Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
[Let's Talk] Favorite Aspect of MMO's and What You Hope to See in Ashes!
Personally, my favorite aspect of any MMO or any RPG in general in the crafting/gathering; or anything to do with trade. Every game I have played i have tried to find the best recipes for the best gear, and the most efficient way to make money. I can't wait to see how the crafting and gathering professions are divided. I hope each character will be able to perform multiple functions and not limited to certain professions by class or race. I am extremely interested in the Node/local marketplace setup and am super excited to see how everything is implemented. I also read that crafters in Ashes will be able to craft unique items that they choose. Being able to create and item or piece of gear to serve a certain purpose would add a lot of diversity to the marketplace, especially since they will be localized. And with any game, i hope that being a master craftsman is an honorable way to make some in game currency. I think it really creates an incentive to be proficient in a trade and then be able to make some money off of it. Personally, I am more fond of being able to craft extremely high end gear instead of having to farm certain bosses for it. I think having some of the best gear as loot is a good way to keep the community working together, however, i also believe that crafting should be viable in the endgame as well. There are many games out there that once you reach endgame crafting becomes substantially less useful for characters. Anyways, that's my two cents on the matter!
So, what's everyone else's thoughts on the individual aspects of any MMO and how do you hope them to be implemented in Ashes?
So, what's everyone else's thoughts on the individual aspects of any MMO and how do you hope them to be implemented in Ashes?
Please forgive me for my bad english but its not my national language. I hope you all understand what i meant.
Secondly, I like to PvP a lot! In Dark age of Camelot, you were able to run in a full grp (8 man) and fight against other full grps and avoid the zergs that might run around. In DAoC it made sense to run in a small-man/full groups and fight against other small-man/full groups, instead of the mindless zerging, because you got a lot more reward from it (Realm XP). So in DAoC it wasn't that common, like in other MMOs, to see ppl just zerging up and the team/fraction with the largest zerg, wins. No, in DAoC tactics would matter and a well-played FG could compete with larger groups. In other MMOs i've played, like Warhammer Online, GW2 and ESO, it was always a zergfest and I hated it!
I know I won't be seeing this in Ashes, as it's not a fraction vs fraction based game, but more guild vs guild/ alliance vs alliance. But I still hope to see areas where groups can fight each other, or a group of 2-3 players can take on larger groups, if played right. But I'm so tired of seeing zergs in every MMO. Sure large scale sieges needs a lot of players, but that has a purpose! The mindless zergfest has not.
I might start out as some kind of stealther. Just so I can pick my own fights and see how PvP is going to work in Ashes. The bonus with being a stealther, is that you can easily gather/hunt w/o drawing too much attention ;)
Thirdly, world bosses!
I don't like dungeon runs, where you only can be a certain number of players. With other words: I hate instanced dungeons! I never do them and I avoid games, where you have to do instanced dungeons to get the best gear. No thank you! I don't have too much time to play, so spending hours upon hours on dungeon runs, just to fail at the end and start over, or contentiously looking for party members with the correct gear and spec, to even complete the damn dungeon, NO, no no! I know Steven have said there will be instanced dungeons, which is fine .... just as long I'm not forced to do them, to get items/mats I only can get in that particularly **** DUNGEON! NO STEVEN. Don't you fucking dare! I'll make you choke on your sandals! ... TWICE! ... Anyways ... But world bosses! Yes! I love raids against big ass monstrosities in the open world, where you have to be a large group to kill the bastard(s). It also tends to be a bit more casual and ppl seems a bit more cool and have a bit more fun, than the hardcore dungeon run, where if you step on the wrong fucking branch, you'll have to start over!
World bosses Intrepid! And I don't care if another guild can come in and kill us while we're killing a boss! That just makes it a lot more fun. Just keep it low on the instanced **** dungeons... For the Stevens Sandals sake!
1.) Crafting
2.) Housing
3.) Craft stuff for housing
4.) Gathering items for housing from dungeons
5.) Mystery and exploration, do not like hand-held questing. :)
Another thing I have always liked is those "You had to have been there" moments. I don't mean I want everything to be a limited time only deal but the occasional event, big or small, that is something that only really happens once. Those are the memories that really stick with you.
Lastly, I really love progressing your character. I love the feeling of your character growing stronger and more proficient with time and effort. Not just a gear grind but rather raising skills, the growth of abilities and stats. Your raw character, not just your shiny sword or staff. :P
Just a few things I particularly enjoy among the many other previously mentioned ideas!
I'm so bored right now so I am looking for the perfect game. If I had the skills Id make it by gum..
I want something adventurous of course. MMO naturally so I can make some friends. A valid dungeon and raid finder that works like WoW
One guild per char not 5 guilds like elder scrolls with all chars link to the guild so I could play a char not in the guild when I just want to be by myself.
Also I want all the natural professions you find in games like this. Blacksmiths tailoring, alchemy all that.. I also want them to be best in game. Raids and dungeons would give recipes and schematics so that professions are valuable with tokens that would improve the gear that the schematics would make. But traits like Elder Scrolls so its not to easy to get the best gear.. This would involve all professions enchanting alchemy etc.. For full effect you'd have to get raid drops for potions and enchants to be fully effective. Otherwise you'd just buy same potions or whatever form the person who got the recipe but it would be less effective than if you got the ring or whatever that allows you use of full effect.. However the potion would be better than a vendor potion regardless.
On top of this idea Master profession crafter would be able by legendary drop be able to create and entirely new weapon, potion, armor, ring, (whatever craft they have) of their choice. A named blade of some sort.. Theosis's Lightning Blade of Destruction with special effects that break weapons and armor at a faster rate. Perhaps a ring named Theosis's Ring of Greater Treasure Finding that would give a bonus to gold drops by a factor of 10%. Professions have been overlooked completely by MMOs in recent years.
for gold sinks.. Id also like to have player towns. Imagine guilds getting strong and large enough to create a town in the "wilds" With a PvP based situation so that other guilds could raid said town and either take it over or burn it down. Different realms could literally have different maps after a couple years.
Merchant towns. Imagine instead of AH blocks there wold be stalls like a flea market were we could sell our wares in person and dicker over prices while selling rare weapons we either craft or find off world bosses. Add to this guild vendor merchants of Elder scrolls style in the flea markets for those who don't wish to dicker in person. As long as they are all linked to the flea market concept and not scattered through the realms like ESO.. Add to this portals that could get people there form any city of course.
Arenas with tournaments based on PvP with a spectator mode so we can watch them fight like gladiators. Also add mobs to randomly fight whomever gets close to them like chained up tigers in the Roman coliseum. Would be pretty cool to have jousting but I cant even imagine how that would ever work. WoW butchered that righteously. It would be awesome if this actually had some meaning in the game as well. Seeing knights and gladiators in game would be like walking up to a celebrity. Special titles of some sort would definitely be in order.
There also needs to be more than Questing Leveling PvP and Raiding. Games are so limited this way. When your in these games that all there is. I respect that these games are based on adventures and being a hero. I get it. Its a fun thing to do. Here are some suggestions. The inns need tables we can sit at to play card games like in the westerns. Why not a game of triple triad? Why not drinking games? A mid-evil game of beer pong could be in order! If this needs to be connected to battle some how then put a modifier on it.. win enough games and you may up your stats in luck or constitution by a factor. Lose enough and you gain weight and lose a bit of luck.
Fishing isn't very fun in games. You have to pay attention more in fishing that you do while battle ogres. This make no sense. Learn a special way to cast your pole and use magic to have the damn thing real its self in. enough said.. I never enjoyed fishing in games.
Another thing that I always wondered. Why are all the secrets uncovered in magical lands? There needs to be new things added to the games when it seams all things are discovered. What if you eat an apple at granny smiths farm at precisely 847 pm game time with a full moon and suddenly the god of apples appears to grant you a quest to destroy the king worm that has been rotting the apples on granny smiths farm. These things should be added randomly to games. And if they are not found out then they should be hinted at in the game forums.. this brings me to another thing I enjoyed in an old game..
In game forums.Anybody who has played NexusTK will know immediately what I am referring to. A panel that you can open in safe zones that brings up a community forum were you can read up on realm news. This would be a forum were game makers (gods) could communicate with the mere mortals of the realms. It would also be a place were people could post guild news, events, recruitment, and wage war with other guilds.. Also grouping invitations, holiday information, game events.. You get the idea I'm sure.
Random encounters and events that drive on a living story of the game. Imagine an event were a trickster god steals the queens crown and this starts a war between two countries and the trickster god then places the crown in a neighboring kingdom to cause a realm war.. Another god comes to the realm and then resolves said war and takes this trickster back to the realm of the gods. Game masters would actively take part to create an immersive game play that would really be awesome. (NexusTK again)
I have tons of ideas like this. yeah I know that there are some people who would ruin the fun for others in these ideas I'm sure but if there is a game like this out there let me know. If there is some tech wizard who cold make this game for me.. let me know as well I have even more I could contribute..
2. Crafting - for housing mainly but crafting weapons and gear too of course.
3. I know it's a long shot but FLYING!! Man I love flying in WoW. It's not just to get from here to there but how everything looks when you're flying. Sometimes I just fly somewhere and point my view at the sky.
Another thing I have always liked is those “You had to have been there” moments. I don’t mean I want everything to be a limited time only deal but the occasional event, big or small, that is something that only really happens once. Those are the memories that really stick with you.
Lastly, I really love progressing your character. I love the feeling of your character growing stronger and more proficient with time and effort. Not just a gear grind but rather raising skills, the growth of abilities and stats. Your raw character, not just your shiny sword or staff. <img src="" alt="?" />
Just a few things I particularly enjoy among the many other previously mentioned ideas!
This pretty much nails it for me. I also like a lot of the ideas Theosis posted, especially around crafting.
In my opinion that what makes game great is a wide range of choosing <em>talents, perks, glyphs, also gems, buffes and modifications</em> in items. Players do not like when they are forced to go some way of their skills and items that they do not like to go. Some of us are more like going full damage characters, others going some of damage and a little of tanky to do not die in few second, another wants a little of everything in one. There are a lot of types of players in this world and not everyone thinks same, so you shouldnt make something that seems to be great for you without thinking about choose of other players. Hope this game is not going to be next 1 month MMORPG that we getting more bored more we play. Most important is to make something attracting that makes players not getting bored. <strong>LIMITS and forcing players to choose something in their gameplay is not THAT thing that makes people play game.</strong>
I like fact that you ask people what they expecting from game but remember that we (players) played a lot of MMORPG's and if you listen all of concepts you will make another game that is based on the same stuffs. Make something unique ;]
Also, i hope to see wide range of talents too choose in talent trees, what makes your specialisation different than the others.
I do not like when choosing one talent forces you to go only one way next.
I would like to have something to do that i could spend a lot of time on it without getting bored.
Sorry for my englando but it is hard to explain what i have on mind without using primary English, like i did.
This is without doubt the most important aspect of an mmorpg for me. The feeling of you being the main characters in an adventure story.
2) Progression. Leveling up, getting new gear, getting the feeling of getting stronger after putting the time and effort into it.
3) PvP.. I love pvp in mmorpgs. Either being honorable and have 1v1 or group duels, or get on the naughty side and just PK someone unfairly in the open world. The ability choose side between being the good or the bad one.
4) Slice of life stuff. The things that makes the game become a part of yourself. The things you do outsite of fighting and the main game.
5) Community and Guild stuff. I just want to have shit to do with my friends or new people I meet through a guild.
Right now all of this seems to be in the game or planned for it, and theoreticly it looks amazing. The exploration part is still left to see, but based on what the devs mentioned and the small sneak peaks we got from videos, it gives me hope it might become a really good thing.
2. random mobs in dungeons. Is there a healer? Is there a mage with low health but high damage? let us players figure that out as we go.... Instead of knowing we need to sheep the mob on the left before we pull the pack
3. A good mix of solo and group content. Players have lives outside of the game and can't always play for hours at a time so having so solo stuff is great but to many mmo's today forget about the second m in mmo.
4. Ban cheats, hacks, bots, and gold sellers asap!!!!!!!
I want a game that lets me both help build on the world that is, but also lets me run free if I wish.
There<code>s many things in different MMO</code>s which i like and there`s a few i do not
shortly a few examples what i `d like to see ( at least i hope to see in every MMO)
1. Complex economy ( including gathering + crafting+trading)
2. Variety of crafting items
3. Character customization using in-game items ( i.e using crafted or looted items as skins )
4. Challenging dungeons ( require using brains , not ""tank/and/spank"" )
5. Exploration ( mystery+ story lines+ riddles all over the in-game world)
... and one example i hope i wont see : NO cash shop items supporting character growth.
2. lots of inventory space dont be greedy on it
3. Lots of different PVP types, and a quee so u can sign in for it while doing other stuff and then get ported to the arena once its ready
4. Lots of different Dungeons from Solo to 50 men raid needed, Bosses with unqiue skills so u need to dodge and be active the whole fight not just stay there with a tank and dps for 30 min afk
5. Equipment needs to have a lot of impact i really like to work on it not just craft best in slot and socket them like any other game has, make it so u can activate hiden bonus stats on ur armor maybe even luck based so there is a good economy arround well awaked items going
6. Plz dont make any items soulbound i really liek to sell and resell stuff and have full trade chats going with lots of intersting offers
7. If there is World events set to specific times think about the differen timezones and the working folks, maybe give it different times so everyone can participate but participation is limited to once only so u can't abuse
8. Get rid of Bots and gold sellers no idea how to accomplish this but if u can ur the godesssssss
9. Breeding eggs out into random monsters and to evolve them u need to combine like 2 and make some really really rare so it take like forever to get 1 fully evolved
10. Guild should have daily tasks and dungeons u can only do as guild
11. Plz balance Pvp before u finally release it if its unbalanced many people will quit early like in many other games
12. Make it possible that u can play the game full time by doing farming, fishing,breeding, reselling crafting, fooding etc to attract all kind of players
13. WORLDRANKING on any accomplishments on the official website, people love to compete and know who is the best at something not only pvp maybe even who caught the most fish etc
To bring the allstar, World of Warcraft, they made a story that people feel invested in, they know the key characters, they know the important locations and you actually feel you are in a living world with lots of story! (Hell i know more of the history in WoW than i do in real life)
Another thing is the combat. I hope they make the combat fun and the animations feel smooth and right. Not clunky, wierd and unresponsive. I want to press my buttons and feel the fun stress of battling epic monsters and questing!
If you get this bad ass spell as a mage, it looks the part with nice animations and its not called "Super Pyro Blast" and its just tiny flares flying off your fingers.
For the cash shop(if there is one) i hope they only sell cosmetics/mounts/toys etc. and not anything that gives you an advantage like XP Boosts, Cash boosts etc. You should be able to obtain most of the gear and cosmetics through playing and crafting but some exclusive shop items.
Another thing is "legendary items". Craft or find strong items throughout the game, they could have a piece of paper that drops from a mob, which shows you a part of a treassure map, then you have to find the other pieces or know where the map leads. When you solve the puzzle you find a big cave which you have to navigate and find a boss mob that drops a recipe or the item etc.
Or a gathering grind for the materials for epic items, something you can do and feel proud of when you finaly acquire that ONE item you have been searching for.
Immersion and fun is the most lacking in new MMORPGs imo, and most of the fun lacks from combat, animations and bad questing. And immersion is a beautiful world with a solid story that really introuduces you to the world and the ongoing story of the game!
EDIT: Bad grammar i know.
I want multi player pve combat both in raids and open world
I want guild pvp
I want to have to rely on guild members to help supply mats for crafting because I can't gather everything myself and in turn I can supply them with mats I can gather but they cant.
Id also like to see a system in place that rewards player for staying loyal to a good guild but allows them to switch if the guild falls apart.
It's not exactly the same, but in the first MMO the gear was marked as "crafted by" when inspecting someones paperdoll, so you can know who to buy it from. I like the sound of your idea, it's a progression.
- exploration
- leveling
- dungeons
- economy
I think most of the MMORPG today lacks a feeling of open world and exploration, which are my favorite parts and I like some survival elements too. I like the AoC dual class system and I hope they are going to make very customizable, It would be nice to have millions of different builds, like in PoE or ESO.