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Open World PvP (sieges, caravans castlesieges, battlegrounds, and corruption zone.)



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    If concurrent player count per server is 10.000 you think at peak server time we will only see 1,000 people logged in?
    Why you think people won't log in?
    I personally expect to see queue times with people trying to log in even after the first year or two. Especially if there is a known node siege happening that evening.

    Think I just answered this question to answer it mor fully it is just plain demographics. Provided websites were that data is all you have to do is take number of total active players and compare to number of of total players logged in at a certain time. Simple division. We just so happen to have that data for Runescape. I was wrong about 10% more like 13 to 15% but makes no difference.

    Well for one thing even if you play 20 hours a week which is like a part time job well statiscally you are off line most of the time. Plus most playesr are casuual players so they do not log in every day not unusual for player to only play lets say less than 8 hours a week. Or go up to a week with out loggin in. Plus people have different play times.

    Not sure what you meant by concurrent player count I am talking about active accounts. Or an account that has a current subscription. Concurrent players is usually a phrased use to describe total numbers of players logged in at the moment. So your question reads if there are 10,000 people logged in to one server why do you think only ten percent will only be logged in to that one server. Which does not even make sense.

    Well you know what? FFIV has server populations about 45 thousand per server in United States close to 50k. So if you just logg into to one of this servers see about how many people are logged in which will be about same amount will be logged in to an Ashes of Creation server . Just gestimate look around does it look Like you have enough people for a 250 vs 250 pvp event or 500 people.

    Here is another question have you ever seen over 500 people anywere in FFIV. So lets say that answer to that is Yes. and on average there are 1000 people available or near the vicinity. Or have shown up to some event.

    Or maybe even 2000 people. Which is pretty good original WoW servers had 3000 people limit and two capital cities were pretty full. Now all you have to do is take that number and divided the number of developed nodes. Lets say medium population server so 25 nodes. see 2000 divided by 25 is on average per node 80. Not 250 And that is assumming all 80 want to do the seige if not situation get worst.

    But see we are not talking about 2 capital cities or o five or ten we are talking aout 118 nodes. But as one player pointed out not every node is going to developed. But really does not matter you cannot have 50 or 40 or 30 nodes and and expect to do 250vs250 pvp wiht 5ok server capp. Because you are bascially dividing your player base by that number. The problem is getting 250 people logged in to two nodes or near the vicinity for siege. People are going to be scattered like a shotgun in this game not in 250 blocks.

    In a nut shell with two nodes per server divides population by two and so on ounce you past twenty nodes seeing as the number of active accounts is capped at 50k ther will not be enough people to do huge events

    But guessing the answer to this well it just who ever shows up uneven play........One player posted it could be 3 to 250 to which I have say

    Yep that is going to happen a lot or a lot of unfair play or a lot of non contested play or a lot of meaningless play or a lot of no risk with rewad play?????!!!!!!!!!

    Red team vs blue team in game factions just for pvp factions is better than having over 100 nodes.
    It is better to have bigger pools of people with more than enough people for 250 vs 250 event than uneven play. There no factions in this game so no excuse for uneven play.

    Another thing you could is log to FFIV and invite people to an event that is really popular like raid andsee how many people respond. Just try to get as many whispers as you can like say giving away 5000 gold to first person that whispers that number is not going to be 500 ro 10000or 2000 and even if you got like 3000 people to respond guess what that comes out to 12 nodes in Ashes at 250 per node.

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