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Huge Concerns Around the Corruption System and Griefing



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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    my bad, didn't notice necro
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    King Atrax compels you to rise, Rise, RISE!
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I was under the impression one could clear Corruption through PvE kills since the disconnect for corrupted players from the Military Nodes. It might be only specific pve kills but one could simply stand and grief corrupted players at the chosen pve spots required to clear corruption without death. All in all, people will go corrupted due to pvp and being corrupted won't stop the pvp. I see a lot of corrupted killing corrupted at the pve spots designed to clear corruption.

    Still, death is the fastest way to clear corruption and you don't get corruption for killing corrupted. The more I think on most Ashes systems the more I realise the systems are full of holes/loopholes.
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    @Neurath getting exp reduces corruption through pve.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Yeah, that's what I thought. Good to see some things haven't changed - whether good or not lol.
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    LloydLloyd Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I agree with PvP dampening heavily. I think there are many systems they could introduce to balance out griefers from Corrupted players. I think corrupted players could add an interesting aspect to the game that others have done previously. My main example is going to be Tibia:

    Tibia has infinite scaling and also level decreasing from death whether it's from PvP or PvE. It's much more hardcore than Ashes of Creation. You had regular players, White Skull, Red Skull, and Black Skull. White skull was after attacking a player and relatively short out of combat cooldown it would go away. If people attacked you while you had a White Skull, they wouldn't get flagged, but they would be locked out of safe-zones. Red Skull was 3 kills within a day and would take a month to go away and players could attack you without gaining a White Skull. Black Skull was something like 7 kills in a short period of time and would last for 3 months with higher item loss and higher exp loss upon death.

    Players naturally created their own "hunting" system and stuck to guilds/higher level players in order to protect them from griefers. Going out in the world was always scary. The monsters weren't the only thing you needed to worry about, after all. Not only that, but you could also lose items upon death, not just resources. Even so, the community was actually really nice and the amount of griefers was relatively small because the community would bind together.

    You can see that even in Alpha 1 for Ashes of Creation bigger guilds started protecting certain villages/towns when PvP was on constantly with no safe zones. The threat was constant, the exp debt sucked, but if balanced correctly it should be fine. Note: players logged in were much lower during PvP time, but it was also around the same time when New World came out and it had already been a week or two since Alpha launched, so not sure if the evidence proves anything.

    I think skill dampening needs some serious stop-gaps before it is put into place.
    • For example killing 3 players 5 levels below [in x amount of time] = 15% corruption. Killing 1 players 20 levels below [in x amount of time] = 90% corruption. At 100% corruption you start losing stats. Per [x amount] of monsters killed, experience gained, quests completed, time spent not killing someone, etc. you lower corruption 1%.
    • If this player has killed someone 10-20 levels below them 5 times in the last month then they lose stats during PvP.

    [NOTE: These numbers are made up and not meant to be taken seriously for balancing].
    Current Member of the Gray Sentinels.
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    I don't understand at all in any capacity why people want to remove or have punishments as a perk / life style within the game. Lets say purely for example purposes you were a PvE player, you loved professions and pve content. You're out in the world doing your thing and Random player attacks you. You don't fight back because why should you? You're going to lose because all your time is spent outside of PvP so you have no experience in this. You can either fight back in vain and lose less resources, or die without fighting back while losing more resources. However by losing more resources you as the victim punish the hostile player. That is the corruption system. Now what If I were to tell you that as a PvE Player (this is still an example) you were told, oh by not fighting back you're giving what hostile player wants even more so they can have more content and fun pvping.

    Because unlike PvE where the player is having fun and benefiting from the interaction against a programmed mob with no feelings or emotions, in pvp someone has to win and someone has to lose. You have someone feeling better and having fun and you have someone feeling worse and not having fun. Now if it is all volunteered pvp everyone agree's that there is a winner and a loser that isn't an issue. But when forced into combat there is no agreement, there is no mutual understanding. There is a victim and a corrupter. Have you ever been out numbered in world pvp?

    Have you ever been killed against someone higher level and better gear constantly throughout your gaming experience? If so you know that sucks and by forcing that on non combatants you are just spreading the negativity and actively helping kill the player base until only people who care for pvp is left. Which how did that go for new world? A mmorpg focused only on pvp with pve a second thought. Where world pvp and sieges were the focused content. The game up died, the casuals / non pvp players were the first to leave, then the people who were into pvp but not in massive guilds or highly skilled were the next to leave. Leaving just a small population to where the devs go "yup, this isn't profitable. We are downsizing the dev team and in that the game itself".

    You can defend such practices all you want but griefing / targeting low players / or mass hunting solo players will always exist when and if possible. Humanity as a race in real life is fueled by greed and lust. Give people the chance to become the worst version of themselves against other people without consequence and more times than not the person will take the worst version. People on the forums are asking for more pvp, less restrictions, no consequences, no corruption, full loot. They want to be able to dominate without consequence. They want to be evil without consequence, and by supporting such rule sets of remove / nerf player dampening as well as any other negative consequence for being pretty much a jerk online.

    Someone used world of warcraft warmode as an example here. As someone who was a blood elf paladin in BFA, i participated a lot in consensual world pvp (thats what warmode is consensual world pvp). It was very rare to have a 1v1 experience even though these rare occurrences were fun (no one wants to 1v1 a paladin unless you're a high skilled mage). More times than not it was a mass group of horde or alliance players going through BFA (expansion) zones and mass murdering anyone doing world content. There was a bounty system too but the bounties were always in raid groups so you would have to have a raid group to counter that, and in WoW realms are faction dominant so it was hard to get a full group of strangers to get a bounty which pretty much died in the next expansion. People found ways to exploit and grief entire zones worth of players and they would do it again and again without consequence.

    Because honestly pvp boils down to a very simple formula. I kill opposing player, i feel better about myself. I feel better about myself because i bested someone and in doing so i made them feel worse. There are a lot (not all) of pvpers who laugh and cheer when the person rages or gets upset. With typical responses of "Git gud, you gonna cry, uninstall baddie" This isn't playing the game for fun or sport, this is specifically enjoying the misery you cause to other people and they feed off that. And sorry if this upsets you but when you ask for less / non existent consequences for hostile if not evil behavior then its telling me that you only care about causing harm to others and the enjoyment of making others suffer. As a paladin who would bubble hearth everytime a mass raid came at me i would get rage whispers from the opposing group insulting me with any slur and typical 12 year old call of duty voice chat insults you can think of. If mass ganging up is just part of the game which is the most common excuse for these people, then using my ability thats designed for that very purpose is also part of the game. But its not a part of the game they want, there is no fun letting me escape, there is only fun in making me suffer.

    Again this almost 2 page worth of information is purely for the red vs green (corrupter vs non combatant) this has nothing to do with purple game play or people who want to fight each other willingly.
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