Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
monster inspirations/ideas

here people can give ideas about monsters or merely share pictures for the devs to get inspiration from them.
i think, in the world of verra, monsters are different, when we say "monster" it is different in nature with other beasts and corrupted beings, they are the embodiment of corruption and rot and decay and they have to be shown and placed and be made in a way that by killing them not only we are doing a service to our own civilization but we are just putting those things out of their misery as well, and if left unchecked it would bring disaster.
so i would generally think most of them have to be weird and hideous and horrible and imagine all this time these things had nothing to eat but each other, that gives some similarities between the monsters so i would think there can be lots of humanoid monsters. not to mention the walking corpses of corrupted players who have died (no particular face, just random)
honestly im tired of killing overgrown wolves and spiders and other beasts!
but they shouldn't also be disturbing enough to make it so hard on the eye to watch lol (spiders are one such example imo
ill start by sharing a few myself :

i think, in the world of verra, monsters are different, when we say "monster" it is different in nature with other beasts and corrupted beings, they are the embodiment of corruption and rot and decay and they have to be shown and placed and be made in a way that by killing them not only we are doing a service to our own civilization but we are just putting those things out of their misery as well, and if left unchecked it would bring disaster.
so i would generally think most of them have to be weird and hideous and horrible and imagine all this time these things had nothing to eat but each other, that gives some similarities between the monsters so i would think there can be lots of humanoid monsters. not to mention the walking corpses of corrupted players who have died (no particular face, just random)
honestly im tired of killing overgrown wolves and spiders and other beasts!
but they shouldn't also be disturbing enough to make it so hard on the eye to watch lol (spiders are one such example imo

ill start by sharing a few myself :

I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
same here , but not meaningless darkness and just gory and gloomy without a logical reason
yes. In truth, something like the soul's world, witcher or even Warhammer (rip age of reckoning) would be great. I just hate playing all these bright and happy games all the time.
i would like a mix of both ... like some regions full bloom and some full gloom...
if you remember we traveled to Toussaint in the blood and wine expansion (which was so colorful and i loved that too with the contrast to rest of the game)
that is very true. I think it has a lot to do with the theme
I wonder how many hats he had to destroy until he got the perfect placement.
I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
I would guess three or maybe four
thank you
i think intrepid has already imagined their gods
and more importantly the depiction of gods or their archangel or avatars through the world is a whole other subject that only can be approached by devs themselves i think
but i do have one idea coming up next and i think its a cool thing
The chaos factions always had the best character models ;D
dam right the do ^^
It's better to walk with a friend in the darkness as to walk through the light alone.
I know right ^^
helps me get to sleep ever night ^^
Did you say.... nightmare fuel? Here is some more!
SO cute ^^
Welcome to the world of Warhammer