Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.




  • shothishothi Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2019
    Would like to see a sport fishing type mini game for fishing. no afk fishing.
    Make the fish themselves worth while, either used for oil's for Scribing scrolls or for potions / rare cooking recipes.
    Trophy fishing or fishing events should occur also.

    Fishing on the high seas promote sea conflict if the value of those lil guys are good. could also make the areas that you have to travel for the good fish more dangerous.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    shothi wrote: »
    Make the fish themselves worth while, either used for oil's for Scribing scrolls or for potions / rare cooking recipes.
    Trophy fishing or fishing events should occur also.

    Fishing on the high seas promote sea conflict if the value of those lil guys are good.

    It would be nice, if the farther you are out on the high-sea, the better or more unique is the catch. Maybe fish a shark to the surface and then you actually have to kill it. That would bring in so many possibilities for sea oriented nodes!
  • beardobeardo Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    I never understand why people like fishing so much.. I hate it.. They give you a boring way to get fish and fish are almost worthless.. I only leveled it in WoW just to get the bar full or help leveling cooking.. I’m curious though was there ever a game where the fish had a lot of worth? I preferred the whole afk fishing thing but I really hated seeing a 1000 players at the beach like a pile of bots pretty much. The only fishing I liked in a game was Terraria and Zelda Ocarina of Time.. where even though terrarias was boring as hell it had a quest to go legendary fish at a certain spot and was more rewarding with crates of goods you could use and the quest rewards weren’t that bad either.. Ocarina of time had some fun fishing wasn’t as rewarding but it’s almost a guarantee that that sort of fishing won’t be in an mmo lol.
  • otivehtotiveht Member, Settler, Kickstarter, Alpha Two
    I enjoy fishing in games that is rewarding, relaxing, not super engaging, but yet important to the economy.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Fishing was pretty important in WoW classic for an example! It was an easy thing to do in you downtime and yiu could always use it for food.
  • AmistAmist Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Gaeleath wrote: »
    Fishing in MMO's.

    I hope they create 2 stages of fishing.
    Stage 1: Semi-afk bait fishing.
    Stage 2: Interactive fun fishing.

    That could potentially come into play via the naval system. Like if you fish on the shore, you might be able to go into "afk" fishing mode (maybe like bdo?), but when you enter the seas the fishing experience becomes a lot more difficult.

    Perhaps it could also have something to do with the knowledge gathered in different areas that contain water filled with fishes. Maybe if I have spent a lot of time fishing in a certain area, it will over time become easier and eventually, I'll be able to just afk fish? Idk, just a thought
  • T ElfT Elf Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2019
    I did like in the BDO system you "learned" new fish and tidbits about them, how you grew your encyclopedia.
    I liked in EQ how you'd pull up not just fish but other objects.
    I like the concept in Ashes that fish can be used for several crafts and can also be sold for coin (as in several games).

    I'm hoping that there is the more casual fishing that isn't too difficult and sort of relaxing to do where you can chat with people, and then the more "sports" fishing style.
    Formerly T-Elf

  • LyiatLyiat Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I'll admit, I absolutely loved the fishing in ArchAge and I hope the fishing we end up with is comparable. I wasted a lot of my time doing that whenever I could, and skirmishing with people who tried to steal my or other's fish.
  • KarthosKarthos Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Lyiat wrote: »
    I'll admit, I absolutely loved the fishing in ArchAge and I hope the fishing we end up with is comparable. I wasted a lot of my time doing that whenever I could, and skirmishing with people who tried to steal my or other's fish.

    I loved taking people's fish in Archeage ;)
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    Hello all;) wish list for fishing:
    *Be able to change into a little kid (not a teen) version to go fishing. It is more fun as a kid than adult when go fishing.
    *Best to have players to go search for an unusual random hint/sign spawn in the water to have a chance for a fish bite. It is boring and easy for people to run bots if they can just fish at the water without searching for some kinda hint of fish going in the water.
    *Please let the big hard to catch fish drag the fishing kids all over the place, while he or she try to reel it in:)
    *Please create a good fishing market. It is a boring game, if what we spend time and effort end up dropping on the ground, because they ain't worth much to sell.
    FishOn;) thanks
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    *oh, please don't make me tap the button like crazy to drain the fish health. It hurt my finger after a while.
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    I think one of the way to prevent bot fishing is to create a random spawn, unspecific locations in the water of fish activity. Fishermen have to go search for them to fish. The spawn will move to a new unspecific location when it all fished up.
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    beardo wrote: »
    I never understand why people like fishing so much.. I hate it.. They give you a boring way to get fish and fish are almost worthless.. I only leveled it in WoW just to get the bar full or help leveling cooking.. I’m curious though was there ever a game where the fish had a lot of worth? I preferred the whole afk fishing thing but I really hated seeing a 1000 players at the beach like a pile of bots pretty much. The only fishing I liked in a game was Terraria and Zelda Ocarina of Time.. where even though terrarias was boring as hell it had a quest to go legendary fish at a certain spot and was more rewarding with crates of goods you could use and the quest rewards weren’t that bad either.. Ocarina of time had some fun fishing wasn’t as rewarding but it’s almost a guarantee that that sort of fishing won’t be in an mmo lol.

    To me bots kill the market, and kill the fun from real players. Bots can easy under cut the market price, which real players can't compete .
  • burnthefernburnthefern Member, Settler, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hoping fishing is complex and very engaging. I'm against the idea of afk fishing being a thing. Really any sort of afk money making I'm against. I remember having to leave my PC on 24/7 in BDO to stay competitive and I have zero desire to see that in Ashes. I genuinely hope it has a good skill requirement with some sort of minigame, with people that are genuinely good at that minigame having a better chance to catch rarer fish. The rarest fish should really put up a good fight, I should feel like I really accomplished something by catching that rare fish, not just having a stroke of good RNG.
  • nalowahinenalowahine Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    One thing I would like to see, is that some fish that fish you to help keep us on toes.
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    Hoping fishing is complex and very engaging. I'm against the idea of afk fishing being a thing. Really any sort of afk money making I'm against. I remember having to leave my PC on 24/7 in BDO to stay competitive and I have zero desire to see that in Ashes. I genuinely hope it has a good skill requirement with some sort of minigame, with people that are genuinely good at that minigame having a better chance to catch rarer fish. The rarest fish should really put up a good fight, I should feel like I really accomplished something by catching that rare fish, not just having a stroke of good RNG.

    Bots can max skills easy. Skill levels won't stop the bots
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    We need random non selective target fishing spawns to fight the bots. If it can't be selective, bots can't auto scan for the target. If the spawn location are randomly all over the places, bots can't camp it.
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    In FFXI SE placed bot killer monsters walk back and forth the beach. The rmt just level their bots pass the monster levels and safely bot all they want. So the bot hunters SE put in the game to combat botting seem to have an opposite effect. It keep/kill the real low level players try to fish there, but not the bots.
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    edited May 2019
    Laftis wrote: »
    *oh, please don't make me tap the button like crazy to drain the fish health. It hurt my finger after a while.

    Bots can tap faster than me with out getting their fingers hurt nor tire
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    dancer wrote: »
    One thing I would like to see, is that some fish that fish you to help keep us on toes.

    Yes, we need a good demanding fishing market system. Nobody want to spend time to fish up trash and end up dropping them and call it fun. In FFXI selling fishs to npc shop is a waste of time, and to sell on the market to another players we have to compete with bots that keep overload the market and under cut the price with no bottom
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    I like the way Asheron's Call set up how NM spawn. We have to run all over the area for hours to spot the NM. Bots can't camp untimer, and unspecific spawn location. Will be nice if it is a non selective kinda fight. Bots: specific time, selective spot, specific location, target selectable are bots specialty
  • T ElfT Elf Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    @Laftis I understand your reasoning for wanting moving fishing spawns, but I love the idea of being able to fish anywhere there is water. Where ever I was in the world (EQ), if there was water, I could drop a line and fish; love that. However, I don't want AFK fishing, and if there is a minigame involved not too complicated because I like fishing to also relax and chat.
    Formerly T-Elf

  • LaftisLaftis Member
    elf wrote: »
    @Laftis I understand your reasoning for wanting moving fishing spawns, but I love the idea of being able to fish anywhere there is water. Where ever I was in the world (EQ), if there was water, I could drop a line and fish; love that. However, I don't want AFK fishing, and if there is a minigame involved not too complicated because I like fishing to also relax and chat.

    People will overload the bots, if they can station their bots for auto fishing. Real players can't compete the market with the bots.
  • T ElfT Elf Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Laftis wrote: »
    elf wrote: »
    @Laftis I understand your reasoning for wanting moving fishing spawns, but I love the idea of being able to fish anywhere there is water. Where ever I was in the world (EQ), if there was water, I could drop a line and fish; love that. However, I don't want AFK fishing, and if there is a minigame involved not too complicated because I like fishing to also relax and chat.

    People will overload the bots, if they can station their bots for auto fishing. Real players can't compete the market with the bots.

    I associate bots with AFK, so, yes, I am very much against bots, and I still want to be able to fish in any water.
    Formerly T-Elf

  • burnthefernburnthefern Member, Settler, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Laftis wrote: »
    Hoping fishing is complex and very engaging. I'm against the idea of afk fishing being a thing. Really any sort of afk money making I'm against. I remember having to leave my PC on 24/7 in BDO to stay competitive and I have zero desire to see that in Ashes. I genuinely hope it has a good skill requirement with some sort of minigame, with people that are genuinely good at that minigame having a better chance to catch rarer fish. The rarest fish should really put up a good fight, I should feel like I really accomplished something by catching that rare fish, not just having a stroke of good RNG.

    Bots can max skills easy. Skill levels won't stop the bots

    I didnt mean skills as in 'this fish requires skill level 100 to attempt to fish.' I meant actual physical motor skills. As in you need to actively play a difficult mini game, like needing to rapidly click on certain pop up visuals while avoiding others, just as a quick little example. I'd hope for something more fun from the actual game.
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    elf wrote: »
    Laftis wrote: »
    elf wrote: »
    @Laftis I understand your reasoning for wanting moving fishing spawns, but I love the idea of being able to fish anywhere there is water. Where ever I was in the world (EQ), if there was water, I could drop a line and fish; love that. However, I don't want AFK fishing, and if there is a minigame involved not too complicated because I like fishing to also relax and chat.

    People will overload the bots, if they can station their bots for auto fishing. Real players can't compete the market with the bots.

    I associate bots with AFK, so, yes, I am very much against bots, and I still want to be able to fish in any water.

    I think, unselectable spawn hint, random spawn hint location in the water that will move to another random location at the same pond when it all fished up may prevent botting. As real players we just need to walk around to visually spot the spawn hint in the water to cast our line at it, and keep fishing there until it dry up. We the walk around the same pond/lake/beach to find the next hint to continue fishing.
  • LaftisLaftis Member
    edited May 2019
    Laftis wrote: »
    elf wrote: »
    Laftis wrote: »
    elf wrote: »
    @Laftis I understand your reasoning for wanting moving fishing spawns, but I love the idea of being able to fish anywhere there is water. Where ever I was in the world (EQ), if there was water, I could drop a line and fish; love that. However, I don't want AFK fishing, and if there is a minigame involved not too complicated because I like fishing to also relax and chat.

    People will overload the bots, if they can station their bots for auto fishing. Real players can't compete the market with the bots.

    I associate bots with AFK, so, yes, I am very much against bots, and I still want to be able to fish in any water.

    I think, unselectable spawn hint, random spawn hint location in the water that will move to another random location at the same pond when it all fished up may prevent botting. As real players we just need to walk around to visually spot the spawn hint in the water to cast our line at it, and keep fishing there until it dry up. We the walk around the same pond/lake/beach to find the next hint to continue fishing.

    As long it can't be select nor repeat respawn at any specific location for the bots to be program
  • HexcatHexcat Member
    edited May 2019
    Imagine that the levels of fishing starts with:
    "Fishing with a cord attached to a stick"
    "Bring the harpoon boys!!! This is a big one!!!"
  • RhuidanRhuidan Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The most relevant example would be BDO and it's multiple afk activities.
    For fishing especially, I would love to see no afk activities in the game.
    The requirement to always have the game running to accumulate wealth or skill became a real point against playing the game.
    "Well don't do it then" The economy will adjust with or without you doing afk activities, if money and items keep flowing into the game through afk/botted grinding, it will hurt the player-driven economy that AOC wants to build.
  • AshlynmaeAshlynmae Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    I can't wait to help influence the type of fishing for the game. They say that testing will involve several different types of styles of fishing. I want to fish all the waters of the world!
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