Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
In Game Guild Recruitment.

Eso will be implementing an in-game guild recruitment page where guilds can check boxes to show the main and secondary focus, pvp, pve, hardcore, social, RP etc. Things like faction guild heraldry are also included, there is also a couple of sections to write-ups about the culture of the guild and what you may be looking for in recruits, links to discords and external guild sites can be placed in there also.
My question is would others like to see such a system introduced into Ashes at some point in the future to aid people in finding guilds on their server that may be recruiting. What pros and cons do others see with such in-game recruitment tools?
My question is would others like to see such a system introduced into Ashes at some point in the future to aid people in finding guilds on their server that may be recruiting. What pros and cons do others see with such in-game recruitment tools?

Never write a check with your mouth you can't cash with your ass!.
Although such a feature would have to be implemented well... Just showing the top guilds in their respective areas wouldn't do much good, as a lot of these guilds likely won't be welcoming new players sadly.
[EU] Hand of Unity | PVX | Semi-Hardcore/Hardcore | Family
We are still recruiting. Come and have a chat with us at our Discord!
This way you can scout out the guilds where you make your home without it being a normal chat channel or something else layered into the chat aspect of the game.
Oh now that is a great idea
Fix that auto correct bro, it's getting out of hand bit by bit.
This would be a really good idea and way to implement such a feature yet another reason to head to a tavern.
Oh I like that. This kind of guild tool would be great for those looking for a guild to be able to know what a prospective guild is looking for before applying. Plus it could help the guild not have to deal with a bunch of potential recruits that just won't fit in. Also it would help make pubs more of a real gathering place for players.
Also...anything to avoid the ever-annoying blind invite.
BTW, if any devs are reading this, there should definitely be a way to block random invites to guilds, groups and duels just as there should be an ignore feature to block that annoying person who keeps spamming you to give him a few gold because he's new and poor and he needs gas to be able to drive home, etc.
I'd personally really love to see this approach. I think it allows guilds to write more than just the usual 2 lines. It also is more immersive and realisitic from an in-game point of view.
[EU] Hand of Unity | PVX | Semi-Hardcore/Hardcore | Family
We are still recruiting. Come and have a chat with us at our Discord!
at this point im going to turn it off
Mostly because the info available to complete is not nearly enough to what the guilds need.
Raiding times, rules, discord/forums/ts links, cannot copy paste and manually have to type that info.
Also checking if the guilds are still active. In Rift for example you had pages upon pages of useless info!
Yeah or save the new word into your 'library' so to speak, then it wont correct it. It annoyed me when I had an English keyboard but I had to save every polish word into the phone or it would get auto'ed
If something like this happens, I hope it's not half arsed. I have seen such systems in place that had terible, if at all search options and/or minimal functionality for guilds to put any information into it.
It's great to know that this is a mainly pve guild, but not knowing what they even look for is worse than watching the guild recruitment channel all day long. Outdated posts of guilds that don't even exist anymore are a pain in the arse and can die on a mountain of shattered glass.
Either do it thoroughly or don't do it at all. It's only a boon if it's better than quick guild recruitment messages in chat or equal to forum post capabilities.
I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819