Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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What's your most memorable MMORPG experience.

Hey guys~! <3 I'm completely new to MMORPG games. I only play CS:GO and RUST and would love to give MMORPG's a try. I'd love to get to know some of the community, and something I'd love to know and have you guys share is what your most favorite / memorable experience is in the genre. Have you only played this genre as your main games? Maybe you're like me and have never played an mmo ever before? <3


  • ShadowCreptShadowCrept Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I dont have and memorable experience in MMOs mainly cuz ive only ever played Solo, Ashes will be my first MMO In a fully Fleshed out Guild so im looking to make some memories when release comes around. You will truly enjoy MMOs i do highly recommend playing with a guild cuz they tend to get boring fast if ur solo. Welcome to the Genre, prepare for lots of "Toxicity" jk we all chill
  • Memorable experience? so many. Can't decide where to start. Killing Darth Malgus alone for the first time, Leading a 16 person ops (eternity vault) using microphone for the first time (lol), Completing sith inquisitor story is something i will never forget (still gives me goosebumps), discovering Rivendell was a notable momentum too, Weathertop is epic (The hill that Weathertop was filmed at is on a large farm near Port Waikato, in the Waikato Region of New Zealand). Been played so many mmos. can't decide where to stop.
  • MakinojiMakinoji Member, Warrior of Old, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2019
    Mine would have to be the many years of running a guild and then merging into a larger one in TERA online. We had such an amazing time every day, made some lasting friendships and learned a lot about being an RPer.
    It's also where Makinoji was born so it will always hold a special place in my heart and history.

  • ScythaScytha Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    So so so many it's hard to choose.

    My most recent being achieving First Week Ahead of the Curve (Which means killing the raids last boss in the first week it comes out) last expansion while raiding. Our group was pretty average, we had decent gear from the prior raiding tier but still had gear form the one before it so we weren't sure we were gunna get there at all. But we all worked together and got to achieve something we were all so proud of. It's hard to explain if you haven't played WoW but I can recall that fight, the mechanics, the hours and hours we spent together working towards that goal.

    I won't forget it or many other experiences that make me love MMORPGs.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    My first raid in WoW. I was 15 and Wrath of the Lich King just started. Found some of my best and oldest online friends in that guild. Or the first Guildwar in GW1, it was fantastic ^^
  • We'll, wow vanilla molten core and black wing lair.... opening event of Ahn Quiraj... me tanking illidian as a warlock in his demon form... it was really great
  • grisugrisu Member
    edited April 2019
    One of my (many) most loved memories is my arena time in WoW with my guild mate. We actually never interacted much before, but he asked if anyone was interested in going 2v2 and we gave it a try together.

    We didn't prep for it we just went for it. Turns out we fit rather well with each other. It was a ginourmous fun adventure sitting in TS screaming at each other the most ridiculous things. He was a firemage at the time and had a pyroball, a huuge flaming ball, to throw and every time he had that proc to instantly cast it (usually you would have to cast it for 10 seconds) it would go
    "I have it up"
    'good good, wait a bit, just a bit, PUT IT IN HIS FACE, PUT! THE FIREBALL! RIGHT IN HIS FACE!'
    It was stupid good times and just like that I got a new friend for years to come. Later he would want to play amnesia so he private streamed it and I watched it so he wasn't alone during it. xDD (this game, even just watching it...<shudder>)

    Most of my memories go hand in hand with making new friends, but there are some extremely adrenalin pumping ones. Being the last man standing and just surviving so the last % of boss hp vanishes to dots and the little damage I can still contribute will forever be in my memories.

    I play through all genres, from rythmgames like Osu!, to strategy, shooters and whatnot. Everything has something to offer, but mmorpgs are special to me.
    I can be a life fulfilling dream. - Zekece
    I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
  • OceanosOceanos Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    For me, Guild wars first of its name was my most memorable experience ! I know it is not technically a MMORPG but a CORPG (Competitive/Cooperative Online Role Playing Game) but for me it's almost the same ! Until this day, I never found another MMO with as many HL content and who's as rich with PVE and PVP elements ! I also really liked the Hall Guild. It was huge instanced Halls for all the member of a guild with unlockable content (like merchants, stockage, ...). Last but not least, we had the possibility to have a secondary class (like Warrior/Elementalist) and we could create a build (8 competences) from all different combinations of all those 2 classes competences. It was so much fun to have looots of skills to choose from and make a "unique" build !
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    You remembered me of the time, when two friends and me went 3v3 ranked to get the mount saddle. PvP could be tons of fun. XD (we were a combat rogue, fire mage and resto druid in warlords of draenor [let me tell you wod combat rogue was one of the best iterations of the combat rogue])
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Oceanos wrote: »
    For me, Guild wars first of its name was my most memorable experience ! I know it is not technically a MMORPG but a CORPG (Competitive/Cooperative Online Role Playing Game) but for me it's almost the same ! Until this day, I never found another MMO with as many HL content and who's as rich with PVE and PVP elements ! I also really liked the Hall Guild. It was huge instanced Halls for all the member of a guild with unlockable content (like merchants, stockage, ...). Last but not least, we had the possibility to have a secondary class (like Warrior/Elementalist) and we could create a build (8 competences) from all different combinations of all those 2 classes competences. It was so much fun to have looots of skills to choose from and make a "unique" build !

    The dual class system is what convinced me to jump on the ashes of creation hype train, it reminded me so of GW1 one of the first mmorpgs that i ever played xD I played a Derwisch/Assassin and it was tons of fun in PvP
  • grisugrisu Member
    That's funny for us he was a firemage and I was a restroration druid, but that was waaayy back in Wrath of the Lichking. hehe @Damokles
    I can be a life fulfilling dream. - Zekece
    I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
  • VarkunVarkun Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Way back in vanilla wow the first time the guild I was in took down Ragnaros. Guilds name was Land Down Under mainly Aussies if you couldn't guess. We played land down under by men at work to celebrate over vent or was it TS back then I can't remember.
    There are many others though and it's because of the fun times that I still play MMO's all these years later.
    Never write a check with your mouth you can't cash with your ass!.
  • sivannasivanna Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    For me I still Look back on Ragnarok Online with nostalgia. When it was subscription I had found a great community, guild and friends. There was a lot of social interactions and people just hanging out around hubs or dungeons. (Dancing, chatting, selling heals, buffs, and portals). There was No group finder, auction houses, or fast travel. The War of Empirium (castle sieges) were pretty crazy.

    I also had a wonderful guild in Black Desert. We had parties in the guild leader’s home (often to show off the cash shop underwear), amazing fishing excursions, And the guild quests kept everyone working together and gave us common goals to work towards. I can’t count how many times they came and saved me from PvPers when I was leveling horses.

    Then of course there is WOW, which I have so many memories of I don’t know where to begin! Started with my brother, joined some of my husband’s friends by the time MoP hit, and have been with them since ( off and on).

    TL;DR : Find a group that has a similar interest and goals, then you can’t go wrong!
  • Dropping nuclear warhead on 200-ish people during RvRvR in RF Online.
  • When Arthas was finally defeated in WoWs Ice Crown Citadel raid.
    Do you need a ride to the Underworld?
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    Ferryman wrote: »
    When Arthas was finally defeated in WoWs Ice Crown Citadel raid.

    Awesome~! That sounds like so much fun~!
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    Dropping nuclear warhead on 200-ish people during RvRvR in RF Online.

    Nuclear warheads~?!?! Oh my god lol cx
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    Sivanna wrote: »
    For me I still Look back on Ragnarok Online with nostalgia. When it was subscription I had found a great community, guild and friends. There was a lot of social interactions and people just hanging out around hubs or dungeons. (Dancing, chatting, selling heals, buffs, and portals). There was No group finder, auction houses, or fast travel. The War of Empirium (castle sieges) were pretty crazy.

    I also had a wonderful guild in Black Desert. We had parties in the guild leader’s home (often to show off the cash shop underwear), amazing fishing excursions, And the guild quests kept everyone working together and gave us common goals to work towards. I can’t count how many times they came and saved me from PvPers when I was leveling horses.

    Then of course there is WOW, which I have so many memories of I don’t know where to begin! Started with my brother, joined some of my husband’s friends by the time MoP hit, and have been with them since ( off and on).

    TL;DR : Find a group that has a similar interest and goals, then you can’t go wrong!

    That sounds amazing~! It's so awesome that you can sit back and tell stories about these kinds of games~! ^-^ The only thing is I'm not even sure what interests me because I've never played an MMORPG! I was kinda born after WoW and I hadn't seen any huge other mmos. I think fighting the huge bosses looks really cool n.n and I love customizing my armor and stuff. I only ever played pvp fps games so I feel like this will be awesome~! Thank you! I hope you make many more amazing memories!
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    Varkun wrote: »
    Way back in vanilla wow the first time the guild I was in took down Ragnaros. Guilds name was Land Down Under mainly Aussies if you couldn't guess. We played land down under by men at work to celebrate over vent or was it TS back then I can't remember.
    There are many others though and it's because of the fun times that I still play MMO's all these years later.

    That's awesome~!!! I guess ragnaros was a hard boss in the game? I haven't really ever played it but that seems amazing if you were all celebrating and having so much fun! <3
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    I dont have and memorable experience in MMOs mainly cuz ive only ever played Solo, Ashes will be my first MMO In a fully Fleshed out Guild so im looking to make some memories when release comes around. You will truly enjoy MMOs i do highly recommend playing with a guild cuz they tend to get boring fast if ur solo. Welcome to the Genre, prepare for lots of "Toxicity" jk we all chill

    Hahahaha yeah I'm in the same boat~! I haven't really even played any solo~! I hope you have TONS of fun though and enjoy ashes!! n.n I'm gunna see if I can play with a guild but I've never played an mmo so I doubt anyone would want to play unless they're new~! <3
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    Oceanos wrote: »
    For me, Guild wars first of its name was my most memorable experience ! I know it is not technically a MMORPG but a CORPG (Competitive/Cooperative Online Role Playing Game) but for me it's almost the same ! Until this day, I never found another MMO with as many HL content and who's as rich with PVE and PVP elements ! I also really liked the Hall Guild. It was huge instanced Halls for all the member of a guild with unlockable content (like merchants, stockage, ...). Last but not least, we had the possibility to have a secondary class (like Warrior/Elementalist) and we could create a build (8 competences) from all different combinations of all those 2 classes competences. It was so much fun to have looots of skills to choose from and make a "unique" build !

    That sounds amazing~! I hope ashes can bring the same kind of enjoyment for you~! I'd love to be able to gather with friends inside of a big warm hall, like maybe something on your freehold..? ^-^ That could be awesome! <3 Having multiple classes sounds really cool, I forget how many are in ashes but I think there's a lot. So I hope it'll somewhat be like guild wars for you, if not better!~
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    Grisu wrote: »
    One of my (many) most loved memories is my arena time in WoW with my guild mate. We actually never interacted much before, but he asked if anyone was interested in going 2v2 and we gave it a try together.

    We didn't prep for it we just went for it. Turns out we fit rather well with each other. It was a ginourmous fun adventure sitting in TS screaming at each other the most ridiculous things. He was a firemage at the time and had a pyroball, a huuge flaming ball, to throw and every time he had that proc to instantly cast it (usually you would have to cast it for 10 seconds) it would go
    "I have it up"
    'good good, wait a bit, just a bit, PUT IT IN HIS FACE, PUT! THE FIREBALL! RIGHT IN HIS FACE!'
    It was stupid good times and just like that I got a new friend for years to come. Later he would want to play amnesia so he private streamed it and I watched it so he wasn't alone during it. xDD (this game, even just watching it...<shudder>)

    Most of my memories go hand in hand with making new friends, but there are some extremely adrenalin pumping ones. Being the last man standing and just surviving so the last % of boss hp vanishes to dots and the little damage I can still contribute will forever be in my memories.

    I play through all genres, from rythmgames like Osu!, to strategy, shooters and whatnot. Everything has something to offer, but mmorpgs are special to me.

    That sounds amazing~! <3 I couldn't imagine how awesome it would be knowing you stayed alive for your guild and "Beat" The boss! Just keeping alive so their health drained! I hear tons of people say MMORPG's are special because their unlike any other game. I really hope that's true! I certainly hope ashes will be a good first one to dive into as well, I'm sure it is though seeing everything they're doing. It looks amazing~! And the community is the nicest I've ever seen! I haven't even used a forum before but seeing everybody come out and talk is wonderful c: <3
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    edited April 2019
    Ibarumarky wrote: »
    We'll, wow vanilla molten core and black wing lair.... opening event of Ahn Quiraj... me tanking illidian as a warlock in his demon form... it was really great

    Oooooo~!!!! that sounds like you did an awesome job! I'm not even sure what I like, I'm not sure what it's called but like... Being a healer and tank and damage and stuff... I know there's a LOT more than that in ashes. I think the summoner sounds really cool. I forget where I heard it but I THINK it's a class in ashes and I really like the sound of it.
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    AoC wrote: »
    i thought this was a battle royale

    wait it isn't ?
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    Damokles wrote: »
    My first raid in WoW. I was 15 and Wrath of the Lich King just started. Found some of my best and oldest online friends in that guild. Or the first Guildwar in GW1, it was fantastic ^^

    That's amazing~! So many people talk about long term friends in MMORPGs <3 It sounds so wonderful and I'd love to meet some!
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    ScythA wrote: »
    So so so many it's hard to choose.

    My most recent being achieving First Week Ahead of the Curve (Which means killing the raids last boss in the first week it comes out) last expansion while raiding. Our group was pretty average, we had decent gear from the prior raiding tier but still had gear form the one before it so we weren't sure we were gunna get there at all. But we all worked together and got to achieve something we were all so proud of. It's hard to explain if you haven't played WoW but I can recall that fight, the mechanics, the hours and hours we spent together working towards that goal.

    I won't forget it or many other experiences that make me love MMORPGs.

    That sounds amazing~! <3 I hope you make many more memories like that in Ashes~! Or even better ones~! ^-^ Hopefully ashes will be amazing~! <3 And It'll provide many more friendships, relationships and amazing times for years to come!
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    makinoji wrote: »
    Mine would have to be the many years of running a guild and then merging into a larger one in TERA online. We had such an amazing time every day, made some lasting friendships and learned a lot about being an RPer.
    It's also where Makinoji was born so it will always hold a special place in my heart and history.

    **I'm the one in the baby blue hat and dress throwing up the peace sign**


    That seems like a lot of work~! It's awesome that you could do it~!! <3 I hope you can run another guild if you desire! and that it'll be just as amazing as the last!
  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    wasikovee wrote: »
    Memorable experience? so many. Can't decide where to start. Killing Darth Malgus alone for the first time, Leading a 16 person ops (eternity vault) using microphone for the first time (lol), Completing sith inquisitor story is something i will never forget (still gives me goosebumps), discovering Rivendell was a notable momentum too, Weathertop is epic (The hill that Weathertop was filmed at is on a large farm near Port Waikato, in the Waikato Region of New Zealand). Been played so many mmos. can't decide where to stop.

    That's a great problem to have~! I'm glad you have so many amazing memories~! I hope Ashes can provide MANY many more~!!!! <3
  • Ibarumarky wrote: »
    We'll, wow vanilla molten core and black wing lair.... opening event of Ahn Quiraj... me tanking illidian as a warlock in his demon form... it was really great

    Oooooo~!!!! that sounds like you did an awesome job! I'm not even sure what I like, I'm not sure what it's called but like... Being a healer and tank and damage and stuff... I know there's a LOT more than that in ashes. I think the summoner sounds really cool. I forget where I heard it but I THINK it's a class in ashes and I really like the sound of it.

    I'll play summoner and afterwards at an unknown level you can choose a secondary class... I'll take cleric to rise up as an necromancer!

    There are several archetypes which can emerges when you choose a summoner as your starting class. You should check wiki ashes of Creation.

  • Rem_Rem_ Member
    Ibarumarky wrote: »
    Ibarumarky wrote: »
    We'll, wow vanilla molten core and black wing lair.... opening event of Ahn Quiraj... me tanking illidian as a warlock in his demon form... it was really great

    Oooooo~!!!! that sounds like you did an awesome job! I'm not even sure what I like, I'm not sure what it's called but like... Being a healer and tank and damage and stuff... I know there's a LOT more than that in ashes. I think the summoner sounds really cool. I forget where I heard it but I THINK it's a class in ashes and I really like the sound of it.

    I'll play summoner and afterwards at an unknown level you can choose a secondary class... I'll take cleric to rise up as an necromancer!

    There are several archetypes which can emerges when you choose a summoner as your starting class. You should check wiki ashes of Creation.

    That sounds awesome~! Yeah I don't even know what I like doing since I've never played an MMO really, I know there's like Tanks Damage and Healing but I have no idea what I'd like cx maybe you could do a bit of the three? but then I assume that you'd just be like... okay at doing them all, but not actually great or good at any of them!
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