Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Bloodmage "like" spec

Hi guys,
I was wondering. Will there be a spec combination that will revolve around blood magic and manipulating health as a playstyle ? I was hugely impressed by that concept in the Dragon Age series. Also will there be other resource types besides mana? My idea for the Blood Mage concept is that you have "blood" as a resource, which in combat you start it as empty, you also have few basic spells that either heal you back or fill you "blood bar", and more powerful spells that cost blood or if your bar is empty, they cost portion of your own HP. I think this could be a very fun, interesting as well as rewarding and punishing playstyle.
What are your thoughts on this?
I was wondering. Will there be a spec combination that will revolve around blood magic and manipulating health as a playstyle ? I was hugely impressed by that concept in the Dragon Age series. Also will there be other resource types besides mana? My idea for the Blood Mage concept is that you have "blood" as a resource, which in combat you start it as empty, you also have few basic spells that either heal you back or fill you "blood bar", and more powerful spells that cost blood or if your bar is empty, they cost portion of your own HP. I think this could be a very fun, interesting as well as rewarding and punishing playstyle.
What are your thoughts on this?
The only problem I see in this is, how would this spec fill in The Wheel? Is it a dmg dealer? Is it a tank? Mix of both (Most probably, yeah)? I agree it would have to have a different resource for spells than mana, but that is usually hard to balance. Implementing a spec like that needs to be done AFTER they see how their class system will work, in my opinion. It's harder to be implemented as a "basic spec", than being added later on, with a bigger patch or something.
Good idea, though. Would be amazing!
The "blood" as a resource would likely be the characters own health-bar, instead of the Blood-mages magic depleting the manna bar it would deplete the blood-mages health bar. However, the Blood-mage would have spells that could directly impact the health and/or manna of a target creature and in some cases boost the blood-mages, or even the blood-mages party's, health in exchange. One such blood-mage attack could steal health from an adversary to temporarily boost the blood-mages own health above the normal maximum so later spells would pull from the surplus health before it started impacting the blood-mages own health.
Another itteration of the same idea, that also works with the concept.
@Nitpick it fits as dps/support. If you havent played Dragon Age, another similar idea is the Vladimir champion in League of Legends.
I am aware of that. I am just finding it hard to be implemented in a hybrid-type combat system, which hasn't been properly tested yet. Because that spec is not so common. + You would have to make another 2 basic classes that would pull this out together. Because, so far, there is no "blood mage" in the combinations present, so it cannot exist in the future either. There is just no more space in the specs present (They have all the brackets full, is my point)
Also, I am aware of how it SHOULD be implemented in The Wheel. Not a support, definitely. It is a tank/dps, because it uses it's own health as a source for the spells and skills it uses. If there is another resource, something like a "blood collected-kinda bar", than it will be hard to balance with the other specs, not to mention it will be the only spec to be different. Like I said, the game is in early stages and this kind of thought or idea is to be brought up later, in my opinion.
Acolyte (Mage/Cleric) or Cultist (Rogue/Cleric) could do the job i believe. Clerics once had the ability to balance out HP in your group etc.
But i dont think that ANY class will get special resources like "Blood". What they could do though would be that you could use an augmentation that would let you cast with your HP instead of Mana.
Buffs wont be really a forté of the cleric i think. That will be the Bards job as much as a Clerics job is healing.
Bard = Buffs and small HoT healing
Cleric = Healing and small buffs
Dont forget, that augmentation wont totally change the ability it will always do the same thing in the grand scheme of things.
Special abilities for classes:
Fighter = maybe parry, we dont know anything about fighter
Tank = Damage Mitigation
Rogue = Stealth
Ranger = Mobility and CC
Mage = Burst Damage
Summoner = Battlefield control, we dont know much about summoner
Cleric = Healing
Bard = Buffs
Only these MAIN classes will have access to these things, while secondary classes may enable you to slightly include the secondary class mechanic in your main class spells.
I think that the Cleric/Mage (Oracle) will be more specialised in time delayed attacks and will be more setup oriented. He could maybe place AoE's that will only activate after 3 seconds, healing allies and damaging foes.
Maybe like some small falling stars.
Mages are also not really the typical MMORPG mages, but rather DnD mages. They have always a trick up their sleves and 50 ways to handle a situation.
Thats the same thing I thought^^
In that case, I feel like Mage Cleric combo (Acolyte) would make more sense. A mage that studied life properties so much, that he started implementing it in his own magic, thus creating and mastering the ways of using it both offensively and defensively. Maybe he won't be able to support others because of the properties of his magic? Anyways, making mage's spells augment in a way that they use his own life force seems more logical, than making a tank/dps out of a pure support Cleric role, is my point.
i like how this discussion is going on. and i think you missed my previous comment, but it is exactly what i also said. now that i think about it, Mage/Cleric makes more sense.
I didn't miss it, you just posted it before I could finish mine.