friends. Regardless of whether or not you liked WoW in its infancy. The brilliance of that cannot be denied. The tasks themselves were annoying, braindead to a degree, but the way people fill it in. That's priceless.
Post Scriptum:
And by removing these hurdles which on the face of it sound very annoying, you are slowly stabbing a proverbial knife in the besting heart of any mmo, it's community.
A legacy server will bring back old content, but not the old people you enjoyed that content with and that made you remember it after all.
In so many instances, the payoff of making something "accessible" or easier, dilutes the victory. What is cooler, killing a bunch of elites by yourself to finish a quest, or find a group of people, and all work together for 15 min and it STILL be tough, but damn did you do it, and you all got an awesome reward that was not attainable by yourself.
One thing they can change, and they said they won't have it, is the grind. But hey here is to hoping the world is actually dangerous and you can't steamroll everything around you.
The quest chains to obtain so many things, the paladin mount, the warlock nightmare mount, these took a long time to complete, a good deal of resources and you needed to venture into a number of dungeons and a party to help you. Then there was the ranger bow that required a near impossible boss fight at the end that they had to do solo, quest chains to gain keys to unlock easier access in different parts of dungeons.
I guess the problem is that many people see these type of quests as a grind, thus they were complained about and removed eventually. But can legacy servers really recapture what made wow feel epic back then, as @FliP said perhaps it was not so much the game but the people you were playing with.