Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
open world pvp is very different to arenas and battlegrounds
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
t aim at since everyone walking in there knows what's up), a big group of people will fight back and thus not earn you corruption. This has been talked to death.
He wants a zone that has an objective, staying alive in that zone and getting rewards for killing players after that. That's a battleground, arena style.
A pvp zone with objectives...didn't hear that before in Ashes.. oh wait. There already is open pvp opportunities o-plenty in many variations where you have to kill people and earn rewards. Literally the only difference is that his objective is "different" then the ones present.
It's a battleground change my mind. In fact I call that a battle royal without the storm..
Edit: Not saying it's bad, I just don't see the difference.
I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
Now this might shut down your ability to do the dungeon immediately but not forever.
Going from my experience pk guilds aren't very big in member size.
• Kill them yourself
• Keep them distracted while gathering and retreat after.
• Form an alliance and drive them off, usually PK guilds piss off more than just one guild.
• Farm it at a time when the PK guild is not online
I’m not sure why every guild except for PK guilds are just supposed to roll over and give up once something "bad" happens to them.
Pkers are also just players, they are defeated the same way as any other player.
Sieges, caravans, and guild wars don't influence corruption so in some way we already have. TBH I don't see why there would need to be a no pvp zone. Unlike with the greater world no doubt you wouldn't HAVE to go to it. Pvp everywhere is the rule, that specific area/s without corruption pvp are the exception and doesn't necessitate its opposite.
Although I think its been said that the starting areas will be safe, probably the quite literal starting area on sanctus if it works like apoc and the gateway isn't chosen through character creation, though I'm not entirely sure.
They for sure should have a special zone so they can roam about and complain nobody wants to go there except for other PvP's. Or, you know, an arena.
1. Even if they sell it on the market to anyone, it would still destabilise the in-game economy to the point where smaller raiding guilds might not be able to afford it and would have to disband.
2. Yes if the PK guild tried to hold the zone they might very well get overwhelmed by larger raiding guilds, but then you are just replacing one group for another, with the same kind of impact on the smaller guilds.
Form an alliance
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
Im not sure how thats a win/win, because this just basically boils down to "Im a PvPer and I want an area strictly dedicated for PvPers to kill without penalty" to which my response would be - Didnt they say they have "arenas" just for that? o.O Why should anyone be locked out of an area just because you want to murder them? I mean if we kept that logic, then wouldnt the PvE focused ppl just say do away with the corruption system all together and make the game areas that are PvE focused restricted?
I just dont understand the ppl that complain about immersion (not strictly directed at you Karthos!), and how small fashion choices break that, but what to murder ppl in the open world without any repercussions! Isnt that part of the whole experience?
Indeed. I'd be spending my specifically desired pvp time are arenas, not places like what this topic is about. Well except maybe to be the Greased-up Deaf Guy.
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
What if I don't want to join a big guild or alliance? I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I just want to do my own thing with my small group of friends without getting too involved with what the bigger guilds are doing. There is also the danger of Ashes turning into what EvE online is.
What he proposed is quite literally a large free for all styled arena aka. battle royal, change my mind.
I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
Simply because PvEers will piss and moan about getting ganked all the time unless there's a place that's set aside specificly to PvP in the open world. Arena is honestly boring, contained and repetitive to me, I much prefer dynamic fighting in the open world.
Telling me "oh there's Arenas" is like saying "oh we don't have Coke, is Dr Pepper okay?".
It's close, but not the same thing.
It's a win/win because we aren't taking or omitting content from the game to constrict a play style, we are adding more to pull even more content into the game.
Maybe it wasn't clear by my wording. By "form an alliance" I did not mean disband your guild and join a big one, I meant cooperate with other small guilds. Use what people always want to have in their game guild diplomacy. Player agency makes the game much more fun than rule restrictions.
You don't have to join an official alliance. Just find some people in your node or in chat that also want to get the herb and group up.
If you just want to do 'your own thing' in a small group then you probably don't need this hypothetical herb for the hypothetical raid.
Ashes is a game about working with other people to achieve bigger things. But it sounds like you want to be able to do all the big things without working with others.
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
You don't respawn in battle royales and you would in the proposed zone so they are quite literally not the same.
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
@Seaber that bunny looks so cuddly.
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
You hear abttle royal and can only think of fortnite. Battle royal is a bit more expansive than that. Noone ever said you can't respawn in a battle royal (hellow apex), and they existed before the one life approach. It's called battlegrounds.
And if you respawn IN the zone, how would you determin rewards which he proposed? It's a battleground with objective killcounter during x minutes then.
Edit: Those exist under various names, death match (those exist as one life or time based), arena (not wow arena, litteral arena) and I'm sure several others I'm to tired to think off.
I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
These places arent going to stop anything. Because this is the internet and trolls/a**hats thrive here! And arenas arent the only PvP content that is allowed without penalty. So this logic is telling me "We want to PK, even though we say we dont - and even more so in an area where we can do it without getting into trouble or having consequences."
How exactly will this bringing in more content?
It seems more so like you are trying to omit content if this area is labeled lawless and has materials that are required to progress in parts of the game. Especially seeing as there is no "safe" zones so to speak. This logic sounds more so like PvPers pissing and moaning about not being directly allowed to PK without repercussions.
lol try reading the thread again without your horse blinders on
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
As someone who enjoys PK in open world a lot more than arenas, I will try to explain the issue with arenas that I personally have.
It all comes down to controlled environments. I like the situation of the fight to be not heavily controlled.
• In an arena location,
• enemy count difficulty
• is usually all controlled.
• personality of opponent to a certain extent.
In the open world I do not have these controlling elements if I choose to attack someone every detail must be found out or observed before.
Now I do not claim arenas as useless since they are very good for basic steps in learning because of these controls.
It in the end really matters very little to me since traders aren't safe and it is also penalty free, so I don't need to stop to "refuel" my karma. I'm pretty sure if your favourite playstyle would be limited by design you would like to have ways to circumvent this as well.
I hope this helped you understand the “PK” part of this argument better. Maybe also helps with seeing PKers less as jerks.