Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Should character weight be a thing in AoC?

I noticed in the recent dev update that the turtle shown at the end of the livestream, was able to jump over twice its body height. This kinda ruined it for me, as it doesn't really make sense for this super heavy and grumpy turtle, to be that agile.
I think that jumps and rolls should depend on your character's armor. So say for example you're wearing heavy armor, you will have a normal, smaller jump and a slower roll. If you're wearing light armor you get a fancy, higher jump, and a faster roll. If you're wearing medium armor, then it would be a normal jump, and a normal roll.
The difference doesn't have to be great, just noticeable.
What do you guys think? Should character's/monster's weight have an effect on its movement?
EDIT - I'm completely ok with dwarves being able to jump the same height as other races, as that would make it a lot easier to balance. However, their hit box should be the same as other races as well, so as to maintain balance between different races.
I think that jumps and rolls should depend on your character's armor. So say for example you're wearing heavy armor, you will have a normal, smaller jump and a slower roll. If you're wearing light armor you get a fancy, higher jump, and a faster roll. If you're wearing medium armor, then it would be a normal jump, and a normal roll.
The difference doesn't have to be great, just noticeable.
What do you guys think? Should character's/monster's weight have an effect on its movement?
EDIT - I'm completely ok with dwarves being able to jump the same height as other races, as that would make it a lot easier to balance. However, their hit box should be the same as other races as well, so as to maintain balance between different races.
Having everybody jump the same height regardless of race or armour is fine, but I do agree there should be significant differences in wearing the different types of armour. Hopefully this will be achieved with stats
Realism isn't always a good thing. More often than not, it inhibits the fun a person can have with the game. A game can be the most realistic in the world, but if that comes at the expense of a game's enjoyment, then nobody will give a shit, as nobody will bother playing it.
Lore Wise
Also, they cast magic, but for some reason jumping has to be realistic. How do you explain that to yourself? Is it so "unrealistic" that a warrior that can send a rupture through the ground might also jump a little higher than a normal person? You are drawing weird lines.
For your normal single player game, you can push or more realism etc. because they have more time to polish that type of content, and you don't have to worry about hundreds of players in same area.
From some of the posts on here and reddit, it seems like a lot of people either have never played an MMORPG, or they just underestimate how much work it really is for the developers.
I swear, people expect dark souls levels of combat, enemies and feel, while there are 500 other players around you and many many thousands in the world/server.
Everything in this thread is dumb and you are all automatically wrong.
the game was designed around it, exactly. That's why it made sense and enhanced the fun. @Rhaelah
This game wasnt for the past 4.5 years. You can't just slap a new feature (that hasn't been considered at all before that point) into the mix after 2/3 of the Development time has already past and expect to be interesting, fun or just a feature thats more of an annoyance than anything else.
It just doesnt work that way.
I was going to say Magic but you beat me to it.
I'm completely ok with dwarves being able to jump the same distance as other races. That would be a lot easier to balance. However, if this is going to be the case, then they should be given the same hitbox as other classes. Only then would it be fair.
What I'm not completely ok with though, is 1 ton turtles jumping 5 feet in the air. You don't have to focus on realism completely. Game-play takes precedence over realism always. But I don't think that a healthy bit of realism is a bad idea. Heavy armor/mobs being slower, lighter armor/mobs being faster, both of these are quite easy to balance and would really add a lot to the immersion of the game.
Personally, I like weight mechanics, down to the last copper.
Unfortunately, these mechanics are not popular. So, few games bother. "Hey, Rockey. Watch me pull my mount outta my hat.".
Realism versus gameplay? Well, we know the answer there.
As for armor, I’d be fine seeing jump heights reduced based on armor, not to the degree you can’t jump over a short dividing wall in heavy, but enough to make jump puzzles harder when you’re in full plate. Honestly it’d be kinda nice. That’s an active choice and one that can be worked around by players in the event it becomes an obstacle for them.
For the turtle mount specifically, just give it more *thud* impact when it lands. It may have to match the function of other mounts, but it should “feel” heavier than say, that weird anteater-gazelle-horse thing.
Yea I agree. But I really wish attacks and mounts had more weight to them. It doesn't have to be a huge difference, just a noticeable one.
I know but if it doesn't exist, it will give dwarfs an inherent advantage in PvP. Because a dwarf's character size is so small, people that use action combat will struggle to hit them, as opposed to hitting other races.
As far a lore for the Turtle. It's shell is covered in Space so maybe it's not as heavy as it looks. It has mass, but like in space it's sorta weightless.
Each race should have a hit box relative to it's actual size. I don't think Dwarves should be able to jump as high /far as all other races but should need to be tossed over chasms by party members or have to consume a potion that would give them the ability. I like the idea of them being able to pass though smaller areas, maybe to unlock doors or get into rooms that otherwise might require a Rogue to unlock or a mage to open/move rocks. It would add more immersion into the game. Just as Dwarves may not be able to headshot/crit certain mobs because of their height disadvantage. Could be the same for PvP against which ever race is tallest so that picking a Dwarf isn't always the best choice.
I like the idea of plate wearers not having the same agility. In full plate, you are not rolling around doing somersaults. You'd roll around on the ground though until someone came and helped pick you up off the ground. So like the Dwarves, you'd need a potion or enchantment of Agility.
Love a good story and lore.
Twitch Streamer
Ooh that's interesting. I didn't know that. The grumpy noises and the noise made by its animations really gave me the idea that it was heavy. But I guess I was wrong.
Gotta be mindful that good game play tends to trump realism in successful games.
Can you give an example? For me only issue is game design. Star Citizen let's say tries to be ultra realistic but it takes time
The thing does have glowy shiny stuff on its shell. Maybe just maybe this ain't no ordinary turtle...
There's endless examples. Magic? Sprinting for miles without gasping for breath? Instant horse summon/desummon? A vertical jump height most people can't make in real life? Jumping constantly for 5 minutes? Holding 50 weapons in your backpack? Not living in the real world? Playing as a Dwarf/Orc/Elf/Lizard/Furry? Flying mounts? Not needing to take bathroom breaks in-game? Fighting a literal dragon? Killing someone, then them magically being revived at a nearby town and killing you? I guess some people believe in some old guy who respawned in a cave once in real life. Weapons not hitting walls and clipping through them?
I can go on if you want me to but I think you get the point. At least I hope so.
There is nothing realistic about sc it’s based on a 70s sci-fi understanding of space war.
No, it shouldn't be a thing.
Also the realism argument is fundamentaly flawed, in fact nobody wants a "realistic game".
Going outside is cheaper anyways.
People want an immersive experience that has only partly to do with realism,
but instead what people perceive to be correct.
For example the night in almost every game is far too bright but nobody ever complains about it being unrealistic because it is so widely accepted that most people would not even actively notice this extreme level of unrealism.
In other words: It is still "immersive" enough to be not annoying.
Since people obviously have different experiences/preferences, what is perceived to be correct also differs.
As a result having an "objective" dicussion about immersion/realism is a bit pointless.
It boils down to "Do you care?" => "Yes/No"
Weight mechanics can REALLY drag a game down into a menu sorting-fest. That's the problem with weight/inventory spend more time fukin with your bags then anything else. Its bad enough in WoW and WoW gives you a ton of slots w/no weight restrictions.