This is super early to be even thinking about this but I love doing it anyways. Im not doing a poll for this lol.
Anyways what race/classes would you like to see in the future of the game? For me class wise would be Monk,druid, Barbarian (this one would be hard to fit in with the sub classes).
Race wise would be Kitsume its a fox like humanoid people who play pathfinder will know and gnomes or half-lings.
Anyways what race/classes would you like to see in the future of the game? For me class wise would be Monk,druid, Barbarian (this one would be hard to fit in with the sub classes).
Race wise would be Kitsume its a fox like humanoid people who play pathfinder will know and gnomes or half-lings.
The main purpose of my video was to help Intrepid move away from the repetitiveness with some of the class names they chose.
Give my video a watch and let me know what you think!
Maybe a better question would be what new archetype would you like to see added in the future for more mixes.
I really want to be a lich if you cant tell
For me, undead, although not always mindless are inherently vile and unable to follow standard rules of society. So for me, since there are no factions for automatic rivalries, living next door to an undead character would be a sad exercise in ignoring thy neighbor.
I'm not saying don't do it or I g-quit, but if it came to the forums for a vote I would vote no.