Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
In Game Map, what kind would you prefer or hoping for?

What sort of in game map are you hoping for in Ashes? No, not the world map we have seen for a while now, the in game UI map we get to pull up to see where we are, etc? Have we seen any rendition of this so far?
Do you want a WOW style parchment map?
The GW2 style with multiple color swatches all over the place? I will say I like the way it vanished once you went back into the game.
The BDO style map with cartoony looking trees and stuff?
The old Rift style map which was basically a topographical style map?
Do you want a WOW style parchment map?
The GW2 style with multiple color swatches all over the place? I will say I like the way it vanished once you went back into the game.
The BDO style map with cartoony looking trees and stuff?
The old Rift style map which was basically a topographical style map?
I really hope that AoC has a similar system as well.
Also, I would like to be able to save previous cords for interesting areas. This could simply be a book with saved cords from the pin markers.
This could also be used to save peoples coordinates for their house locations for different vendors.
Hate to make another Ultima Online comparison but any old player would agree. UO had a book of saved locations (rune book), you would create a rune and place in the book, you could teleport that location by opening a portal. Was very useful for remembering NPC vendors at player houses who had good items. The same could be used for AoC, but instead of using a teleporter, you could simply save the cords and it would open up on the map and place a pin marker....and off you go on your adventure.
If they go the parchment route I hope its realistic as can be and not the cartoony style of wow's.
At the beginning it is just a map around your starting node. Everything else is just grey, while the surroundings around the node are really rough sketches only showing rivers, mountains and typical geographic landmarks.
If you travel, you then get the same kind of rough sketches for the territory that was greyed out before.
A scribe can get quests to travel all around a node location to collect information and they then learn how to make a map upgrade.
These map upgrades are one time use only and fill in things like colour, resource spawn locations (like a big blob that says: "Iron ore here", and things like open world dungeons/raids.
A way to draw on the map, like a route i want to take.
A way to invite others to watch my map and the ability to have them interact with it.
Every group, raid, guild leader would love this as it would make planing soooo much smother.
In terms of the 'local area map' I want to see what is in my vicinity.
Locating item types should be tied to crafting skills.
Things like quest objectives should be given a 'in this region' marking.
What I meant was things like ore veins etc. They spawn as many resources as long as they are not depleted.
And something like a more generalist resource description, like "Ores spawn here."
"Gatherable resources (raw materials/harvestables) occur in locations where you would expect them to be organically."
What I am talking about is mapping progression and buying.
Pros: Money sink, immersion, highly customizable map, one more thing for completionists to be able to show off to others (their map).
-You can explore on your own and exploring will clear out a fog of war on your map. You can draw on your map and have the ability to save it so the drawing stays there forever if you want it to and erase it.
-You can go to a NPC and pay him to copy a section of your map so you can share it with your friends.
-You can buy maps from NPCs and buy upgrades for your map from certain factions.
a)Like if you grind reputation with a mining faction, it'll give the ability to buy from them a map of ores which upgrades your maps and gives you rough estimate where you can find ores.
b)Ask a master cartographer to upgrade your map so you can see coordinates on it.
c)You go to a new region and want a little bit of a heads start and by accident find some old man somewhere in a village/forest/cave who was an explorer before the apocalypse so he offers to sell you his old map of the region.
d) Level 3-6 nodes have a NPC who can sell you a basic map of the region/area. (Not much details on it, but enough to give you a head start and an idea.)
The style:
DayZ style map (parchment in our case here) where you gotta find yourself on the map. (Keep in mind that the original idea of DayZ was that you had to find a map first and pick it up in order to have a map.)
instead of NPCs, it should be players who are scribes
that would be nice too, instead of having a separate monitor to look up stuff you wrote down
Scribing is a profession.
I actually really liked the way the map progression worked in Zelda BotW, with vague map borders that could be better resolved by getting better resolution regional information from towers, but needing to come across places to have them identified as actual map locations.
Yes, this. I think knowledge should be hard earned, then shared - not just automatically given. Also, I agree w/@CaptnChuck the GW2 map was beautiful and well implemented. Their watercolor stylization helped the fog of war look intriguing. The changes I would make there would be to hold back the detail until it's fully discovered by the player, or given/sold to them by another player cartographer.
Absolutely. I definitely think that there are ways to even further improve upon GW2's map.
I would love to see areas on the map that have legendary hidden content, that don't appear on the map unless you have the quest for them. These hidden legendary quests could be hidden in random items in the world. That would provide a cool mysterious feel to the world of Verra. It would give you the urge to explore everything.
Could also be cool that if you were, say, a prominent contributor or ruler in a scientific type node that advances to a city you can unlock a more interact map of the area showing you were specific resources might be located or where hidden paths lay. Or a military node gives a political color coding to your map, indicating what nodes or nations are at war with who and where.
I doubt it would be well likd, but I'd actually like to have maps be purchaseable for areas and to have no mini map. I look back to EQ and the EQAtlas website. EQ didn't have ingame maps for a long time and players relied on a beautifully drawn online atlas.
Maybe it is too late,but I would love to see a game like Ashes have some sort of cartographer profession and have players make the maps. Players would then have to buy maps for various areas of the game. To ease players in, starter areas could have maps already (so representing that the area is well known). However, if youw ant to visit a remote area then you might want to buy a map or map the area yourself.
I guess I just want area that one can get lost in.
thats what I meant
Thank you. Probably seen it, but I'm old.
Something that looks more like a traditional map wouldn't be out of place, just listing basic geographical landmarks and regions, but letting players make their own markers in addition to adding landmarks players discovered. Even better if players can toggle what's displayed.