Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
That's all I'm reading: "I wanna kill without having to worry about losing gear". Basically means "I want to screw other players time without having it no repercussion whatsoever when he comes back and kills me"
-Pravchenski, still drunk in a desert
-Pravchenski, yelling this at some twigs in sand, in a desert.
-Pravchenski, in a desert speaking to himself
-Pravchenski, yelling this at some twigs in sand, in a desert.
Hmm Yes but that's 0 fun. I'd rather have bounty hunters chase me around against which i can fight to the death.
dont you understand that you CANT FIGHT BACK as soon as you get corrupted, why even having open world pvp if there is no point in doing it at all. Green players can grief corrupted players, it makes no sense. There should be risk for corrupted players, but having not even a chance of getting out of it without getting rekt makes simply no sense. They can freely kill you and you can just stand there and watch as corrupted player. If you call that " consequences " then sry but its just 0 iq
Corruption doesn't decrease over time, so you have to stop to farm mobs or die at some point.
If you want to pvp without drawbacks you stick to killing combatants.
Punishment on those killing greens are fair and will be quite good to keep green boys safe. Sometimes. I know I'll kill green boys if i think they're hoarding a bunch of gathering mats. But that wont instantly turn me red unless I'm on a max main against a new character for example.
I like these talks thoughs
But the point is dont get corrupted. L2 has this exact same system and you know what? There is shit ton of OW PvP.
PKing is usually done to demonstrate that you have way more power than the other side or done in very very seldom situations. FLAGGING how ever is done to initate pvp. Its fine art not to go corrupted but initiate PvP.
Imagine 9v9 PvP situation
You will usually use your weakest hitting but high armor class to initiate PvP because you dont want to accidentally PK AND your healer will wait till last possible moment to go purple. As he will go purple the first time he heals.
IF you could just Pk with lil to no danger your healer would die in 2 seconds in to group PvP.
You also dont want the low damage guy to keep hitting all your guys as you then need to get healed which costa MP. This creates "when do we strike do we harass back" situations.
Also these situations are usually tens becouse u wont know WHEN the first strike back will happpen since you cant just go and kill the squishiest guy the moment you see them. This also creates social situations where you can speak yourself out of the PvP, shit talk, form alliances etc. Becaus pvp doesnt happen in a blink of an eye.
Also PK status can be cleared. I have been PK hundred of times in L2 even tho i could drop my hard earned gear.
1) clearing doesnt take that long
2) you can even be sneaky and let your friends kill you to clear out the corruption. Sure you lose exp but not the gear. If you have trustworthy friends.
Never play as solo if you want to PK. That is just plain 0 iq
Im 99% sure this system wont be touched other than corruption gains per kill. Everyone I know that have played l2 loves this system. Way better than FFA pvp.
I would definitely take the risk. If it is someone I dislike or deserves a troll death. 100% will do it. Remember, This PVP avenue is for last resort. For the emotional response. You are not meant to be a griefer and go around killing noobs for no reason. Also don't you lose corruption by killing bounty hunters?
This system was awesome in Lineage 2. Protected the new people and OMG the fights against pkers was amazing and fun.
Also keep in mind. The harder it is to be a PKer the higher the fame status is for being a good one. Look at it as an opportunity to be an infamous pker O_O.
The way I see it, OWpvp is going to suffer the way it did in BDO, if someone doesn't want to fight back, they wont, and you will become corrupted hence karmabombing. If you're stronger than someone and they try to fight back only to lose, what's going to make them want to fight back again when they know they could just not and you'll become corrupted. I like both players being combatants and the victor doesn't get penalized, but its only gonna take so long, or even one death resulting from an extremely one sided fight for the loser to say fuck it and stop fighting back. Why struggle if you know you cant win?
The first QnA they did I suggested a full loot system based on "Danger" areas in the world much like how runescapes wilderness works. Only these areas would pop up randomly but with a warning as to where they'd be shortly in advance. In these areas you would drop all gear on death, not suffer corruption, and rare material as well as rare or elite/mini boss mobs would have a higher chance to appear but it was shot down immediately because Steven didn't like the idea of full-loot. If they'd consider something like this I think taking away the full-loot and making it:
- No corruption gained, pvp always active
- you dont drop gear on death
- you drop the normal stuff you would in a death outside the area, but a lot more of it.
Ah yes, piss and shower all over me with your grand knowledge that only you and OP understand about open-world PvP. Us peasants can only grasp at straws on what true PvP is from our crop fields.
Normally what happens in BDO is you declare war on the enemy's guild so that karma does not drop anymore. Typically if someone is "karmabombing" from my experience in the game, they are lower geared/ newer players that the system is designed to protect. In very rare instances, people will drop guild but no normal person bases judgment on the extremes.
Open world PvP in BDO suffered more from an awful enchanting system making people quit the game than the karma system. Players could not get strong enough to get back at there opponents from the grind and rng that deleted one's grind if they failed.
With that being said, the simple act of declaring war on another guild is another PvP system integrated to the open-world PvP aspect of BDO. Likewise in AoC, there will be many other avenues or incentives for PvP that we know of and aspects yet to be revealed.
OP could suggest adding a war declaration on guilds that prevents corruption gain because I think that's what he wants; it's also much simpler than adding in OP's changes. Also, competitive or veteran players will eventually want to join guilds anyways as they progress in the game and settle down on a community of players.
But the wording here also hints that he wants to gank/ initiate PvP first and then have an all-out brawl. And the suggestion I gave happened in BDO; a lot of lifeskillers, PvE players, and more casuals get ganked or repeatedly killed. And their guilds typically died cause their members left.
thanks first of all for the pretty good explaination. Maybe im just cursed because of black desert online, because there you got griefed to infinity by players who just didnt want to fight you. Instead they just farmed the same mobs as you do just to fuck you up no matter if both get less loot and waste their time. In case you killed them you lost karma and they either p2w to instant revieve or just walked back there which took around a minute. Then they repeated this until you are below 0 karma and if they killed you then you basically got f hard. In the end you just coudnt "defend" yourself against a player who is just griefing your game experience. Some people know griefing or ganking from the bad bois who kill everyone, but im coming from the other side where you get griefed by pve only players. The only way i see i could enjoy ow pvp here is going out with my 2nd gear then i woudnt care. Without bounty hunter i could imagine yeah i could farm off my corruption depending on how long it takes but if after some months every 2nd guy is a bounty hunter i cant see how im not overrun by bounty hunters coming in groups with green players lol. but yeah
I understand that concern but not sure how group focused that game was but l2 at least was built around guilds and group play as this game seems to as well. Playing solo tends to be quite troublesome but in l2 after certain point solo was not an option.
Here's a video of owpvp with the same pvp mechanic from some years ago with "corrupted"characters
People start turning purple pretty quick when healers gets involved!
yeah black desert ist mostly single player, because you get actually no benefit in playing in groups ( bad game design, p2w, cashgrab game
Only the person that gets last hit.
Because PK is not the same as PvP. If you want to one shot someone, you can't, unless you're willing to get the corruption.
You can go and hit them, and see if they flag, and then PvP. You could also go next to someone and said "I've been following you around and I know you have at least X amount of resources, either give me Y quantity to me or I will kill you".
Sure, the player could say "go ahead, kill me, you will get corrupted" but he will lose 50% of his resources, so you can easily get mats for intimidating people.
It can't be an all out brawl more like a hunt since the bounty hunters won't attack each other (atleast, it's very unlikely), they'll all focus on the corrupted player (it's the goal of their bounty after all)
Idk how you guys turn a "no gear drop for 1/2 kills" into "He wants to gank one shot low lvl people and spawn camp them with a zerg of 451644151544ppl whose purpose in life is to make people quit the game"
I think a lot of you are wayyy too scared to get killed once in a while in open world and are over exaggerating everything I say on purpose to satisfy your paranoia.
Also, i'm of the idea that everyone who participated in a kill should get the corruption, no one likes zergs, especially when they try to abuse mechanics, the system doesn't have to be a copy paste of lineage2, there is always room for improvement.
That's not entirely true. Yes you won't become a combatant, but you can still fight back.
It doesn't kick in after 1 kill....well technically it could. It's based off your corruption score. I suppose if your corruption score is super high, yeah 1 kill you drop gear. But your corruption score has to meet the threshold to drop something. So if you have a low corruption score, say you killed someone 10 levels above you who was afk your score will be minimal and you won't actually drop gear based on that. If you're max level and just AOE the shit out of a group of lvl 5's you're probably be as corrupted as satan's taint.
Yes it does. You will be flagged Corrupted when you kill a Non-Combatant. The penalties after one kill are minor besides the increased death penalties. It is the player who PK and grief consistently that will be heavily hit by penalties.
Sounds to me like a system that offers options.
Options are good.
This is the kind of thing that we have in mind to test in alpha.
There are something like 320 specific things in relation to corruption that I plan on testing with friends in beta when they get in.
We have a list.
Or, if you are taking on someone who can't fight back (maybe you stun them on the opening attack, or kill them too fast, or kill them while they are AFK) then that's another reason why they would die without fighting back. My prediction is that most people who get attacked while green (non-combatant) are going to want to fight back and turn purple (combatant) to avoid that XP and material loss.
The system is set up very much to have incentives for consensual PvP on both sides. The person initiating combat is dissuaded from attacking someone green in order to avoid the potential to get corruption and turn red. The person being attacked is dissuaded from sitting there and taking it because they don't want to lose as much stuff, plus if they fight back and actually win of course they lose nothing at all.
A what zone?
Seems about right to me, as it absolutely isn't something in Verra.