Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
You can buy this outfit for $$$ and sell it to players for Gold.
You can buy XP boost for $$$
You can buy Expansion for $$$ and sell it to players for Gold. (Looking at you Eso.)
You can buy armor for $$$
You can bride devs and get boosted Stats.
Giving a mount to supporters is not P2W. Before you know it you will have a selection of ridiculous mounts for your self.
If you believe that players having a mount will give them an edge you are deluded.
Players will surpass you because of their groups, skill, time devotion. Not because of a free mount.
Now if the players receive a boat/tent that's like a few hours activity if not less.
This game shows nothing P2W at the moment.
It is subscription based.
Plenty of us who do our research, just like you (Gen X I assume)
cause the disco kids of the 70s were a hard working bunch.
cause the metal heads of the 80s were a hard working bunch.
cause the grunge kids of the 90s were a hard working bunch.
cause the hip hop kids of the 00s were a hard working bunch.
Pro tip: people are lazy. Generalizing them based off age is lazy as well.
I would love a new mmo and this looks very promising, but I also have been burned and don't have the time to research all the mmo's out there.
As a newcomer here I went into this thread wondering myself and while I did get all worries about p2w put down, I also saw a community that does not give the benefit of the doubt to a newcomer but would rather just be rude, dismissive and non-inclusive.
I hope this game do well because it looks good and I will probably play it, but not because of the community represented here on the forums.
If someone asks a question and you think it's dumb or a troll or something else, just ignore it, even if it is a troll, you just feed it by answering...
Anyways have a good weekend.
The question was designed to get an untrue answer by presuming that the stated conditions within the question are true. But they are not. People have been "not researching games" since there have been games. This is not new. People have much the same behaviors in each generation.
Full respect back. Just calling it like I see it.
Regular patience is failing in this case here. Other things are failing for other subjects. Not unexpected and I myself have fallen into it occasionally.
You can expect everyone to do those things like "research". I don't think that you are going to get it all that often. The worst that sensationalists do is spread misinformation which can easily be countered which becomes a chance for "corrected" publicity.
So no, misinformation isn't easy to counter. And sensationalized BS is the worst kind. People have every right to react to it with frustration.
An innocent new person who is simply trying to gather information might consider being more polite in how they ask, but they might not think of all the subtleties of how their question might impact the community. So, to the original poster, I do sincerely hope you feel your question was answered, and if not, I strongly recommend checking out the community wikis! There are some truly amazing people in this community that spend time on getting us details to fuel our hype. My favorite wiki is , but there are some pretty awesome up and coming ones like as well. If you pop into the Ashes discord, there is a section for community sites.
I know it's a lot to research every game that comes out, but I genuinely feel that you will not be disappointed with Ashes of Creation, and looking into these details will totally pay off. When you do, it will be great to have you aboard the hype train!
Now, if the subs nosedive and things get a little dicey we've seen what's happened before BUT that is not the model and not the plan.