In Game Map, what kind would you prefer or hoping for?



  • VyrakaVyraka Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'd like a map with some form of simplified coordinates so that it will be easy to tell my guild mates - "Let's meet at X and Y".
  • MalapapasMalapapas Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I just want a map that allows us to make our own notes or automatically updates when you find resources/mobs i.e marks an areas that we discovered a rare resource or pack of specific animals/mobs. RDR2 actually does something similar. Many other MMO's inevitably has someone that creates an interactive map online with resource/mob locations but It would be nice to map these on your own, especially considering that AoC's node system may make it difficult for those interactive maps to exist.
  • I have an idea that has elements I haven't seen mentioned yet along with other suggested ideas. So please ready fully.

    Radar map: as seen in game footage, shows very local area with certain things called out like mobs and maybe gatherables

    Game map:
    Like gw2. Having a sort of "unrevealed" system would actually be enjoyable and help increase the desire for exploration in my opinion. Additionally this could be tied to nodes so that the higher your node level is, the better your map is for that area.

    "you are here" - this is where my new suggestion comes in. There is an indie game called Outward. The world map on that game is static, and by that I mean it is just like a real life map. It's an image that doesn't care about where you are or where you want to go.

    With this kind of map, the players location has to be determined by comparing the terrain around them to the map. And then of you found a spot on the map you want to return to (say a dungeon entrance) you have to remember where on the map it is located. Then later on you figure out where you are and (using some sort of very minimal in game compass) get your heading so you can proceed to your destination of choice.

    I would be interested to hear thoughts on this idea. But also, I think simply copying traditional mmo maps (wow and others) would be a bad idea for this specific game.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited September 2020
    This is a map that I would like in Ashes:


    Give it a zoom function and I could die happy xD
  • Agreed. Just add some kind of "fog of war" element. That's all it needs.

    Then potentially, just for giggles, allow players to make their own pinned locations and notes if they want. Then if the devs are feeling really wacky, they can design some kind of map sharing option where you can copy another players map.
  • Bethesda does an excellent job with their world maps. I would just err on the side of minimal information, we take A LOT for granted when it comes to scale and accuracy of maps.
  • Never seen a map that was better then Dark Souls 1. Everything was perfect, its the gold standard in my eyes.
  • Xenotor wrote: »
    A Varaity of different pins i can place on the map.
    A way to draw on the map, like a route i want to take.

    A way to invite others to watch my map and the ability to have them interact with it.
    Every group, raid, guild leader would love this as it would make planing soooo much smother.

    Nice idea!
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    I heard a bird ♫
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