Degraded Nodes Past a Certain Lvl leaving a ruin. (Suggestion)

I was reading the Ashes of Creation 101 section on Nodes, and asked a question on the megathread on Reddit about whether a degraded node would just delevel or leave evidence of what it used to be. I was told that as of right now they show signs of degradation and then delevel, I'd like to suggest that after a certain Node Lvl a degradation of the node could leave a ruin which would have some special final content for the area. This would be pretty rare I think, but since this could eventually leave a map full of ruins I suppose you could wipe the ruin after a certain period of time.


  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    They looked in to this.

    It was problematic.

    They decided against it.
  • WiplasherWiplasher Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty
    While its a cool idea it definitely would be difficult to implement. I'd be happy with just a quest around it, nothing crazy. Otherwise I am content.

    Good idea though :)
  • grisugrisu Member
    Talked about it years ago here and there has been a change, before nodes would just delevel but now if you successfully siege a node it is gone completely and locks out any development there for a period of time.

    I would assume that there might be some ruins for a while, but who knows, maybe oyu just can't gather any exp for a node there and it will automatically go somewhere else.
    And saying it would be difficult to implement is silly, it's the same as any node stage with the only difference that the quest relating to this are will be spawned in neigbouring nodes.(which doesn't even have to be the case, you could still have single npcs around it that want something from the ruins)
    The triggers are all the same. If node level -1 (instead of 1,2,3...) spawn enemy table x, spawn quest y.
    I can be a life fulfilling dream. - Zekece
    I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited July 2020
    They answered that in one of the interviews, either Summits or Asmongold's. Leaving ruins after a siege destroys a node messes with their systems and will not be happening currently. Or maybe it was last livestream, either way, it was answered just a little while ago as a no and as to why.
  • So... Its a problem with programming it in?

    Dang :/
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