Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
What kind of skills would you like to see on the different Archetypes?

Hello fellow Ashes of Creation Enthusiast's!
As the titel say's: What kind of skills would you like to see on the different Archetype's?
As it stand's now, we "know" the skill's for Tank, Ranger, Mage and Cleric (stil up for change as it's stil Pre-Alpha).
What kind of skill's make an Archetype the Archetype you like?
Let only your imagination set the limits. Have fun and tell US what YOU would like to see.
Anything can go! Go wild if you want!
Here are some examples me and my friends came up with out of the blue.
It can be anything, cliché or new.
• Mage - Big AoE spells, e.g. a Lightnin/fire/Snow-storm
• Mage - Mindcontrol
• Fighter - Beserker mode: The less HP you got, the more damage you do.
Dont forget the traditional redish glow when you go beserk.
• Fighter - Whirlwind - Spinning around an doing massive damage to group of enemies.
• Rouge - Slash and Dash ability - An AoE spell where you slash up to 2-5 enemies.
• Rouge - Dash ability - Where u rush through a group of enemies, like a charge.
• Ranger - Eagle for vision - You send out an eagle to a location that couts it for you, reveals invis and shows enemies on map.
• Healer - Combat resurrection
• Tank - Alot of Guardin abilities like Spell/Dmg neglacting, damage reflecting, AoE taunts, shild wall (Reinhart from overwatch)
General Spells:
• Skills that denies areas from enemies: e.g. walls, domes.
• Skills that are independently strong. Not only COMBO spells.
• Variety in build that will be useful (as little meta as possible, Impossible task tho, but you can dream)
Sorry if this has already been done in beforehand.
Best Regards, Schlol and his friends.
As the titel say's: What kind of skills would you like to see on the different Archetype's?
As it stand's now, we "know" the skill's for Tank, Ranger, Mage and Cleric (stil up for change as it's stil Pre-Alpha).
What kind of skill's make an Archetype the Archetype you like?
Let only your imagination set the limits. Have fun and tell US what YOU would like to see.
Anything can go! Go wild if you want!
Here are some examples me and my friends came up with out of the blue.
It can be anything, cliché or new.
• Mage - Big AoE spells, e.g. a Lightnin/fire/Snow-storm
• Mage - Mindcontrol
• Fighter - Beserker mode: The less HP you got, the more damage you do.
Dont forget the traditional redish glow when you go beserk.
• Fighter - Whirlwind - Spinning around an doing massive damage to group of enemies.
• Rouge - Slash and Dash ability - An AoE spell where you slash up to 2-5 enemies.
• Rouge - Dash ability - Where u rush through a group of enemies, like a charge.
• Ranger - Eagle for vision - You send out an eagle to a location that couts it for you, reveals invis and shows enemies on map.
• Healer - Combat resurrection
• Tank - Alot of Guardin abilities like Spell/Dmg neglacting, damage reflecting, AoE taunts, shild wall (Reinhart from overwatch)
General Spells:
• Skills that denies areas from enemies: e.g. walls, domes.
• Skills that are independently strong. Not only COMBO spells.
• Variety in build that will be useful (as little meta as possible, Impossible task tho, but you can dream)
Sorry if this has already been done in beforehand.
Best Regards, Schlol and his friends.

- leap - jump to a place and on landing do damage ,with some good earth visuals .
- whirwind/bladestorm- this is a must ,spinning like crazy for a few seconds doing aoe damage.
- dual wield combos. doing single target combinations of attacks with amasing visuals .
- enraged -when surrounded by enemies do a massive rage attack ,for aoe stun/push back /damage.
- colossus- transform into a epic colossus/avatar/god .incrise size and damage/stats.
I can see that being the 8-player Fighter Summonable.
Rogue: poisons, bleeding, slows, combo points
Ranger: Poisons, slows, bleeds, mobility (jumps/dashes/backflips/etc)
Bard: Mobility (backflips/dashes/lunges), weapon based buffs
Those four are the classes that interest me the most.
Fighter should not be a burst character. He should be a class that aims to outlast everyone else, doing so through parries, lifeleach and well placed cc's. A true tactician on the battlefield.
Stomp - Player stomps the ground slowing down all enemies around him and knocking down enemies who are already slowed.
Duelling Stance - Increases parry chance as long as you are in this stance, while decreasing attackspeed.
Bloodletter - Increases combat regeneration for each % of enemy health lost.
Rogues should be able to decide between poisons and pure burst physical dps out of ambush. Between playing an ambush predator stile or a playstile of letting the enemy slowly bleed out and hindering his regeneration, while stalking them from a dsitance.
Poison Coating - Coats all weapons in a poison that either slows, inflicts damage or decreases regeneration (you can choose one poison to increase its efficiency or two poisons for less damage/efficiency)
Backstab - Requires the player to be either behind the enemy or for him to be in stealth. Attack the enemy with a cruel attack to the back, inflicting 200% weapon damage (150% if duel wielding) and automatically triggering all POison Coatings.
Hamstrings - Slice at the enemies Hamstrings, slowing him for xsec.
Rangers should be amazingly versatile in combat, darting in and out of the enemies reach. Harrassing the enemy with poisoned arrows, making the enemy bleed for every step he takes and then closing in for the last hit.
Cruel Hooks - The Player uses hooked arrows for his next 15 shots/skills which cause a stackable bleeding debuff on the target.
Hawk Strike - The player uses up all bleeding stacks on the target, dealing their damage immediately to the target.
Poison Shots - Coats the players arrows in a slowing poison for x sec.
Viper Lunge - Lunges forward, poisoning the enemy that was hit and dealing 200% weapon damage (150% if dual wielding)
Bards should not be backline characters. A Bard shines in the spotlight, leading the charge, inspiring his allies to do better, to hit harder/faster then ever before. And after innitiating the fight, they pull back and use the openings provided by their allies to disrupt the enemy.
Heroic Lunge - Lunges at the enemy, dealing x amount of damage and increasing allied movementspeed by x for x sec.
I know that that is my opinion, and many people would not like that.
Going off the actual meaning of a "Rogue", I'd like to see them have CCs and interrupts, disorients, etc. Rather than the 'ninja' persona the class seems to have somehow gained. Being a 'rogue' is about being a mischievous scoundrel - someone who doesn't play by society's rules - not an invisible killing machine. Think 'Han Solo' rather than 'Predator'.
As well as the 'Summon a few creatures that last until they die', I'd also like to be able to summon a few limited duration creatures with them. So, whereas I may have three Bone Demons that follow me around, I might also be able to summon a few Bone Walkers for 30secs in the middle of a fight.
That would be awesome. A small army of monsters rushing the enemie!
But one of their classes is called Predator
Yeah. It makes me sad.
Somewhere along the line, Rogue and Assassin got merged.
Try going for Bard then, they seem to be much for everything you just said xD
(Bard/Rogue or Rogue/Bard maybe ;D)
Heh, maybe.
Rogues should be throwing dirt into an enemy's face to disorient them. Summoning mirror-images of party members to confuse an attacker. Stealing magic from an enemy as they're about to cast. Interrupting a cast in progress.
Cheeky stuff, the 'spur of the moment' kind of things. THAT'S a Rogue, to me.
The Taunt is the obvious one. But I'd also like to see more movement than the chain. Knockdowns, Pulls, Pushes. There have been a few other threads about these kind of abilities.
Bleeding, Burning, Poisoning, Traps.
While the Bow seems the obvious weapon, I'd like to see their skills affect more than just the bow.
I was thinking Bard/Tank
Sorc / Mage - ability to enchance potions
What I'd like to see is a more direct approach, with buffs that have a shorter duration but offer specific effects on 1-2 party members. Taking inspiration from the original GuildWars, you have spells like this:
Aegis (duration 3 seconds): Target party member cannot be targeted by hostile spells.
Protective Bond: Target ally cannot lose more than 5% max health from a single attack or spell (costs additional mana each time damage is reduced)
Ancestor's Visage (duration 10 seconds): Foes adjacent to target ally lose x mana whenever that ally takes a melee hit.
Things like this are far more interesting to use than just doing a normal dps rotation that passively buffs your entire party.
I loved the amount of available skills in Guild Wars. It really felt like you could fully customise your playstyle. I always find it a little disappointing when I play games that only give me a few skills to choose from.
The more skills, the better!
Mesmers were cancer in PvP, and I can say that as a Derwish/Assassin player.
You never had any mana if you fought them. I would appreciate it if Bards had something similar in Ashes :'D
My poor necro minion spam got 2 shot by Mesmers
I would like, for example, falconers to have the falcon(s) to be dinsctintive enough, to the point of idle animation being your bird come and stand in your arm/shoulder.
Personally, I would like a melee bard class to be a fully functional frontline buffer. Beefy/useful/annoying enough to justify risking getting to close combat.
I liked the Ritualist. Set everything up beforehand, and just teleport them all into battle in one go.
What kind of non-combat skills would you like to see?
Mesmer was the last toon I leveled up. (didn't like the looks). It became my second most played toon behind my Monk
The AOE interrupts and mana drain abilities were amazing as a support role in groups. Would love to see this kind of play style in AOC. Debuffing and denying foes resources in combat I think is an under used play style.