Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Press Gangs
As long as games have non-consensual activities, I've always wished they go all out and add a general 'mesmerization' mechanic. I would love to be able to create 'press gangs' of 'thralls' that would harvest for me....
The actual mechanic could be very simple, and very like PVP. Players have a 'willpower' stat that decreases each time another player hits with a 'mesmerization ability'. When your 'willpower' hits 0, you become a 'thrall' to whatever player landed the last hit. Different 'mesmerization' abilities would be based on your level in harvesting, crafting, etc. Gear bonuses and penalties would apply, as would normal combat rules (no logging out 'in combat', no teleporting, etc.). Players would remain a 'thrall' until their 'willpower' regenerated to a certain level, at which point they can try to flee before being 'mesmerized' again...
I think it would be hilarious to watch a group of big burly armored fighters desperately trying to kill a bunch of frail, bespectacled herbalists before they are enthralled and forced to pick flowers!
The actual mechanic could be very simple, and very like PVP. Players have a 'willpower' stat that decreases each time another player hits with a 'mesmerization ability'. When your 'willpower' hits 0, you become a 'thrall' to whatever player landed the last hit. Different 'mesmerization' abilities would be based on your level in harvesting, crafting, etc. Gear bonuses and penalties would apply, as would normal combat rules (no logging out 'in combat', no teleporting, etc.). Players would remain a 'thrall' until their 'willpower' regenerated to a certain level, at which point they can try to flee before being 'mesmerized' again...
I think it would be hilarious to watch a group of big burly armored fighters desperately trying to kill a bunch of frail, bespectacled herbalists before they are enthralled and forced to pick flowers!
There are already tons of people who are up in arms about the fact that they can be attacked anywhere at anytime; I can't even imagine what the uproar would be like if someone could take control of your character and use it as a slave, even if it was only for a few minutes.
If ones ok, why not the other ?
I mean, if you can interrupt me when I'm harvesting, the least you could do is help me make up lost time
Then it was asked how fun it would be to be led around in cuffs, thrown in jail, frozen in carbonite, etc. And it became clear that what was fun for the hunter would be miserable for the bounty.
That still applies. This would be a dumb system to implement because nobody wants to lose the ability to play for any length of time. It would be like getting banned temporarily because of the actions of another player.
And honestly, what sick individual wants to enjoy enslaving other players? Do we really want to encourage that? Does this game want that reputation?
However, having a mechanic that allows you to enslave other characters seems like a really good way to kill a game at launch.
This was mostly just meant to show how open world PVP can seem to players that don't like PVP. However, apparently its ok that PVP is only "fun for the hunter and miserable for the prey" because somehow PVP is 'special'.
Having to waste 5 minutes of my harvesting time whenever someone wanders by and wants to poke me with a stick is no more fun for me, then forcing a PVPer to harvest for 5 minutes would be for them....( I got a kick out of the 'sick person wanting to enslave other players' comment - they seemed not to realize that open world PVP does just that...)
I've got nothing against PVP pe se - give me caravans, contested zones, battlegrounds, areana's, sieges, duels or even old fashioned PVP servers. Just let me decide how I spend my gaming time....
The same way I'd feel if I was 'press ganged' into PVP while trying to pick flowers ?
In RL I feel I would probably be more inclined to be randomly murdered on my way to work (PvP in this case) than I would want to be hitched up to a chain gang (Mesmerized). However, my family would probably find more solace in me being on a chain gang than murdered. Again, not sure why RL was mentioned.
As for the "...sick individual..." comment, I am pretty sure the OP was not suggesting to enslave any actual real person. I'm not sure how sick someone has to be to enslave real people, but as for enslaving fake people (Avatars, since as a player you could still do whatever you wanted outside the game) for 5 minutes I don't think someone would have to be "sick," frustrated maybe...
If simply being "forced" to do something you didn't want to do is your whole argument or point, then I am sorry; If you are playing an online game with other people, eventually you are going to have to do something that you do not want to do. That is what happens when you play with other people. That is what happens every day in real life too because everyone has there own agenda and interacting with someone else will cause your agendas to clash and someone or both people will have to adapt and will end up doing something they didn't plan on.
But the basic point stands - being forced to do something sucks. Whether your forced to fight, flee, or harvest - if its not how you wanted to spend your gaming time, someone else shouldn't be able to 'force' you into it.
The whole 'PVP is different' argument can sound pretty hollow to people that don't like PVP. Either way, someone is interrupting an activity that you wanted to do and making you do something you (possibly) didn't want to do. Put another way, you can interrupt my fun to make me do something you want to do, shouldn't I be able to interrupt your fun to do something I want to do? I know when stated that way, it seems obvious that neither party should be able to 'force' the other, but PVPers seem to forget/overlook that openworld PVP can appear to be exactly that to some players.
P.S. - I honestly can't think of anything other then open world PVP another player can force you to do ? Play an alt during a raid ? you can choose not to go on the raid.. Pay dues to a guild ? you can choose not to be in the guild. I'm honestly curious what other 'forced' actions you can think of ?
Also, for some, a 'social' game means playing and interacting with their friends and guildmates, not having to deal with potentially every person that wanders thru the area.
I typically turn off 'zone' or 'general' chat for this reason. I have little interest in most of the gossip. However, I use guild and party chat extensively to chat with friends.
I expect there to be consequences to choosing to do/not do certain things. For example, if I choose not to pvp, I expect not to get PVP achievements. Or I lose access to mats from contested world bosses, or rare nodes. Point is, some people want to CHOOSE those things themselves, not have the choice made for them.
What I find really fascinating though, is the extent people will go to, to 'justify' openworld PVP. Generally, these things get resolved in a 'play how you want' manner. For instance, RP'ers don't generally demand everyone RP (unless your on a RP only server), crafters dont generally demand you craft (heh - actually, don't craft! then I can charge more!). But for some reason PVP is 'special'. Its interesting.
As for 'excitement' - sometimes I want to go harvest in dangerous areas for special mats or whatever. Other times, I just want to grind out some basic mats for my dailies. Sometimes I just want to fish and relax. Personally, I'm not a fan of looking over my shoulder all the time. But, to each his own.
I can see how pvp would make casual crafting and gathering a lot more stressful but I imagine some of lower level areas arent as hotly contested. I just don't think you can have a healthy economy without open world pvp. I do agree that they need to iron the hell out of this before launch or it's going to be a bloodbath that no casual wants to play and that would be sad! I trust IS to figure it out though!
Yeah, I'd love to see the decision to be a crafter have real impact on your character's skills and advancement.
I also LOVE the caravan idea. I'm looking forward to NPC guarding most crap, but going in person when I have an extra special delivery to make!! I loved running packs in ArcheAge for the same reason... Get a big guild ship full of packs, and its all hands on deck to defend it!
Exploring/Crafting/Harvesting are my favorite things in MMOS!
My girlfriend loves farming/husbandry - she's really hoping you'll be
able to breed mounts and stuff...
And no, you cannot always choose who you interact with. That is not how social or online games work, especially not Massively Multiplayer Online Games. You will be forced to interact with a wide assortment of people, most of which will be people you have never met before because there will be up to ten thousand people on your server.