Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.


Seriously? Is this Just some kinda HYPE Site for something that does not exist?? WHERE is Download?


  • Currently the game is in pre-alpha development stage, with alpha planned for the end of 2017 so there is no download available currently
  • Ok about the part of the end of 2017 i have one question. ARE WE THERE YET. ok two questions HOW ABOUT NOW ARE WE THERE YET. lol
  • lol, this made my day :)
  • [quote quote=4329]Seriously? Is this Just some kinda HYPE Site for something that does not exist?? WHERE is Download?


    Where did you read that this game is released?
  • [quote quote=4330]Currently the game is in pre-alpha development stage, with alpha planned for the end of 2017 so there is no download available currently


    [quote quote=4340]lol, this made my day <img alt="?" src="" />

    [/quote] Thanks for the link Haki. Deathsproxy do you run the site or just help with content? Either way its nice to see community involvement so invested to post videos and take the time to setup web sites to provide information. Thanks for all the info.

    Edit. I see Haki owns the site. I know where to go for further info about the game.
  • The game is in pre-alpha. It is the official site for the game but it is a LONG way off before release. We are all part of the pre-release community!
  • Nothing like getting in on the ground floor. I've done plenty of beta tests, but this is the first time I've been motivated to sign up for a game that hasn't even hit alpha test yet. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

    -= Therendil =-
  • Thanks to DeathsProxy i just "discovered" this game today watching a video and becoming amazed...
    And really glad to see developers from Star Wars Galaxies in here..... hope they will give us "girls" an amazing wardrobe again :)
  • [quote quote=4492]Thanks to DeathsProxy i just “discovered” this game today watching a video and becoming amazed…
    And really glad to see developers from Star Wars Galaxies in here….. hope they will give us “girls” an amazing wardrobe again <img alt="?" src="" />


    Really ? Star Wars Galaxies?? Damn! Now my hype-o-meter got hyped up! *impatience-debuff*
  • Awesome Dev Team + Fresh ideas + great community = Success
  • yo will i get a notification to my email address if i win a alpha key?
  • yup
  • [quote quote=6023]yo will i get a notification to my email address if i win a alpha key?

    You Should Be!
  • Game is in pre-alpha at the moment. You can participate on the forum and discord to make your way to alpha key. Alpha will start in late 2017 and I think kickstarter will be very very soon too.
  • Game is in pre-alpha at the moment. If you want to play alpha version of the you can participate on the forum ans discord to win the key. AoC alpha is coming out in late 2017 and kickstarter will start probably very soon.

    Sorry for double post but I did not see first one and I was thinking that it was not posted.
  • Oh my...I had to laugh when I saw this. Now I will go back to patiently waiting. Or at least trying to be patient.
  • Looking forward to play this game, what I saw looked pretty awesome.
    Now sit back and wait.............
  • [quote quote=6400]Oh my…I had to laugh when I saw this. Now I will go back to patiently waiting. Or at least trying to be patient.

    [/quote] Dear Friends, patience?? I had no idea! Will you please promise to resurrect me after the boredom of AA drives me to suicide long before this ....????
  • Game looks pretty dope! hoping i can take part in this alpa beta :)
  • Like omg yeah how do you download this game, must be hype bro. LOL That is hilarious.
  • I'm so hype for this game, can't wait!!!
  • Aplha by the end of the year? Guess it will take some time before game is released :(
    Hopefully game engine will be better than from Black Desert Online ... last thing I need is another MMORPG where you get 20fps as soon as there are a lot of players around you.
    So hopefully it will be well optimised for large amount of players.
  • The game looks very interesting.
  • Hello Guys ! This game looks awesome but what about Mac platform ?
  • [quote quote=7386]Hello Guys ! This game looks awesome but what about Mac platform ?


    “Making an MMO for a console is a difficult undertaking. I am open to the idea for future development, but at the moment, the team is focused on targeting Windows in particular. That said, we are specifically writing code to be cross-platform-capable, with Windows-specific functionality being modularly loaded at compile time, that way if we do decide to build for XBOne, PS4, or any of the other platforms that UE4 supports, we will have significantly less code that needs to be refactored to support building for the new target platform.”

    UE4 support mac
  • Thx Aventox !
  • Yeah that they have former SWG developers drew me in as well. That game is still maybe the best MMO I have ever played.
  • The hype is real. Can't wait to be able to play
  • Aw maaaan. Why did I discovered about this game so early. Now I gotta have to wait for so long. ;-;
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