Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
So What Will Be The Point Of Open World PvP?

In a recent Live Stream it was mentioned that there will not be any sort of looting killed enemy players. I haven't been following this game too closely for the past year, but what I remember is that attacking other players gives you corruption, and the more corruption you have the more loot you may drop on death.
What I'm struggling to understand is what will be the incentive to attack other players and risk losing your gear? It seems like the risk/ reward is way off.
Can anyone clear this up for me?
Thank you!
What I'm struggling to understand is what will be the incentive to attack other players and risk losing your gear? It seems like the risk/ reward is way off.
Can anyone clear this up for me?
Thank you!
Formerly T-Elf
I feel like there should be something you get for taking a risk as high as losing your gear. Maybe something like 'corruption coins' that allow you to buy PvP and corruption focused gear.
If the incentive is literally only that you'll get 2 iron ore from the guy you killed I don't see this mechanic being used much. I don't think full loot PvP would be healthy for the game, but there needs to be some sort of incentive for the average PvP minded player.
We don't know for sure what will happen when a player kills another in terms of items. The question you are referring to was specifically related to Runescape's Wilderness where when you die, all but your 3 "highest value" items drop to the ground for someone to pick up. Steven said it wouldn't be that extreme.
I do not think they want the mmo to be a complete battle royale were people are even afraid to step away from their computers, in town, at the bank, for a moment.
it will be interesting how it turns out and plays..
Ah, gotcha. That makes sense. That's probably for the best honestly.
The idea is to make the choice to attack someone something of substance. To urge any spontaneous pvp to be meaningful and not "just because".
For example way back in runescapes history there was constant competition for certain materials, where now its more that people will just hope worlds until they find one empty enough( referring to current 'old school RS' not RS3). You'd have people mining the same rock hoping to be the one to get the ore as most rocks deplete after a single ore and regenerate after a time. In ashes if you want that ore you could kill, or even just fight in some cases, other players to ensure that material is yours.
A bit of clarification on corruption, you only gain corruption for killing someone who remains flagged as a noncombatant by not fighting back. Also being flagged as a combatant lessens the death penalty giving some incentive for someone to retaliate if only for the sole purpose to lose less upon an inevitable death. While that will mean less material loot for the pker it also means no corruption.
Incentives to initiate PvP combat include preventing characters from a rival Node from depleting local resources or from completing resource objectives needed to progress the rival Node to the next stage.
Denying characters from a rival Node/Castle of acquired resources also prevents them from adequately prepping against sieges.
Dunno why we wouldn't expect that to be a group of miners just as there is a group of adventurers.
And I dunno why wouldn't expect the gear the miners have to be as good or better as the gear the adventurers have.
Also, I dunno why we wouldn't be expecting the miner(s) to be proficient at combat.
If the miners get attacked, it's very likely they will be able defend themselves just fine.
They aren't going to lose all of their resources - just a portion - even if they choose to not flag as combatant and have the attackers gain corruption. They lose the same amount of resources they would if killed by a mob. So, not really a huge amount of risk. And probably not adding any more spine-tingling than being attacked by a mob.
In fact, they will only lose half as much if they choose to fight back.
Corruption helps prevent slaughter because characters with Corruption stand to lose a considerable amount more than those without Corruption.
do you have anyone already on that list?
Yup, 3 people actually
AoC will not award so much xp and gear on quests like "go one shoot 10 mobs and return"
In AoC if you want to farm materials for gear or lv up you will have to find a zone in the open world challenging enough to award you with good XP for killing mobs or give you msterials that you need.
Now if this zone that is meant for lv30-33 players, has mobs that respawn at a rate that 200 people can kill them without waiting for respawn, and another group of people show up, there wont be enough.
So a group will start hassling some players that are already there by hiting them a bit. When a player hits another player it has it's name changed to purple colour from white.
If the attacked players hit back both of them have purple names and can kill each other for the XP spot in the zone. The winner gets to stay on the spot until further provocations.
If a playet slays another their name go to red from purple. Then the whole zone would target them for loot.
This is part of open world PvP.
Players that are afraid of confrontation usually do not go to highly populated zones that award the best xp upon killing mobs.
Guilds will also prevent enemy guilds from leveling up by scouting zones and killing enemies.
Oh fascinating
im already in a guild
What? It is a legit response in the spirit of Krieg and a Chaos Space Marine!
when the ashes forums turns into a Warhammer forum ^^
Well, if you insist *evil grin*
Bring it on!
— An Ork Kommando explaining "da sneaky plan" to a group of other Orks."
They already confirmed this to happen
See Player Death.
I get the idea why you think that might be a good motivation for starting fights in open world but that also is a good demotivator, hence more people will try to avoid going to those spots.
I mean what about organized friendly PVP fights in open world? 3v3, 2v1 , 10vs 10 , raid vs raid, and so on. Those are hard to pull off if you don't flag. And if you look at the whole picture 1v1 fights that happen in open world for the sake of resources happen rarely and make up only small part of the games PVP, therefore if you try to penalize players for dying in order to make that small part interesting there is a chance that it will ruin rest pvp activity.
So you gotta be delicate while handling this. Imo, losing items while fighting for resources will only be interesting when it is GvG or when you get a party quests and you meet other party with the same quest but only one side can claim it. So the players will have to decide whether it worth the risk?
Imo, Pvp for the sake of pvp is the best motivation since pvp spots will be created by itself, due to community wanting to pvp, near city entrances, dungeon entrance or at some dueling places somewhere in the world. People would gather around them when they have nothing to do or just wanna chill and do some friendly PVP/dueling.
Ofc there should also be penalization for PK or stuff like those but dunno in what form.