Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Black Desert online things we want and don’t.
ok so I have to put this out there. I’m so in love with the visuals of BDO! I am hoping that with the unreal4 engine we could have AoC look even better. (Not sure if that’s possible) That I want. What I don’t want is all the RNG crap. I hate hate hate RNG. If I want a certain item I’d rather do an elaborate month long quest then grind the same mob over and over for a 1% chance at a drop. And then never getting it!
That being said, black dessert (indeed most korean mmos) include the most sadistic form of RNG as an incentive to pay real life money for more RNG chance. This model is so predatory that I find it disgusting. The only pay gateway in a game should be the disk you buy and a subscription to keep using the active servers. Cosmetics and fun things are fine to but any amount of pay2win opens the door to the game being subtley (or blatantly) warped to fit that model and earn more money.
{ insert (many) reasons why i don play it }
In short, i don't see a point in comparing BDO to Ashes of Creation . The only thing that "might" be similar to BDO is the Character Creation and thats it. Combat is still in question, but we'll see how things have unravel with their
Hybrid Action-Combat & Tab-targeting ... in Alpha 0, Alpha 1 or Alpha 2
RNG is a part of MMORPG but there will probably be somethings that fall to RNG, somethings that are set. There will probably be both elements in the game tho probably more RNG factor when it comes to loot.
It won't be Pay to Win or cash grab
Grinding should be engaging and not boring if done right
Check out Ashes of Creation - Known Information for a quick catch up in one location and there are some good resource links in my Signature.
Each character has a large set of skills, some add on to accuracy and damage at far higher levels and provide guard level (protection in the form of highly reduced damage, some only in front or 360 degree). These skills will be spammed. Almost all classes attack in varying types of AOE. there is no incentive for skill in pvp, most players who believed themselves to be skilled are heavily reliant on equipment. Very few ingame actually understand combat and fewer still are good on one character let alone multiple types. Balance is a joke. Some classes are so godlike and newly released ones are not patched for weeks allowing them to steamroll competition with little to no counterplay.
Good pvp and balance (while a difficult goal) is far more important than shiny visuals. Shiny visuals will maintain a mediocre population. Good combat and multiple viable classes in an open pvp world that incentives both PVE centric players and PVP ones will hold a huge population far longer
But it I did like that you had to invest some time to "train" your mount.
This comes from trained building architects and perhaps even landscape architects/designers being involved and working hand in hand through the artists design process.
A similar level of expertise in creating worlds can be seen in the Assassin Creed series. Where a typology and style was established and skillfully pieced together to create a believable world.
Historical reference helped immensely for both of these.
Whilst the style intended for this game is high fantasy, which is not an established real world style, if artists alone are used on this project then the end result will not shine to the full potential.
I would highly recommend bringing in landscape and building architects to help bring sense to the typologies used,create a congerousness of the city planning, layout strategies, massings, path finding, and semiotics to name a few!
The big question and hopes is that they will be able to follow through on all the proposed mechanics so far and there is a lot.
I think they will follow through with enough graphics and game play to be much better than most MMORPG out there.
Drows are often depicted in various skin tones, ranging from light to dark, Obsidian and at times tints of blue and violet. There are so many kinds of elves and skin tones.
But yeah maybe not too much of the cartoonish colors, I think I would prefer slightly realism along with the fantasy not quite anime. Maybe a more realistic light to dark tints of Green, Purple, Blue, Yellow, could be good if it isnt to exaggerated.
So I come a bit midway from your viewpoint.
Substance is faarrrr more important than just shiny graphics. especially in a game in which they talk about large scale combat and sieges. Not one person in those instances will be playing with higher graphic fidelity unless they are running a literal beast of a computer
1. Not pay to win
2. Doesn't feel clunky to play
Graphics don't meant much to me, as long as it plays well and the game play is solid. Which so far it seems like it's going to be.