Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I hope bosses aren't immune to abilities...

Few things are as deflating as acquiring those cool, powerful abilities only to have the 'immune' word pop up when you perfectly time it on a boss. I hope all abilities can affect bosses if it makes sense (i.e. hamstring on humanoid bosses, blind on bosses with reachable eyes) - even if the chance is low.
Just slapping immunity on a boss always felt like a cheap way to demonstrate its strength to me. Thoughts?
Just slapping immunity on a boss always felt like a cheap way to demonstrate its strength to me. Thoughts?
Of course, not all bosses should be immune to the same ability or have an immunity. It should, imo, be a thing though.
I don't think it's cheap to a have a Fire Boss immune to fire.
That said, a Water Boss should be weak to fire attacks.
However, if creatures in general don't have immunity stats it would also be nice if none had weaknesses. Because accidentally destroying a boss by spamming the first spell you notice they are weak to is cheap.
Even a creature being immune to a certain type of damage could make for a very interesting encounter. Though I would suggest the immunity card should be used very rarely.
Just my two coppers...
Boss about to do a big aoe attack? Stunned! Problem solved haha. Tank about to die? Knock the boss away long enough to heal the tank up again.
On a side note, I felt like GW2 solved problems like this quite well. In most other mmorpgs CC abilities are useless in raids, but mobs in GW2 (including the bosses) have a break meter. Most of the time the boss is immune to all CC, but when the break bar becomes active, CC abilities reduce the bar (like a health bar) and when the break bar gets to zero the boss stops whatever it is doing and takes extra damage for a short period of time.
A lot of the GW2 boss fights are designed around the break meter and using your CC at the correct time to progress the fight. It's a very creative way of working around hard CC abilities.
Then what do you expect from a boss? It's going to have more HP and be stronger and will be the same as every boss in every other game I guess. Takes time to kill and you have to play smart so you don't die!
A boss with 50 billion HPs and nothing special besides that.. nothing more boring for a raider.. Most those raid bosses you can just tap your four attack powers (example) while watching youtube.. DPS classes have fun, sure, then they all pat themselves on the back when parses are posted.. /yawn... Though I hope they keep to their word and not allow combat logs.
Well.. not that I want a boss that's so scripted everyone in the raid needs third party software to keep track of things.. that is no fun either.
They have a chance to make things more interesting.. i hope they can. Monster coins will help.. but I'm just talking pure NPC raid bosses here.
Seriously? I would preferr a boss with a small amount of abilities, that would insta kill you, more then a boss aith 10k different abilities that require you to dance around the room.