Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Who else is now disappointed with IS?

Are we headed towards a repeat of Fortnite?


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    I grew bored of Cosmetics and Apoc so i've gone back to writing my books. I think i will check in on the game again in A1P2 or A2 to see how it has progressed. Plenty of time to get a refund before game launches if the game isn't as stated. I see little reason to belittle the progress and appreciate backend systems must come first but there are others who are happier with Apoc than me and i do not want to sour enthusiasm overall.
  • Definitely Fortnite-styled monetization within Apocalypse. I am more concerned with how those items will work in the MMO when they transfer over. Like Peon asked about, there definitely needs to be some restrictions, level or otherwise, to prevent a bunch of low levels running around with insane cosmetics.
  • No Fortnite v2.0 please.
  • Never been a big fan of skins in an mmo but as long as we get a good final product without p2w i don't care much for their monetization strats. I can understand the issue with noobs running around looking like gods but we all start somewhere similar. While i would prefer something to match the surroundings, this is a high fantasy genre and the story goes as we all come as heroes so everyone pretty much has the right to join the game wearing some bling. Might be a visual eyesore to start but as time progresses, everyone will start looking good eventually.
  • I'm sorry, where is the "monetization" in Apocalypse?
    I'm not going to say it's not there, just that I haven't found it.
  • There is no monetization inside Apoc. The issue for me is we are meant to be testing action combat but the combat in the MMO wont resemble anything like the combat in the BR. I spend a lot of time just running around trying to find people to fight in the BR so it isn't even entertaining. I have helped to test the systems and sometimes just log in and go AFK until i have to test the systems for the next game of BR. The reason why i think this is not conducive for anyones time is because i cannot critique the combat in the BR when i know the MMO combat will be different. Unless we will only have 100 Health in the MMO and the Armour is merely a % increase in which case i should be able to critique the combat which i highly doubt at this stage. There are issues that have arisen and i have given feedback on these issues (Hitbox issues and stability issues) So i feel i have provided support in the tests i've done so far and do not want the cosmetics we can potentially earn by completing Quests and testing for longer durations. I am happy other people seek cosmetics and want to purchase cosmetics but i am the sort of guy that likes to earn my armour in game. This is why i am backing out of spot tests and waiting to see what comes along. I appreciate the hard work put in so far and consider progress to be solid so it isn't like i will be missed.
  • @Abasole
    Your response makes perfect sense, and from your perspective I 100% agree. The only reassurance I can give is that, for those who do solely action combat in the MMO will appreciate (rather they know it or not) all of us who have tested the system.

    Personally I am glad they are focusing on combat, not because I actually care, but because many here really do. I would be happier testing quest chains and tab-target myself and look forward to those opportunities.

    I also agree with the cosmetics, as I usually pick one I like and keep it for a long time, those earned in the BR/Apocalypse setting(s) don't do me much good compared to the ones I have purchased. I look forward to finding my first skin in the game, even if it's 'farmer rags.'
  • I haven't heard 1 good thing about Apocalypse and based on everyones reaction on twitch...not a single person was happy with the announcement or anything else. I just see absolutely no reason for it at all. There wasn't a single positive thing said in twitch chat or anyone really backing the decision of Apocalypse in general. The more they talk about and focus on Apocalypse the more I see people losing interest in the game. And what's worse was they created it because, "People were confused about the testing"....yeah, and this decision was supposed to alleviate that? Apocalypse imo is a clusterfuck. It shouldn't exist. 
  • I think that Horde mode will pique my interest. I just hope there will be others who will test it alongside me. Most people want the castle sieges. I am more intrigued by the PvE elements in the Horde mode though i will test castle sieges when i can. I think the Legendary Path pack isn't for me but i do want to assist Intrepid with the systems overall. Just because i don't like a particular mode doesn't mean the mode is pointless. The sooner we can get through the backend system tests the quicker we can go on to spine testing. The future looks bright but the path has shadows along it.
  • It doesn't surprise me that an MMO community isn't thrilled about getting a BR, even if the developers claim the only purpose for the BR is to collect data for the final mmo product.
    At this point I just want to get the Castle Siege phase of testing so I can at least test something that will resemble an actual element of the MMO.
  • @McKnightrider
    In some ways I do agree with you. Since the KS ended there has been multiple times IS has used word-smithing to justify their actions when the community speaks up. In the case of Apocalypse I think overall their goal was to test, show the community that combat is a focus, and allow as many of their devoted fans in as they could.

    In the end however, re-naming it appears to give the impression they are focusing on Apocalypse as some sort of separate entity not tied to the game. While in some aspects that is true, in the end they are accomplishing stress-testing and combat testing.

    I won't lie, I do hope Apocalypse goes away once the next stage of testing begins but that doesn't sound like the plan. Mostly because, imo, if they carry this mode all the way to release they could be easily pressured into keeping as a permanent game mode. In which case your concerns are accurate as they would be focusing Ashes resources elsewhere. Nobody, that I am aware of, signed up for that when they backed/donated to IS.
  • they confirmed on yesterday's live stream that Apocalypse will stay as it's own standalone game post-release.
  • Santy182 said:
    they confirmed on yesterday's live stream that Apocalypse will stay as it's own standalone game post-release.
    Which no one wanted, which no one backed. All of twitch chat was extremely negative on everything revealed for apocalypse, even the cosmetics. So many people were among why there were so many cosmetics? And now intrepid is completely ignoring the negative outcry of apocalypse... which has been a major diss at all other MMORPG developers. Disregard and ignoring their players. They used some guise that people were confused about the battle royal and testing phase sp they created apocalypse.... WHICH IS X100 MORE CONFUSING FOR PEOPLE! 

    Not only that, but there's no reason to have the BR once siege mode is available. In fact, getting rid of the BR would be the best thing for intrepid right now. 
  • Yeah keeping the BR is a useless mistake.  I have no idea why IS would do that unless they think that getting rid of it is a waste of resources.  But in that case, making it in the first place was a waste of resources.

    This is just flat-out stupid.  Let’s develop and maintain something nobody wants and has nothing to do with what anyone supported and paid for.  Come on Intrepid, make your damn game before deciding to make something else.  They’re like a kid with ADD who can’t get their homework finished. :(
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    So they should delete a thing they made for testing because there are some people who don't like it? You realize how shitty and wasteful that sounds right? If people stop playing it and the servers are just collecting dust then maybe but deleting the thing that is helping them get early data and develop the game would be a huge waste.

    Anyone who has been in the tests knows they have made major improvements to it's performance, improvements that will transfer to the MMO. Deleting it would be stupid. I see people freaking out because they think it's taking development resources away from the MMO but it really hasn't. Beyond someone spending maybe a week or 2 making the quest/exp system, all they have done is improving it's performance and importing new models. Both of these things are also for MMO, especially the performance improvements(which is the BR's purpose).

    I'd understand outcry if they were wasting time adding new abilities didn't utilize new mechanics and/or a bunch of BR unique mechanics, but their not. They haven't even added a new weapon or armor piece.
  • Calm down guys. Not everyone is against it.
    Just because the people who don't like it are the loudest doesn't mean the whole community doesn't like it.

    I myself am not a huge fan of BRs.
    But they have already made this game mode (with minimal development resources). It doesn't make sense to scrap something you already have.
    Maybe some people will like BR in the F2P Apocalypse and this will give IS testing data to improve the game.
  • Not disappointed at all, and frankly I don’t see a reason to be.
  • if it makes money IS will keep it going. sadly thats how the world works
  • I'm not worried but in all fairness, BR is something a large group of people seem to dislike and it's sole purpose was to test action combat. Once siege comes out, BR's only reason of existence is for lore purposes. I think they could please a lot of angry people if BR was removed once siege comes out. The only downside being that BR is the "Thing" now and it probably has done a lot for them in terms of advertising the game and that will no longer be there once removed.

    Personally really looking forward to siege and horde mode myself. Not a fan of BR but i'll respect the decision to keep it around
  • the horde mode better bloody have undead ^^
  • Well, @Nagash, we want them to make money.  If they make money then they keep AoC online and improving. 
  • I'm perfectly fine with progress so far and won't give much credence to something some random said in Twitch chat anyway. I mean people were raving about Apocalypse like mad men and then as soon as they learned there were skins to earn just as many of them flipped a 180 and praised Intrepid's name. One loses all credibility for an argument when they show themself as so fickle, because no one with any sense will take their opinion as worth the time to consider.

    I can also recall seeing OP's name at several parts of the stream and based on their responses and this thread I can confidently say they have not done much research into the production of Ashes.

    Not to mention that Steven sat there and said there was a stream on MMO stuff next week (ya'll should feel lucky we're getting two streams in one month) while being unable to see the chat's demands. We're fine. The man knows what game he's building. And it's not Fortnite.

    @nagash I wouldnt even bother, mate. This one ain't worth your time, me thinks :wink:
  • TauTau said:
    Well, @Nagash, we want them to make money.  If they make money then they keep AoC online and improving. 
    I agree but it more a statement on gamer and game companies these days

    @CptBrownBeard im going to play horde mode anyway but I want to see all the fallen people come back as undead ^^
  • nagash said:
    TauTau said:
    Well, @Nagash, we want them to make money.  If they make money then they keep AoC online and improving. 
    I agree but it more a statement on gamer and game companies these days

    @CptBrownBeard im going to play horde mode anyway but I want to see all the fallen people come back as undead ^^
    Oops. Looks like you posted for real before mine went through. I meant it for in case you came by to say what you normally do about these troll-like threads. Horde morde does sound interesting, though and I think it would make sense to use undead for it.
  • It's healthy for AoC to get the apocalypse mode open and active for the ultimate MMO launch.  The Legendary Path is a fantastic idea for content and satisfaction of players.  Not only will AoC draw in a larger fan base, but they will receive funds, furthering the quality of the MMO.  The data collected through Apocalypse will provide insight for the development team, which will in turn be used toward making the MMO even better, which is what all want.  I hear people saying wacky shit and comparing AoC to failing/failed games over this move, but in a totally objective spot-light, this is a fantastic idea.
  • I was about to make a post similar to this so I'll just add to this one.
    My concern/worry is that Ashes will go the route of Fortnite. Fortnite was originally released as a PvE 4 player base builder zombie defender thing. No one cares about that game mode anymore, near as I could tell BR was added onto Fortnite as a whim/experiment and it worked, and all resources from Epic went into Fortnite BR and not into PVE.
    I am worried Ashes will go the same route, for some reason BRs are super popular and it would be easy to just let Ashes fall by the wayside because Apoc is bringing in money. That is my concern, that is my frustration. If you notice on the home page we even have a brand new link to Apoc. I didn't back a possible BR game, I backed an MMO and that's what I want to play.
  • @Ursine I totally agree with your thought on this, but the reason I'm not worried is because there's no way the MMO will be a lesser appeal then that of the BR mode, while Fortnite was the contrary.  Ashes Of Creation is built around this long awaited MMO that so many of us are waiting for and excited for, the content in this MMO is on another level then that of the Fortnites PvE its not even comparable, Fortnite wasn't really anything special, and it was merely the BR that brought the game it's popularity because it had unique aspects that the gaming community hadn't seen before, Fortnite's PvE is nothing special, at all, and so that's why the BR was successful because it is specially unique.  The opposite will be true for AoC, the BR is really nothing special at this point but it is fun and enjoyable, while the MMO is everything weve all wanted/been waiting for.
  • For those of us who are potato growers, explorers, town builders, blacksmith scientists and other PvE focused enthusiasts, the BR might just be a good thing.  Why?  It will draw off the interest of those players who get their jollies griefing others.  If a bunch of those types go to BR/Apoc and leave the main AoC alone, that is just fine by me!
  • lollolkoko said: hi
    Definitely Fortnite-styled monetization within Apocalypse. I am more concerned with how those items will work in the MMO when they transfer over. Like Peon asked about, there definitely needs to be some restrictions, level or otherwise, to prevent a bunch of low levels running around with insane cosmetics.
    It was mentioned in the stream that there will be level caps for cosmetics 
  • Coming from the perspective of someone who plays healers generally, BR combat is not my cup of tea. I get wrecked pretty much the minute I enter combat lol.

    I'm not a fan of BRs in general, and APOC isn't an exception. However, this is a testing environment and I'm happy to help test. As this is a testing environment, I'm here to get to work, not to have fun. If I happen to have fun while testing, alls the better. But that isn't my expectation. Not at this stage.

    If this is going to end up some Fornite 2.0 BS I will abandon ship so fast it won't even be funny. I'm not here for a BR. I'm here for testing functions of a sandbox PvX hybrid action/tab MMO.

    So far, that is exactly what we've seen, and so far, that is exactly what they've done. As long as our end goal stays true, I'm happy with where we're going. I'll take all kinds of bumpy terrain along the way.
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