Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Class specific quest & reward

No sure if it was brought up before, but this content is what I loved most playing my Hunter in WoW Classic.
Request: Can we have class specific ques-lines and rewards?
Experience: I loved taking part in raids with my guild, and was lucky enough to have the Leaf drop on my first one. Being the only Hunter there was also good since I got it first. And then began my first experience with this quest-line and the awesome reward it gave me. Sure the game is old, sure there are X guides, but I did not use any of them, I wanted the experience. And boy, was that an experience. Of the 4 demons you have to slay, I stupidly started with the hardest ones. I just remembered seeing some random NPCs patrolling in those areas. I was not prepared. I died 20 times in Winterspring, either from the NPC, the mobs in the area or Alliance players. So I decided to take advantage of my guild mates and form a party for people who wanted to escort my ass until I get it done. Long story short, I ended up making a raid party with 30 people from my and other guilds just being in the area. Running in front, behind and around me while I killed the first demon was an amazing experience. Having to rely on people to simply protect my ass, failing and having to wait 15-20 min for a respawn, thinking up strategies and what went wrong, that whole experience was amazing to me. I will not lie, I did use some tips for the final demon, presumably the hardest, and dragged a Warlock with me for their curse, and killed the hardest demon in 3 tries, and I felt happy for finishing it, but also sad for how easy it was using those tips.
Implementation: slowly add these types of quests through the quarterly updates and DLC expansions. In WoW, that bow would end up being my meta until later on, but that's a WoW thing. Here, it would give an option to use at lvl 50, besides the Raid drops and Crafting option. I say lvl 50 (max lvl) as I believe this would provide the best experience. This also does not have to reward only an item or a piece of gear, it can also be other items. Mounts are also a big investment in WoW, and Warlocks can get their epic mount through a quest-line as opposed to jsut buying it. These can be tailored to what the devs think fits best, nothing is set in stone.
This gives people a hard to forget experience. Yes, of-course I wanted to quit many times, at one point considered to trade it to another Hunter in my guild because of how hard it was (fyi it cannot, it's BoP) , but that got me thinking outside the box and relying on other people. After I finished my adventure, people noticed my gear and got many whispers from random people in the world. Some were coming to me for advice, I even took time to travel with people and show them the locations, my strats, watched them try and gave pointers. Overall a great experience for someone who for the first time went through this hellish quest with an awesome payout and sheer joy for what I did.
Request: Can we have class specific ques-lines and rewards?
Experience: I loved taking part in raids with my guild, and was lucky enough to have the Leaf drop on my first one. Being the only Hunter there was also good since I got it first. And then began my first experience with this quest-line and the awesome reward it gave me. Sure the game is old, sure there are X guides, but I did not use any of them, I wanted the experience. And boy, was that an experience. Of the 4 demons you have to slay, I stupidly started with the hardest ones. I just remembered seeing some random NPCs patrolling in those areas. I was not prepared. I died 20 times in Winterspring, either from the NPC, the mobs in the area or Alliance players. So I decided to take advantage of my guild mates and form a party for people who wanted to escort my ass until I get it done. Long story short, I ended up making a raid party with 30 people from my and other guilds just being in the area. Running in front, behind and around me while I killed the first demon was an amazing experience. Having to rely on people to simply protect my ass, failing and having to wait 15-20 min for a respawn, thinking up strategies and what went wrong, that whole experience was amazing to me. I will not lie, I did use some tips for the final demon, presumably the hardest, and dragged a Warlock with me for their curse, and killed the hardest demon in 3 tries, and I felt happy for finishing it, but also sad for how easy it was using those tips.
Implementation: slowly add these types of quests through the quarterly updates and DLC expansions. In WoW, that bow would end up being my meta until later on, but that's a WoW thing. Here, it would give an option to use at lvl 50, besides the Raid drops and Crafting option. I say lvl 50 (max lvl) as I believe this would provide the best experience. This also does not have to reward only an item or a piece of gear, it can also be other items. Mounts are also a big investment in WoW, and Warlocks can get their epic mount through a quest-line as opposed to jsut buying it. These can be tailored to what the devs think fits best, nothing is set in stone.
This gives people a hard to forget experience. Yes, of-course I wanted to quit many times, at one point considered to trade it to another Hunter in my guild because of how hard it was (fyi it cannot, it's BoP) , but that got me thinking outside the box and relying on other people. After I finished my adventure, people noticed my gear and got many whispers from random people in the world. Some were coming to me for advice, I even took time to travel with people and show them the locations, my strats, watched them try and gave pointers. Overall a great experience for someone who for the first time went through this hellish quest with an awesome payout and sheer joy for what I did.
Here it is if you wanna read it.