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What's going to be your main character's primary/first Class



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    Summoner: Necromancer or Enchanter are my tops. 
    Cleric: Templar, Shaman and Scryer
    Bard:  Songcaller, Soul Weaver or Minstrel

    I really need to know more about the Summoner & Bard to decide. 
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    Leaning Rogue for now. But obviously too early to call. 
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    I plan on playing a mage. My second and third account will probably be bard and cleric. Honestly it depends on what my group/guild needs. 
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    Bard 100%. I've missed the class since the early days of EQ. I hope it turns out to be a unique and well thought out class. I remember that it used to take actual skill to "twist" songs to keep effects up in groups. I'm also excited that it's one of the least favored classes in these polls.
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    I'm torn between ranger rogue and summoner. I can't wait to see all of them in action. Right now I'm leaning ranger->falconer

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    going battle mage or spellmancer maybe spell hunter if its anything like the spellslinger from wildstar.
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    i always play something with a pet
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    I am going to be a Cleric - High Priest

    Here is my logic After playing MMO's since late 90's I have varied experiences with all kinds of classes. 

    In pvp, when large or small groups battle it essentially comes down to the fact who has the largest mob.  Think about how the damage is calculated:  All damage is a number, thus when adding more players, increases the number aka you or your target die faster.  Most general players do not have a strategy when faced with a opponent, thus counting on their damage number and familiarity of their skills to literally out-button-smash you aka keystrokes-per-second or advantage of superior gear to enhance their damage number.  Most of the time I have PVP'd it has been general confrontations with little thought in tactics with both myself and target using the accepted optimal gear and rotation.  In addition, for small periods of time some items skills, may be overpowered, but in time with future patches, get averaged to the common player base.     Where healing comes in is that it is a direct counter (mathematically) to the damage numbers created by the opposition.  When both sides of a pvp skirmish have access to the same information, similar gear, classes, become more mainstream than others and pvp ends up a formulaic pre-determined PvP mob vs mob scenario where the mob with the highest combined damage number will win... in most scenario's not including healers.  Mob vs mob where there are little to no tactics and most tactics already known... simply adding another healer to the mob does more to counter the enemy mob's combined damage number over adding another DPS where the dps would be a small percentage increase to one's own group damage number and less likely to change the flow of battle.  In short the number of healers in PvP is key, not the player with the best gear, best damage class, fastest keystrokes-per-second. 

    Most people choose not to be healers, thus healers will generally be more welcomed, more likely to make friends, and be remembered!

    In PvE,   tank and healing classes are the least numerous compared to the many DPS classes available. Killing bosses, difficult enemies, all at some point require having a heal cast on you.  One remembers the player(s) who heal them and save them from dying, not the player with the flashiest flavor weapon of the current patch, which BTW will be replaced next patch, but the healer saving you is consistent throughout the lifetime of the game!

    In guilds,   name a guild who wont deploy PvP or PvE without their favorite healers?

    In patch to patch, expansion to expansion:   The 64 different classes are subject to reevaluation by Intrepid Studio's in the case one class/skill/item is drastically out of balance.  What may be the most powerful may become the most average  class or the average class become dead last and the mediocre class temporarily becomes the best... until patched, but healers tend to be less effected over time, as there are less of them, so beggars cant be choosers as the fact that healing utility remains essential for the game, remains unchanged (despite power fluctuations)

    Im in SoCal (Pacific Time Zone) so any guilds focused on this time zone(too many guilds listed, but not by time zone :/ )

    (BTW - My pic is the traditional nekkid character dance at the end of a successful beta, in this case elder scrolls online.)

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    Im going Warlock like my DandD character!!!!
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    Man the magic classes look to be the popular
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    Tank could be an interesting class to mix and match with.
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    I'm always a mage but I'm thinking a Scion (mage-ranger) or Nightspell (mage-rogue) sounds pretty interesting.
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    Summoner. I plan to try all the subclasses. Why? They said it, the summon is going to be the focus. Not an addon with the summoner casting nukes and/or heals themselves. It's all through the summons.

    Then add in pets at the same time.  <3<3<3<3
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    Either Guardian or Knight but tank all the way 
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    I am still trying to decide what I will play. So many choices  ;)
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited February 2018
    I honestly can't make up my mind!! But once I do, I'm gonna be the best damn whatever, you ever saw!
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    My first class will either be healer with off support or support with off heals depending on what the insanely complex class system looks like. I’m leaning towards healing as I always love that roll in pvp and pve. But being able to buff and debuff seems like it would be really fun. Haven’t played a game yet where that type of role wasn’t an afterthought. 
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    I'm going to be either a warrior mage or a tank mage, I am in alpha though so I'm going to try loads and find out.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited February 2018
    Hmm what do you call for class that can fight between multiple foes or single enemy simultaneously and can self-heal non-critical damage and knock you out into the air, you know survivalist style, for comparsion if you are familiar with Age of Wulin school sects (Clans) like Scholar's Academy with starter kung fu skill set that uses single sword and these skills mentioned above?
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    Strider, Scout or Falconer I think
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    Humans lead to magic magic leads to Summoner and Summoner leads to necromacy 
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    Hmm what do you call for class that can fight between multiple foes or single enemy simultaneously and can self-heal non-critical damage and knock you out into the air, you know survivalist style, for comparsion if you are familiar with Age of Wulin school sects (Clans) like Scholar's Academy with starter kung fu skill set that uses single sword and these skills mentioned above?
    Fighter-cleric which will be called highsword sounds like it will be close to what you want

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    BluJester said:
    As most MMOs are over populated with DPS classes, I was just curious if this community is going the same route. Just trying to see if we can get a feel for what people are interested in.
    Would it balance things out if I am both tank and cleric?
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    I'm really interested in what they are going to do with the Summoner class. I like pets and summons but the idea that each subclass may have different summoned creatures is really appealing to me!
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    Siren (Bard/Tank) for me :)

    Good to see people's class interests ^^ Can't wait to learn more!!!!
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    cultist (rogue/cleric) 

    my original EQ character considered herself the High Priestess of Lord Platinum as a Lightly Armored Warrior Who Prefers To Strike From Behind (LAWWPTSFB for short) but never had any sort of clerical ability to back up her claims of Lord Platinum's divinity. here she will be able to.
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