Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Players who start a year later miss out ?
Its seems like the city, growing, and questing is limited to players who start on launch. A year later you will have missed out helping ?
If you are concerned about not getting to experience contributing to a node growing around you and participating in its development, then you will have the option to declare war on an existing node, destroy it, then participate in building a new one from the ground up.
If you are coming from a completionist mindset of not wanting to miss out on something that happened previously, then you should know that is not a concern for Ashes. The game is planned to have a vast and dynamic world with very limited fast travel. No player can be everywhere at once, and the world will constantly be changing. There will be things that appear on one server, that don't on another. Even players who play from launch day to when the game's servers shut down will miss out on most content because they were on the wrong server or in the wrong place to experience it.
If it makes you feel better, this means that a lot of the dynamic aspects of the world will probably be procedurally generated or semi-randomly selected from an array of pre-made options, and therefore very similar to other content. So someone might not get to experience the exact same quest as another person in a different time/place/server, but they will probably get to have an experience close to it if they play enough.
However, as the cycle is always going, you will have missed out on the original shaping of the world, but you will have opportunity to re-shape the world.
This is one of the most exciting things about ashes in my opinion. It's what really sets it apart from other mmos.
Well, to be perfectly frank, anyone who doesn't play the first year of ANY game, regardless of its mechanics, will miss out on something, somewhere. That's the price someone pays for not keeping up with the MMO market and failing to notice games, even when they've been in development for years and clearly not hiding under a rock. Or maybe they do know of the game, but choose not to play for some reason. Fair enough, but that's their choice. Whatever the situation, if you're not there... you're not there. The world has to move on. That said, there will still be building opportunities later in the game for people so I'm ultimately not sure what you want?
Do you know if we will have time based events for acquiring cosmetics? Personally I kinda like/hate those. Sometimes you don't have enough time, or don't feel like grinding that particular event, and losing access to cosmetics suck.
I remember GW2 had one where you had to defeat a series of bosses, but you had to get tickets first, which cost some weird currency. So it was a double grind, first to get currency, then bosses, and it was only up for like a week.
I didn't feel like sinking all of my playing time into that, but I also wanted the cosmetics...