Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

This snippit was a little concerning for me:
"Their dense muscle is more than capable of supporting a rider, though they will make no small hassle if they are bereft of food, squeaking and chirping incessantly until their needs are met."
Does this mean we have to feed this or any other mount to keep them working?
"Their dense muscle is more than capable of supporting a rider, though they will make no small hassle if they are bereft of food, squeaking and chirping incessantly until their needs are met."
Does this mean we have to feed this or any other mount to keep them working?

Formerly T-Elf
If you feed them, then they can reach 110% efficiency, if you give them the bare minimum then 100%, if you forget to feed them then only 75% or they refuse to let you mount until you give it enough food.
Formerly T-Elf
If normal mounts will require food, then undead mounts will require something like soul essence or mana regurarly.
pffff if it dies I will just make a new one ^^
You would have to be an animal breeder professionally....
NAGASH, you have to become an animal breeder and start making little skelleton pets and mounts!
like this?
No, more like Ainz Ool Gown, from Overlord and his breeding programm!
oh but im not a demon ^^
Ainz was not a demon as well.
I thought that was Demiurge's thing?
But wasnt that only with Ainzes permission? I stopped reading the novel after some time and that is already some time in the past. XD
in the books its hinted that hes using humans but ainzes is thinking its just animals s
Oh well, potato potahto
Indeed but I doubt we will ever see that in-game
thats what the new bone reapers are in age of sigmar ^^
As for that coming down to a bonus buff, I am not sure I would agree. I am against most 'bonus buffs' though.
Perhaps they could change colors to look sickly?
Kill a boar on the way back to keep ur lion happy, or let the lion roam and hunt his own food while ure grinding wood?
You're bleeding for salvation, but you can't see that you are the damnation itself." -Norther
I would think that they will require you to provide some kind of special feed, if at all. Monsters will most of the time drop normal materials, so i would think that the boar idea could work, and if you can harvest something on the way i am shure you could feed your horse. It would be interesting, if cooks and animal husbandry professions can provide better food for mounts that give special buffs or something.
Formerly T-Elf
its going to be odd feeding a skeleton mount
Like i always say: undead mounts should require soulstones. Those should either have a high cost or should be complicated to be produced. They should in turn have "endless" stamina and slow to medium speed.
Nah, no need for complication, just go the skyrim route and make sure you have one in your inventory when you slit someone's throat in their sleep or rip out their spine on a battlefield
Feed it marrow.
Just pour some milk on it
That could work