Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Not showing the MMO

HjerimHjerim Member, Leader of Men, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
Hi Intrepid,

It was nice to see some new creatures and things which are in progress, however; We still do not see things from the MMO itself.

I understand that you have been burned and know the consequences of being transparent, but I think you have gone from one extreme (being too transparent) too another (Not showing any content at all).

More places I begin to see people which are doubtful of the entire MMO, that it will never happen and I also see people making memes about it, as a result of not seeing any progress in a year.

You argued at the latest livestream that you were not comfortable with showing stuff because it is subject to change or might get scrapped entirely. Yes this is something we are aware of as gamers, it happens all the time.

To me it feels like you do not trust your own product, and that is sad.

I hope you get back to being more transparent, and I think it would be healthy for the community.

Thanks for reading. Do you agree?


  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    we have been in this state of limbo for over 6 months and I do not see any light yet

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    We saw things from the MMORPG. We those things rendered in APOC rather than rendered in the MMORPG.
  • AzathothAzathoth Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    People have short attention spans and high expectations, so it does not surprise me that some people are doubting Ashes. That hasn't changed since the KS, so I don't know how relevant that point is. I am also unsure of the 'memes', who makes decisions based on these things?

    We might be gamers, some of us might be mature, but there is a large variety of gamers. In the past, IS has been burned (like many other developers) by the community. So saying we are all mature and able to understand simple issues like 'things may change,' is clearly not representative of the whole community.

    I have yet to feel like they don't trust their own product, but maybe that's because they haven't released a product I think they would judge themselves on.

    I like the art and developer clips, Q&A's, and such. I am not too worried they haven't shown more, it's nice they have shown some. For a lot of AAA games, for a long time at least, you didn't even see previews until release.
    +1 Skull & Crown metal coin
  • They don't show much not because they don't trust their product but due to possible marketing issues. Last time we saw an MMORPG footage was 6 months ago. ( The world wasn't optimized and almost everything about it looked so generic. The combat was 100% tab and wasn't even a good one. Currently, they're working on bunch of stuff and APOC allows them to test all of it. Once they test everything needed, including the combat system, we will see more MMORPG footages.
  • ViymirViymir Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Steven did explain why they are not showing anything from the MMO. I guess he just wants to avoid anything further negative about Ashes and deems not sharing anything at all has the minimum negative impact.

    Quite honestly I would rather they allow Alpha 1 backers to start playing/testing the MMO.
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2019
    There are a few things to note here that immediately put Intrepid on the backfoot. Firstly, this is a brand new company making their first game. Yes they have a bunch of industry veterans but it's still a new team working today, with a Creative Director who (as far as I know) has no previous experience making games at all. Not only that but for the first part of the development, there were just 8 people working on the game. With all this in mind it's really no wonder that their progress has been a little slower than more established companies with more people who are used to working together.

    Second, and probably most importantly, this game was crowdfunded on kickstarter. This means they had to announce the game a lot sooner than most other games would. We just had E3 a few weeks ago, and the majority of the games announced and showcased there are set for release early next year, so they are very near completion already. This means they have a lot more they can show that is guaranteed to be in the finished product. I reckon Ashes is still at least a full year, possibly two, from an actual release.

    FFXIV started development in late 2004, then it was officially announced in 2009 and released in 2010. By contrast, Intrepid Studios was founded in December 2015, and they announced the game in early 2017, less than 2 years into the development cycle. If we go by the usual timeframe of 5-6 years for an mmorpg, we are still 1-2 years away from a full release.

    Simply put, we are getting a rare insight into how a game is developed from the ground up, but that also means that there is not a lot Intrepid can show us that will be easily understood by the general public. After all, do you really want to see all the lines of code, etc that they have written this year? Yes it's frustrating not seeing tangible evidence of development progress, but I personally would rather be patient and give Intrepid time to do their work.

    Developing good quality games TAKES TIME. I know it's hard but we all need to dial back the hype a bit and be patient. If it gets to this time next year and there is no clear visible progress, then I will get worried and wonder if the game is going to fail. But until then, I will give Intrepid the space and the time they need to make a great game.
  • WololoWololo Member, Phoenix Initiative, Hero of the People, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    @Liten thats some clean advice right there
  • grisugrisu Member
    edited June 2019

    Might want to listen to the last stream again, lot's of under the hood stuff, optimizing pipelines as well as optimizing in general. Maybe let them get that out of the way and have some patience?

    It's like making a character and a character creator. The character creator takes a vast amount of time longer to create then pumping characters out afterwards.
    Just, you can't really show the making of the character creator now can you?

    Edit: How can people say there has been no progress w hen we have been shown thebuilding tool as well as the animation change btw? What is it that you want to see so badly really? "it's nice to see that creature, but it's not mmo stuff"... okay?
    I can be a life fulfilling dream. - Zekece
    I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
  • OrcLuckOrcLuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    We paid for an mmo. If they want progress to seem like its happening they should show it, and not Apoc. There's nothing wrong with wanting more information on the game you paid for the development of. Not the side project testing apparatus.
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2019
    zomnivore wrote: »
    We paid for an mmo. If they want progress to seem like its happening they should show it, and not Apoc. There's nothing wrong with wanting more information on the game you paid for the development of. Not the side project testing apparatus.

    This always seems a weird argument to me. It's not like APOC is a completely separate project from the mmo. Literally everything they have developed for APOC can and probably will be integrated into Ashes of Creation.

    Also, like it or not, an online game's net code and server facilities are vital to the success of the game. Sure it's not as impressive to see as a complete combat system or pretty graphics, but in my opinion it's just as important. Too many online games with great potential fail because of unstable servers and I'd hate for that to happen to Ashes.

    APOC is the perfect format to develop and test the net code that will be used in the mmo later on.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    They are showing the progress for the MMOPRG.
    They are simply using the test map to show the progress rather than the MMORPG map because they don't want to show MMORPG locations until we are closer to beta.
  • KarthosKarthos Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Liten wrote: »
    All millennials wants everything now, now, now! Calm your tits and enjoy the ride.
    Following this game has been a blast, and I'm still as hyped as I was when I first heard of it.

    Soon you'll be able to play some more Apoc and will likely notice a massive difference from last time you played it.

    Keep the hype people but try to enjoy the summer while this game is still in development!

    I'm a millennial...

    And I'm far from like this person you've discribed here.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    zomnivore wrote: »
    We paid for an mmo. If they want progress to seem like its happening they should show it, and not Apoc. There's nothing wrong with wanting more information on the game you paid for the development of. Not the side project testing apparatus.

    Nothing of what they showed is strictly for APOC (except maybe the powerjump, but that can also be an ability in the mmorpg).
    They showed us new waves and water shader/animations, new animal animation/new animals, better destruction tech and projectile hit mechanics.
    All of those are important for the mmorpg. I know that that was not interesting for many, but the wave and water shaders alone were enough for me tbh xD
  • CrazySquiggleCrazySquiggle Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Second, and probably most importantly, this game was crowdfunded on kickstarter. This means they had to announce the game a lot sooner than most other games would. We just had E3 a few weeks ago, and the majority of the games announced and showcased there are set for release early next year, so they are very near completion already. This means they have a lot more they can show that is guaranteed to be in the finished product. I reckon Ashes is still at least a full year, possibly two, from an actual release.

    Just want to point out that only the extra stuff that we will most likely see after launch is funded by the kickstarter. The main game that we are waiting for was funded by Steven.
  • SarevokSarevok Member, Alpha Two
    It will be ready when it's ready. I know everyone is thirsty for the next big MMO and Crowfall and Camelot Unchained are also getting closer to completion but AoC is the only game I have my eyes on. I do hope they start up the Alpha 1 and 2 sooner than mentioned as I would love nothing more than to help and give constructive feedback on the game.
  • AmistAmist Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2019
    azathoth wrote: »
    People have short attention spans and high expectations, so it does not surprise me that some people are doubting Ashes. That hasn't changed since the KS, so I don't know how relevant that point is. I am also unsure of the 'memes', who makes decisions based on these things?

    We might be gamers, some of us might be mature, but there is a large variety of gamers. In the past, IS has been burned (like many other developers) by the community. So saying we are all mature and able to understand simple issues like 'things may change,' is clearly not representative of the whole community.

    I have yet to feel like they don't trust their own product, but maybe that's because they haven't released a product I think they would judge themselves on.

    I like the art and developer clips, Q&A's, and such. I am not too worried they haven't shown more, it's nice they have shown some. For a lot of AAA games, for a long time at least, you didn't even see previews until release.

    Whereas I do agree that people have a tendency to have high expectations in terms of what is being showcased during the livestream and in testing phases, I do also think that there are a lot of people with longer attention spans that have the right to remain skeptic about the product.

    Just like how IS have been burned by the community in the past due to outrage, there tends to be a reason for the uproar and there have definetly been incidents where the community was right to have their doubts.

    I am yet to doubt whether or not the product will come out, but it would be nice to see assets used in an MMO setting and not on the APOC map. There are various different systems that will take place in the MMO that are not present in APOC and for people to be curious about those is nothing but a good thing. Of course there are always exceptions and you can never expect the entire community to be fond of the decisions made by the studio, but from my perspective there seems to be an overall understanding and agreement that MMO's take time and should be iterrated on during their testing phases

    TL:DR: I think the OP's concerns are very valid. People have a tendency to see any critisism brought upon the game as being just negative and people have the right to remain skeptic
  • AzathothAzathoth Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I think wanting to see more is valid. I do not think there is a lot of validity or benefit in pointing out people are making memes about their expectations of Ashes. I also don't believe releasing more information is a strictly benefit added action for IS.

    Everyone here has all the rights to say what they want about Ashes. That goes for those that want to point out the negatives and those that want to point out the positives.

    Was the point of this thread just to make complaints? I don't think so, and I believe that when some members post more negative concerns there is some benefit to countering with positive aspects and opinions from different points of view. I feel the same way about threads that tend to be "all love" for Ashes, sometimes the things said in those threads also need a counter opinion.
    +1 Skull & Crown metal coin
  • Non transparent games are usually globally announced 5 months before release and since this game won't be released this year, it would make a lot of sense to not hear a lot about the MMO itself until 5 months before the release date. Also, if this wait is affecting anyone's lifestyle to the point where they're skipping meals, they would probably be better off coming back next year.
    Forgive and you will free yourself. Peace be with you all.
  • OMFG, not more of this shit. Gamers normaly takes years to develop. They had to scrap something and start all over.

    "You argued at the latest livestream that you were not comfortable with showing stuff because it is subject to change or might get scrapped entirely. Yes this is something we are aware of as gamers, it happens all the time."

    Not everybody seems to get this
  • T ElfT Elf Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Devil's Advocate here on not wanting to show stuff because it might change means you don't want to have transparent development anymore. To be transparent you have to show the process...which means show it but label it. Have the courage of your convictions.
    Formerly T-Elf

  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    @azathoth I totally get what you are saying, and yet I find myself thinking just how stupid some people are who demand the world when they are completely ignorant of what it takes to make a good game. And no, this doesn't apply just to Ashes, but a lot of different games. In fact, just recently Pokemon fans went berserk when they found out that the next Pokemon games (Sword and Shield) won't support all the Pokemon from previous generations. When you consider that there will be over 1000 individual Pokemon species to manage, it's really not surprising that the developers have decided to cut back a little.

    But of course the ignorant masses don't understand just what it takes to implement and support so many different Pokemon, and get up in arms about it. Thankfully the head of the project put his foot down and is not pandering to the masses on this.

    This is what annoys me about people. They immediately light the torches the moment things aren't as they expected, and are very quick to blame and complain without first doing the research to know what the hell they are complaining about.

    I'm not saying players shouldn't complain about things in games, as the feedback is important. But please for the love of all things gaming do your research and think about things before you start complaining.
  • OrcLuckOrcLuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I'm not concerned, but I'm also in deep, and I'm riding this out with knowledge of what its like. I just want to say that for the people who haven't done this before, being concerned isn't wrong. Its not a bad thing.

    Its part n parcel with how this rodeo goes down.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    @elf on the flip side: players would call for their heads if they release the game without a cool gimmik that they once introduced in one of their streams.
    8Like watchdogs with its grafics or Anthem with its "living world")
  • T ElfT Elf Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    One thing I've learned over my years of gaming....things change; might as well get use to it early.
    Formerly T-Elf

  • Disagree.

    I've never felt they don't trust their own product, quite the contrary.

    I also want to see more stuff but just because they don't show it doesn't mean I jump to conclusions about that reflecting some deeper issue than their comfort level.
  • T ElfT Elf Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    There is no doubt in my mind that Intrepid trusts their own product; I'm just saying you have to be able to take some of the flax that comes with transparency; and that people who are interested in games, if they don't know already, should realize that there is an evolution in development as well as beyond launch.
    Formerly T-Elf

  • aevariaevari Member, Alpha Two
    edited July 2019
    Back in my day we just waited for the game to come out, without constant complaining. It's being worked on, we've seen that from dev diaries and live streams -- the proof is right in front of your eyes. People just need to grow up and be patient, things don't get completed by complaining about it, assets need to be created, systems tested, my god, do people not know how long a good MMO takes to be created and launched now a days?? WoW took like 5 bloody years!! Of course they aren't going to show everything, when you want it, they have a large stake in the game -- they want to show it at its best, Steven pretty much said it perfectly last stream, they aren't going to show things they aren't entirely happy with and aren't going to show them if they will do more harm than good to the community - and if you can't see the positive AND the negative in that, why are you even posting on here?

    Stop being self entitled, we are getting way more snippets of the game development than many other games out there, how can you still find something to complain about?! seriously... it's being worked on and it will be great when it is polished to the level the devs are proud of showing.
    "If you lose sight of something, the only person who can find it again is you"
  • AmistAmist Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    aevari wrote: »
    Back in my day we just waited for the game to come out, without constant complaining. It's being worked on, we've seen that from dev diaries and live streams -- the proof is right in front of your eyes. People just need to grow up and be patient, things don't get completed by complaining about it, assets need to be created, systems tested, my god, do people not know how long a good MMO takes to be created and launched now a days?? WoW took like 5 bloody years!! Of course they aren't going to show everything, when you want it, they have a large stake in the game -- they want to show it at its best, Steven pretty much said it perfectly last stream, they aren't going to show things they aren't entirely happy with and aren't going to show them if they will do more harm than good to the community - and if you can't see the positive AND the negative in that, why are you even posting on here?

    Stop being self entitled, we are getting way more snippets of the game development than many other games out there, how can you still find something to complain about?! seriously... it's being worked on and it will be great when it is polished to the level the devs are proud of showing.

    I think calling the OP entitled is going a little too far. Demanding? Perhaps, but wanting to see systems and aspects of the game showcased in the MMO setting is understandable as it is the reason why a lot of us are here.
  • DrewskiDrewski Member, Warrior of Old, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Second, and probably most importantly, this game was crowdfunded on kickstarter. This means they had to announce the game a lot sooner than most other games would. We just had E3 a few weeks ago, and the majority of the games announced and showcased there are set for release early next year, so they are very near completion already. This means they have a lot more they can show that is guaranteed to be in the finished product. I reckon Ashes is still at least a full year, possibly two, from an actual release.

    Just want to point out that only the extra stuff that we will most likely see after launch is funded by the kickstarter. The main game that we are waiting for was funded by Steven.

    I'm pretty sure it was stated that it will all be there at launch assuming it was funded for. If it wasn't, they would've done it anyway, just after launch.
  • KriddonKriddon Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2019
    Yeah I believe Steven has a serious case of "Sean Murray syndrome" where you talk a lot about the game but then it turns out badly. So you end up saying basically nothing about the game for a few months until you have something to show that you're 100% confident in. The problems with that is Intrepid talked about an open development. And whatever we're getting certainly doesn't feel open. Remember when we used to get dungeon runs those were the days.

    For instance for the longest time Intrepid thought they were going to release this year. And just because the network is having issues that doesn't mean other departments were having issues. So they must have more done than they have shown. So I think it's very possible they have more than three Boss characters done. And I believe we have only ever seen like three Boss characters. Wouldn't seeing something like a new boss character be pretty cool guys. Especially since that's something that would be in a MMO.

    And if some of you say "Well maybe they just haven't done that yet. How could you know?"

    I would say "Well I wish they would provide some kind of in depth update to what exactly they were doing instead of "back end issues" and "apoc things" most of the time like some other indie MMO.

    I could really go on about issues on transparency for like pages but I don't want to make this too long since I want people to actually read it.

    Sean Murray interview where he talks about the difficulties of no man's Sky launch and development. And why he will only talk about games when they're done and not in development.
    Which is what I'm sure Steven is doing now.

    Now before any of you get mad. You should know I really want this game to do well. I'm really excited for it. That's why I'm still here even though they haven't showed MMO footage in 6 months. I just think we should call out issues as we see them. And I think they're lack of communication is a huge issue. Especially for new people like I'm glad it's finally there but it took like four months to put a notice next to the download button of the Battle Royale that you can't play it. People were buying beta because they thought they needed that to play the BR. And that's really sad to hear.
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