Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
It was stated early on that Ashes open world PvP would be a flagged PvP system. Has this changed? If so Im out. I see a vical minority wanting full drop pvp, and complaining about corruption.
SWG was flagged PvP and some of the funnest PvP ive ever experienced, while Archeage was open PvP and by far the worst. Please do nit doom the game to failure by removing the mentioned flag system for an open pvp with "consequences" as we have seen every time fails specracularly.
SWG was flagged PvP and some of the funnest PvP ive ever experienced, while Archeage was open PvP and by far the worst. Please do nit doom the game to failure by removing the mentioned flag system for an open pvp with "consequences" as we have seen every time fails specracularly.
Read about current knowledge HERE:
Read best thread discussion HERE:
Fake news. This system isn't new or innovative. Go look into Lineage 2, its some 15 years old, but almost a verbatim of the AoC system. Works great, anyone who is complaining just hasn't educated themselves yet.
Open World PvP and this system gives roques and nukers a class advantage if you will without making them OP.
A good warrior will turn around and fight and win. A tank will laugh at the attempt and end up being the chaser. Rogues themselves if attacked they can confuse the mobs to avoid agro, use shadow tactics and go on the offence.
The corruption system is basically this:
If attacked fight back and win.
Or, dont fight back and let the aggressor pay huge consequences for killing you.
Everybody in the area will go after him so that they can LOOT HIS GEAR upon his death.
In my group we have a stoner. He kills random players at times causing our whole group to have to look after him instead of progressing. He gets yelled at big times.
I have killed players at times. My heart beat goes up like crazy until I get rid of corruption. If I log out corrupted I dont log back in for a day unless a friend tells me it's clear to log in.
Corrupted players are in such a hurry to get rid of their status that make mistakes and end up dying to players or mobs, LOSING GEAR.
People should stop being so fragile and week. "Eeeeew the whole world is trying to hurt meeee". How can you live like that?
The only thing that might come out as less of a deterrent is if less actual gear drops from corrupted players than does in Lineage.
Other than that, I agree that dying in unexpected PVP isn't really as bad as some let it feel like it is. That is, though, really a subjective opinion and not my right to expect others to agree to.
It discourages random killing. When I say random killing I do mean that, and not random pvp in the open world. Slap someone a few times, and if the don't fight back move on. If they do fight back, well there's your open pvp.
Killing people who don't want pvp is griefing, and so is choosing to not fight back, corrupting the other player if they decide to kill you.
Further more, I must argue that the best PvP is PvP that has a meaningful purpose and goals beside random killing and the self inflated egotistical idea that someone is the best because they can kill an unsuspecting person.
I think its smart to have a system like that to avoid griefing but I really hope there will be an area(s) like wilderness in runescape.
If you just mean areas for pvp, castle/node sieges and caravans will auto flag you as combatants.
E.g. You kill someone stealing your spot refusing combat, youre corrupted.
Another player comes, you defend and have even more corruption.
The first person you killed is back by now, even more corruption.
Now bountry hunters come and kill you and you drop your sword? gg
I saw once suggestion where you would register to the spot you're grinding and then someone could kill you free of corruption to steal your spot but you could kill whomever stealing your resources w/o corruption.
When someone knows the spot is takien and theyre still collecting they know they are stealing.
Just like the corruption in most scenarios is to punish player for doing morally wrong.
It most certainly should not be in the game. You get increased death penalty the more corrupt you become, you lose more resources when you die and you are displayed on a map for everyone to see and on top of that it'll take several deaths or time wasting quest to remove it. Your ability to fight should not be compromised. You could easily exploit corrupting people intentionally to the point that you corrupt them for you advantage. What if there's a raid of 40 people setting up and you keep sending in a death squad of a few people to interrupt their planning, you won't engage all of them, corrupting them to the point they won't be effective. Same for group, solo, etc..
There's plenty of penalty on a corrupted. Losing effectiveness in combat should not be one, and honestly I'd be surprised if that ever makes it to the game.
It seems to me that a person's ability to fight being compromised is a great way to deter unsolicited PvP. The ganker just might think twice before hitting another person. Let's face it, players can craft or buy multiple sets of armor if they so wish to take a chance at wasting valuable resources. Or maybe they feel powerful enough to not wear anything but low level armor. Also to be honest why would he carry any valuable resources to be lost? Gankers care more about aggravating others, not meaningful PvP. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions. As it is the person they attack must suffer for an act that they wanted no part of.
Ashes is being developed as a PvX game with encouragement of MEANINGFUL PvP and community involvement. Trying to discourage ganking and harassing of single players is needed in order to bring both PvP and PvE players together.
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