Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Meanwhile if someone is just killing people over and over in the same area. 1. you probably would reconsider leaving 2. They would build enough corruption that they would get a bounty on them and the death penalty would outweigh the risk of staying in that area. Thus having the corruption do it's job effectively.
By design you can only engage non combatants by taking deliberate action such as:
Flaging up beforehand.
Initiating combat with a focused attack.
Supporting someone engaged against a non combatant with any kind of heal/support skill.
Splash damage wont engage non combatants.
This could be easily delt with by implementing a cooldown period where if the death of the non combatant happens by any means inside the time period of the cooldown then the normal application of corruption would apply to the ganker.
Furthermore because the final blow was not delt by the ganker they would not recive any loot drop off the non combatant.
.......................Hear that echo?
I get the idea around the system, why it's there but at the end of the day I fear it will get exploited in someway. Griefing, ganking, and PvP should be separate entities and not categorized as just "PvP". Their specific meanings can be loosely used and are misused often. Even though the terms griefing and ganking are a form of PvP they should not be used when talking about PvP as a whole.
I also enjoy a full PvP system minus the whole looting of corpses. I don't particularly engage in griefing players unless they stubbornly continue to return to the rotation or area I am hunting in. I only gank other players that are grinding or hunting mobs in the same area as me if they are of a rival guild, faction or some other personal vindication I have for this player due to possibly previous encounters. I try maintain a sense of rationality when it comes to PvP outside battlegrounds or other organized PvP. I tend to avoid it if possible but alas players tend to find ways to use systems built to protect them to carry out their own form of griefing or ganking. Hopefully, with thorough testing Intrepid will find those holes and fix them appropriately.
There has to be a way to allow players to carry out villainous acts, knowing the consequences and possible rewards (via a dark faction?) so that the bounty hunter system is worth implementing without destroying the player's experience. It's going to be tough but I have faith.