Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.




  • The stat reduction is not going to go away. Since death exp debt doesn't delevel you, we already had our best and brightest gankers let us know last year that being max level would have no consequences on them. They would eat years of exp grind back if there was no penalty to their effectiveness. The plain fact that you don't like it, and are already upset by it, means that it is working. As so many have pointed out, you want to polish your epeen, stick to sanctioned pvp that there is plenty of. The "they were in mah resource patch!!!" argument is sad and tired and is not winning you any converts.
    You literally do not know any of that though. Corruption would be causing ineffectiveness to all forms of combat. I don't see any game implementing a punishment where players become so ineffective at combat that they are forced to not participate in anything. Now if they die with that on them, that's one thing. To increasingly become more ineffective with more corruption to the point that can no longer do anything without dying though? I could easily just go find someone who may be farming a resource, continuously try to steal it and probably die in the process as they defend it. Not fight back, give them corruption until they can no longer effectively be there and have it all for myself. Send single people in against groups to get them corrupted enough that they are ineffective in that area. Send in a few drones to disrupt a raid so that you don't have people at 100% strength fighting, etc. 

    Meanwhile if someone is just killing people over and over in the same area. 1. you probably would reconsider leaving 2. They would build enough corruption that they would get a bounty on them and the death penalty would outweigh the risk of staying in that area. Thus having the corruption do it's job effectively. 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018

    You could easily exploit corrupting people intentionally to the point that you corrupt them for you advantage. What if there's a raid of 40 people setting up and you keep sending in a death squad of a few people to interrupt their planning, you won't engage all of them, corrupting them to the point they won't be effective. Same for group, solo, etc.. 
    If you send in a small " death squad" against the target of the raid all the raid would have to do is wait a few moments for you to wipe so the boss resets, giving the raid the green light to begin. If the death squad was to run into the fight then the only thing killing them would be the attacks from the raid boss and associated minions.

    By design you can only engage non combatants by taking deliberate action such as:

    Flaging up beforehand.
    Initiating combat with a focused attack.
    Supporting someone engaged against a non combatant with any kind of heal/support skill.

    Splash damage wont engage non combatants. 
  • As for the issue of a ganker getting around the corruption system by dealing 90% damage to a non combatant only to have a mob be it already in battle with the non combatant or brought in to deal the last few blows to kill.

    This could be easily delt with by implementing a cooldown period where if the death of the non combatant happens by any means inside the time period of the cooldown then the normal application of corruption would apply to the ganker.
    Furthermore because the final blow was not delt by the ganker they would not recive any loot drop off the non combatant.
  • Plz delete

    Its never that easy im afraid ^^
  • nagash said:
    Its never that easy im afraid ^^

    The thing is, it's way too easy to repeat the same things over and over instead of researching for real facts, or even try to comprehend them.     Some people seem to live in an alternative universe and expect others to follow them.  

        .......................Hear that echo?
  • I don't have enough information yet to speculate or have an opinion. I've done some reading in the threads here and on the wiki and I'm not totally sure I'm understanding things, but I'd like to ask a couple simple-ish questions.

    If I'm napping under a tree in a Hunting Grounds after happily gathering wild flowers (afk, non-combatant) and some sad skippy just can't help it and attacks me, do I default to non-combatant if I'm not there at that moment to choose?

    And if I wake up just in time and decide I'd rather go home for tea than fight (non-combatant, but not afk), I can run away, right? I don't have to stand there and get killed, right?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018
    Starfall said:
    I don't have enough information yet to speculate or have an opinion. I've done some reading in the threads here and on the wiki and I'm not totally sure I'm understanding things, but I'd like to ask a couple simple-ish questions.

    If I'm napping under a tree in a Hunting Grounds after happily gathering wild flowers (afk, non-combatant) and some sad skippy just can't help it and attacks me, do I default to non-combatant if I'm not there at that moment to choose?

    And if I wake up just in time and decide I'd rather go home for tea than fight (non-combatant, but not afk), I can run away, right? I don't have to stand there and get killed, right?
    Everyone is flagged "green" by default. Active choices change that to either "purple" or "red". You could be totally afk and someone kill you and they would take the corruption hit. Or you could run away. If you get away, nothing happens. If you don't make it before dying, then they take the corruption hit. As long as you don't target them back with a single target ability, you don't flag. When you enter certain areas like the "bubble" around a caravan you will have a choice of Attack, Defend, or Ignore. Don't feel like pvping, just hit Ignore. There are a few instances where you are auto-flagged purple to certain individuals, guild wars, node declaration siege that you are a citizen of (you are flagged as a citizen cause everyone must help defend) and probably a couple others I am forgetting atm. But in general it is always an active choice.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018
    Ok, excellent! Thank you very much, @UnknownSystemError .
    So it sounds like I can use any skills, items, potions, etc. that do not target the combatant player(s) in order to escape. Is that correct?
  • Starfall said:
    Ok, excellent! Thank you very much, @UnknownSystemError .
    So it sounds like I can use any skills, items, potions, etc. that do not target the combatant player(s) in order to escape. Is that correct?
    Probably not. I believe they said healing will make you a combatant and if you healed someone in a fight that they won it could make you a corrupted. At least that's what I read on discord, but it would make sense as it would just mean having a super strong healer go around and continuously healer lower level players without punishment. So if healing is putting you into combat then using skills, items and potions may result in it too. Is it a healing potion? Then maybe.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018
    The healing flagging you is if you heal someone who is flagged combatant, you will become a combatant. If you are just healing yourself, you would not change your flagging state. You heal someone purple, you become purple. You heal someone green, you stay green. If you are purple and you heal someone green, they do not become purple. I would be careful healing green people while purple however, since most likely under the system they could then attack you and become purple. (needs clarification and testing)
  • I think removing the effectiveness of you combat penalty in corrupted needs to go. That's easily abuseable. Everything else can stay as they're good penalties while still allowing freedom to do what you want. But you shouldn't lose your effectiveness to fight as a corrupted. You already gain harsher death penalties, more chance to lose items and you are on everyone's map for bounty hunters, which in itself is the most detrimental penalty. 
    That combat penalty in a way makes Bounty Hunting not worth it.  There is no thrill of the chase and the satisfaction of taking down that "bad" guy.  You just turn bounty hunters into public trash collectors.

    I get the idea around the system, why it's there but at the end of the day I fear it will get exploited in someway.  Griefing, ganking, and PvP should be separate entities and not categorized as just "PvP".  Their specific meanings can be loosely used and are misused often.  Even though the terms griefing and ganking are a form of PvP they should not be used when talking about PvP as a whole.

    I also enjoy a full PvP system minus the whole looting of corpses.  I don't particularly engage in griefing players unless they stubbornly continue to return to the rotation or area I am hunting in.  I only gank other players that are grinding or hunting mobs in the same area as me if they are of a rival guild, faction or some other personal vindication I have for this player due to possibly previous encounters.  I try maintain a sense of rationality when it comes to PvP outside battlegrounds or other organized PvP.  I tend to avoid it if possible but alas players tend to find ways to use systems built to protect them to carry out their own form of griefing or ganking.  Hopefully, with thorough testing Intrepid will find those holes and fix them appropriately.

    There has to be a way to allow players to carry out villainous acts, knowing the consequences and possible rewards (via a dark faction?) so that the bounty hunter system is worth implementing without destroying the player's experience.  It's going to be tough but I have faith.
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