Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Isn't Mastery restriction Promote Pay 2 WIN ?!?!

NemeissisNemeissis Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
as we know Ip's will not be banned so any one can dual box
from lineage 2 experience I know most of the people will dual box 3x box spoiler+ crafter + damage dealer in exchange on depending on others or in order to not split the drop with others
so if mastery is restricted to only one class , hardcore players will buy second account and play in dual box ,
removing the restriction, will give to reason for players to dualbox ... and PAY 2 WIN aspect of the game will be removed


  • mrwafflesmrwaffles Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Despite your title this is a multiboxing thread one hundo percent. please just post it with the rest: here
  • EburinEburin Member
    As far as I am aware you can master different professions on different characters on the same server so I'm not sure why you would pay for a second subscription to do the same thing unless I'm misunderstanding the problem.
  • XenotorXenotor Member, Alpha Two
    As far as I am aware you can master different professions on different characters on the same server so I'm not sure why you would pay for a second subscription to do the same thing unless I'm misunderstanding the problem.

    i think he belives that people can just have 3 account and play tank , healer and dps at the same time so they dont have to split the loot with other people.

    But since botting and Macros etc are forbidden and will most likely result in a perma bann, the only way to do it would be to controll 3 characters in combat at the same time.

    I dont think anyone is capable of doing that. At least not efficiently.

    mrwaffles wrote: »
    Despite your title this is a multiboxing thread one hundo percent. please just post it with the rest: here

    The Number of people opening new discussions in-stat of using the search function is too dam high.
  • GrimfaldraGrimfaldra Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Maybe adding a badge "I ignore the search function" would help. :P
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Xenotor wrote: »
    As far as I am aware you can master different professions on different characters on the same server so I'm not sure why you would pay for a second subscription to do the same thing unless I'm misunderstanding the problem.

    i think he belives that people can just have 3 account and play tank , healer and dps at the same time so they dont have to split the loot with other people.

    But since botting and Macros etc are forbidden and will most likely result in a perma bann, the only way to do it would be to controll 3 characters in combat at the same time.

    I dont think anyone is capable of doing that. At least not efficiently.

    mrwaffles wrote: »
    Despite your title this is a multiboxing thread one hundo percent. please just post it with the rest: here

    The Number of people opening new discussions in-stat of using the search function is too dam high.

    Its something I have been begging people to use for years

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • GrimfaldraGrimfaldra Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nagash wrote: »
    Its something I have been begging people to use for years

    Using the search function? What's next? Expecting people to read the FAQ or the wiki? still have dreams.
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Grimfaldra wrote: »
    Nagash wrote: »
    Its something I have been begging people to use for years

    Using the search function? What's next? Expecting people to read the FAQ or the wiki? still have dreams.

    I know right, I've been here for three years now and I'm always going on about the wiki and the search bar but nope.

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • NemeissisNemeissis Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    let's say tat you need a top lvl mastery gatherer in order to pick a drop from a boss , so insted of bringing some one to the party that has that proffesion.. or mabe there is no one with that class in you friend circle or they dont want to help you.. then you just bring your box with you to the raid, and after the raid is over you just control your box to spoil the boss
  • TalentsTalents Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Again, use this "megathread" for Multiboxing instead of bumping this thread.
  • Nagash wrote: »
    Xenotor wrote: »
    As far as I am aware you can master different professions on different characters on the same server so I'm not sure why you would pay for a second subscription to do the same thing unless I'm misunderstanding the problem.

    i think he belives that people can just have 3 account and play tank , healer and dps at the same time so they dont have to split the loot with other people.

    But since botting and Macros etc are forbidden and will most likely result in a perma bann, the only way to do it would be to controll 3 characters in combat at the same time.

    I dont think anyone is capable of doing that. At least not efficiently.

    mrwaffles wrote: »
    Despite your title this is a multiboxing thread one hundo percent. please just post it with the rest: here

    The Number of people opening new discussions in-stat of using the search function is too dam high.

    Its something I have been begging people to use for years

    @Nagash Haven't seen you in a while
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