Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
cosmetic prices make my face sad :(
I love the cosmetics in the store but sometimes I feel as though the prices are a little too high. of course I know I don't have to buy anything, but I would love to help promote the game in its early stages.
I hope that in the future a skin or pet would be under 20$. if armor skins and pets are going be the same prices as they are now I don't imagine me buying stuff from the store which sucks to say cause I love cosmetics.
I think if some of the skins were more on the lines of 10.00 to 15.00 it would be easier, but this is just me and my opinions.
* A package with cosmetics and alpha / beta options + a few months of subscription
* A PAX dog for 15$
* A PAX dress for 25$
* A PAX ship or a stone (?) for your house (25$ and 10$)
Cosmetics only are fairly priced if you'd ask me. And I'm sure there will be more coming out once the game is 90% done
I have bought full games for less than that.
As long as we get a little variation in price and the occasional sale I don't think these prices are unreasonable (though the cheaper they are the more I can buy so I'm not saying I would mind them being lower).
We also have to weigh that the examples I gave of FFXIV and WoW both also charge for the game and expansions so with Ashes that money being saved could be used to grab a few items from the shop to provide the same level of support as other games demand just to play.
not that the currency conversion works like that but the economy conversion meaning I can buy here with 25$ what you can buy in the US with 75$
A pet skin for $15 and a armor skin for $25 seems reasonable to me and not that pricey.
They also have single weapon skins like the Shield this month for only $5 if you want to contribute to the development and also get a neat shield.
maybe if you buy january's mount skin, you could get something like 20% discount on the second mount skin you want to buy, and then if you buy a second mount skin you get an additional 20% discount on the next for a total of 40% on the third and perharps up to a 50% discount after the third purchase.
same for costume, pet, vehicle, freehold, or accesory.
just a thought that poped into my head when I read @Zainox comment.
This is actually not a bad idea, and would in theory increase the sales of the cosmetics.
I did wonder why Intrepid didn't bundle the cosmetics into a cosmetic only pack, without the game access and Embers. Slap a 10-15% discount on the bundle and people would eat it up.
This is actually not a bad idea, and would in theory increase the sales of the cosmetics.
I did wonder why Intrepid didn't bundle the cosmetics into a cosmetic only pack, without the game access and Embers. Slap a 10-15% discount on the bundle and people would eat it up.
The thing is, I don't NEED to have all the cosmetics like some people do who enjoy collecting. It would be nice if they were a bit cheaper, but hey, Intrepid is a business after all, and they need money. The prices they ate asking are on par with other companies. However, this companies have a game that's already out as well.
So as steep as they are, I can see why, and it doesn't bother me all that much. But again, I'm not a big collector. Maybe Intrepid could think about "budget" cosmetics in the future.
Other games make a cosmetic and its available for years... these are for a month.
Which is awesome how unique and limited they are but that also increases their production cost.
ie. Exclusives.
Exclusive is a dangerous word. It implies you wont get anything like it. Which is counter to the original ethos that steven espoused. Where you would be able to get equivalent stuff in game. Not withstanding you could get awesome stuff in game as well as awesome unique stuff in the cash shop that arent identical.
I will see where this goes with baited breath.
As long as there will be some cool cosmetic stuff in game at launch, and regular future content, I wouldn't be upset about a few exclusive cosmetics to help continue fund the game during its production.
My personal opinion is that as long as Intrepid does not end up selling power, they can sell whatever they want to help make the game better in the long term.
As long as there will be some cool cosmetic stuff in game at launch, and regular future content, I wouldn't be upset about a few exclusive cosmetics to help continue fund the game during its production.
My personal opinion is that as long as Intrepid does not sell power, they can sell whatever they want to help make the game better.
So while 25$ might not mean a lot for an American, It can mean a great deal for player from another part of the world.
Companies are forgetting that their games are global, and that not only Americans are playing.
Or possibly, not forgetting, just not caring. I guess they will sell enough of cosmetics to US players, so who cares about players from other parts of the world.
Well, at least one can dream for something like this. Highly doubt we will see this any time soon.
That would be way to complicated and require a lot of extra work for Intrepid.
Don't worry, Steven has said multiple times that they intend to have cool looking cosmetics as normal in-game rewards.
Intrepid don't want the BDO model where the normal armors look boring, but cash shop stuff looks awesome.
I will be happy to help IS by buying a few cosmetics but i dont want BDO prices. Armor sets were more expensive than a real t-shirt xD.
I hope they ll show us some armor sets before release.
Since Ashes is a Subscription based game, they don't need to lure people into the cash shop, but use the cash shop as a supplementary system to help fund stuff like cosmetics and other cool stuff in the game.
The cosmetics in the cash shop are quite expensive, but you have to realize the time and effort it takes to model them, and then import them into the engine, and Intrepid in the end do want to make some money selling them to fund other part of the game.
Since Ashes is a Subscription based game, they don't need to lure people into the cash shop, but use the cash shop as a supplementary system to help fund stuff like cosmetics and other cool stuff in the game.
The cosmetics in the cash shop are quite expensive, but you have to realize the time and effort it takes to model them, and then import them into the engine, and Intrepid in the end do want to make some money selling them to fund other parts of the game.