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Roleplayers For The Implementation Of Custom Text Emote Functions

HalgraveHalgrave Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited April 2020 in Role-Playing Tavern
Hey folks, Halgrave here. It seems that unfortunately the text-based emoting function "/me" or "/e", used in so many other MMOs as a QoL for Roleplayers that prefer to use custom text emote entries to express their character actions, may not be planned for Ashes of Creation. I'm making this short post as an interest check to allow the devs to potentially see a solid representation of those who would enjoy this function in the game. If you would also like to see custom text-based emotes functional in AoC for the purposes of RP, please leave something here in the thread and perhaps we may be heard.
Looking for a place to gather with other roleplayers? Look no further than Ashes of Creation Roleplay!


  • AtliAtli Member, Warrior of Old, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2019
    @Halgrave Of course I want custom emotes! Usually it's implemented with /e (text)- I'm not familiar with the /me function, and I've RPed in a fair share of games. (Also noticed you have an Ashes RP community, joined it a while ago!)

    Regardless, the more emotes that a game can provide us, the better (and not even for RPers). Some I feel are more important than others, such as static poses (/walllean, /crouch, /sit1, 2, 3, .... sit10, /sleep, /feigndeath, /akimbo, /salute, /smoke, /drink, etc.)

    I'm also cool with some of them being unlockable through events (i.e.: LOTRO does this thing where you can't use a /Dwarfdance unless you learn the dance moves that are regularly held during events. It's a realistic way to add immersion to emoting that is often overlooked).
  • DaedelusDaedelus Member, Phoenix Initiative, Avatar of the Phoenix, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I'm a fan of custom emotes (text) as a feature for launch - I do hope they consider this small item from a RP/QoL standpoint. So /e approves!
    Daedelus, The Ashen Herald
    Proud Member of The Gray Sentinels
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  • MalteseWolfMalteseWolf Member, Warrior of Old, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2019
    I feel a custom emote command that allows RPers to describe actions their characters take in detail is both a very simple thing to implement as well as massively helpful to a RP community. Please add this to your plans if it is not, Interpid.

    To be clear, what I'm talking about here is typing for example "/me stares broodingly out of the window" and it appearing as "Bob stares broodingly out of the window" in local chat (were "Bob" to be my character name). I've also seen /e /em used as alternatives in other games.

    P.S. It would also be ideally easy to distinguish between emote messages and normal local text messages. This is sometimes done by adding some character before and/or after the text or having a different colour than normal messages. Example typing:

    "/me stares broodingly out of the window"
    And then
    "Weather is ghastly today."

    Would appear in the chat window as:

    ** Bob stares broodingly out of the window **
    Bob: Weather is ghastly today.
    (In different colours cos I can't seem to make BBCode obey))
  • URanu5URanu5 Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I can make a long and boring essay on how it's the little things that make Roleplay a concrete condition and way of interaction within a game as long as the developer implements those programs to do so... But TL;DR - /me or /e is a need and should be implemented :)
  • trojotrojo Member
    Yeah, definitely is a need.

    /me raises his hand in support of custom emotes also
  • the more rp elements in an rpg the better.
    every single detail
    everything to add more depth to rp element and race and personality of a character is well worth it.
    im tired of choosing different races and see NOTHING special about them , only looks!
  • MalachiteDrakeMalachiteDrake Member, Alpha Two
    If the game is intended to have an RP element - and given the Node system and revenue stream of skins and pets in the game - I think custom emotes will have a great deal of impact on RPers getting into the game or passing on it as "just another combat-focused MMO". Unlockable emotes can become a badge of pride for consistent (and thus long-term subscribing) players, while purchasable emotes can also provide probably a small boost to income. *Custom* emotes, though, are where you'll make or break many an RPer's interest in the game. It's just text and (I would think with my limited programming training) not a major sink of programming capital to invest in the game.
  • VolgaireVolgaire Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    *Sneaks into the RP thread*
    "Yeah sounds great guys go for it !"
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Autumnleaf wrote: »
    *Sneaks into the RP thread*
    "Yeah sounds great guys go for it !"

    who let you out of the Inn?

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • VolgaireVolgaire Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nagash wrote: »
    Autumnleaf wrote: »
    *Sneaks into the RP thread*
    "Yeah sounds great guys go for it !"

    who let you out of the Inn?

    I needed some fresh air because someone is a walking corpse, corpses dont smell nice.
  • fiontanfiontan Member, Alpha Two
    Yes! /e /em /me /emote is a very important feature if you want to promote rp. Especially since there is not going to be an official rp server, you're going to want to make sure that at least custom emotes are added. If you want to promote an rp community this is the easiest thing to add to keep the roleplayers around.
  • eruiluvatareruiluvatar Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    absolutely. It's such a small thing too!
  • I'm here to make this thread look bigger in support of it!
  • sylsyl Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I would definitely support either an /e or /me command.
    Come take a look at!
  • PachaPacha Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2019
    So there seems to be a misunderstanding here, unfortunately.

    The truth is we don't know if they intend on having it or not.

    Me and Daedelus prepared the RP questions during the preparation for the interview because I knew roleplayers would want to have a clear confirmation that it would be in the game. The reason why I'm saying "confirmation" is because it had already been said in a livestream that this feature for the chat would actually BE in the game.

    Steven once said it would be in the game, and then he said it wasn't planned to be in it. So the truth is we just don't know if it will be in the game or not. And I've spoken with Margaret and Toast already about the RP community's desire for features such as this and other cool stuff like the Total Roleplay UI as stated in the interview with Simurgh and Daedelus.

    But I do agree, /e /me is an essential part of a chatbox for roleplayers, it's a necessity. But keep in mind that Steven said yes and then said no like it was the first time he was hearing about it, and if you pay attention to the video during the interviews/livestreams... It does look like he's always half-listening (either checking his phone during livestreams, or working on different stuff during interviews), which is understandable considering his important role in the company/development, but also indicative that we have to take what he says with a grain of salt.

    But don't worry, the devs already know how important it is for roleplayers and how much we're looking forward to the game.

    @MargaretKrohn can attest that it was a question already asked and answered during a past livestream, the original answer being along the lines of "Yes"
  • PachaPacha Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I feel a custom emote command that allows RPers to describe actions their characters take in detail is both a very simple thing to implement as well as massively helpful to a RP community. Please add this to your plans if it is not, Interpid.

    To be clear, what I'm talking about here is typing for example "/me stares broodingly out of the window" and it appearing as "Bob stares broodingly out of the window" in local chat (were "Bob" to be my character name). I've also seen /e /em used as alternatives in other games.

    P.S. It would also be ideally easy to distinguish between emote messages and normal local text messages. This is sometimes done by adding some character before and/or after the text or having a different colour than normal messages. Example typing:

    "/me stares broodingly out of the window"
    And then
    "Weather is ghastly today."

    Would appear in the chat window as:

    ** Bob stares broodingly out of the window **
    Bob: Weather is ghastly today.
    (In different colours cos I can't seem to make BBCode obey))

    Also necessary to highlight Wolf's post here, THIS is what we mean by /e, /me. Not custom dancing emotes.. jeez hahaha
  • HalgraveHalgrave Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    pacha wrote: »
    So there seems to be a misunderstanding here, unfortunately.

    The truth is we don't know if they intend on having it or not.

    Me and Daedelus prepared the RP questions during the preparation for the interview because I knew roleplayers would want to have a clear confirmation that it would be in the game. The reason why I'm saying "confirmation" is because it had already been said in a livestream that this feature for the chat would actually BE in the game.

    Steven once said it would be in the game, and then he said it wasn't planned to be in it. So the truth is we just don't know if it will be in the game or not. And I've spoken with Margaret and Toast already about the RP community's desire for features such as this and other cool stuff like the Total Roleplay UI as stated in the interview with Simurgh and Daedelus.

    But I do agree, /e /me is an essential part of a chatbox for roleplayers, it's a necessity. But keep in mind that Steven said yes and then said no like it was the first time he was hearing about it, and if you pay attention to the video during the interviews/livestreams... It does look like he's always half-listening (either checking his phone during livestreams, or working on different stuff during interviews), which is understandable considering his important role in the company/development, but also indicative that we have to take what he says with a grain of salt.

    But don't worry, the devs already know how important it is for roleplayers and how much we're looking forward to the game.

    @MargaretKrohn can attest that it was a question already asked and answered during a past livestream, the original answer being along the lines of "Yes"

    Of the above, I took into account while wording the OP that we had been given different sorts of answers back and forth over the years. The intent of this thread is nothing more than to show interest in the implementation of custom text emotes, so that the Devs potentially have an extra little bump to completely and totally confirm or deny such a feature. The most recent word, however, seems to be leaning negatively, and it does not hurt to get peoples' voices on a larger scale out into the open. :)
    Looking for a place to gather with other roleplayers? Look no further than Ashes of Creation Roleplay!
  • Just using the phrase 'custom emotes' doesn't clarify to someone who is not yourself the full meaning.

    Steven previously used the phrase custom emotes to discuss a triggered action on your avatar that you had put together yourself.

    Sure it may be a commonly used term amongst RP communities, but it is wrong to assume that Steven and the others at Intrepid have been that immersed in the community / culture.

    I believe that when discussing any RP with the team that definitions should be given to avoid confusion about what the community are actually hoping for / expecting as Intrepid brings the RP back into mmoRPg's.

    Yes, I would love to see them.
  • MorashtakMorashtak Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Would appear in the chat window as:

    ** Bob stares broodingly out of the window **
    Bob: Weather is ghastly today.
    (In different colours cos I can't seem to make BBCode obey))

    (see my post here for colored font)

    Should the IS UI team be on their toes then the colors could be tailored by each user - Bob might prefer green emote text and blue chat text while Jane prefers orange emote text and red chat text
  • AiveleenAiveleen Member
    edited April 2020
    Yes this needs to be a thing. Also, in some games you can do: /e thing you do "thing you say"
    Like so:
    Bob stares broodingly out of the window. "Weather is ghastly today"
    For when you mean to imply that Bob spoke while he looked out the window. Whereas:
    Bob stares broodingly out of the window.
    Bob: weather is ghastly today
    Would mean that Bob spent a moment looking out the window and then spoke.
    It can be very important to know exactly when actions happen in relation to each other, and the chat function in most games doesn't make that very easy.
    Aivlia Torladottir of Dün. Blacksmith, Lucky Wolf Trading Co.
    Imagination is the highest kite you can fly.
  • I would love a /e function, as well as emotes like /crossarms or /leanback. Emotes and Animations go a loooong way in immersing a player, especially when the player wants to take a cool screenshot in the world
  • TeraxlTeraxl Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    All for it.
  • WyrdlingWyrdling Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Bumping the need for this!
  • ThujaThuja Member
    Not much of an RPer myself but it sounds like fun to try!!
  • MaytreyaMaytreya Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I need this!
    "Sleep just isn't sleep anymore. It's an escape."
  • FranquitoFranquito Member
    edited July 2020
    Please add this! It's so important to roleplaying to be able to describe small details!
  • It is a nice feature.
  • AquielAquiel Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I would love to see this functionality ingame.
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  • Red_TempestRed_Tempest Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    I'm always so disconcerted when games don't have this. It's definitely important.
  • MaytreyaMaytreya Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Yes, please add this. Also it wouldn't hurt to have /say and chat bubbles in general.
    "Sleep just isn't sleep anymore. It's an escape."
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