Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Suggestion: Wine Production
This game appears to have a great deal of agriculture, trade, and being a productive civilian of a node. What better addition than wine for the region. Like wine, the longer your fields are established, the better the quality. Plus, wine could easily fit in with the existing lore of this game because it has such ancestral roots in our own history.
Would provide a whole additional way to play the game with quests specific to the art of growing vines as well as machinery to improve the quality and quantity of concentrated goodness!
An additional benefit of having a vineyard is it gives a money sink! MMOs struggle after a prolong period of time because of gold generation without adequate gold dumps. This would give players the ability to spend their hard earned in game gold to cultivate consumables.
I'd definitely be interested in chatting about how to create the lore/mechanics for this in game!
Would provide a whole additional way to play the game with quests specific to the art of growing vines as well as machinery to improve the quality and quantity of concentrated goodness!
An additional benefit of having a vineyard is it gives a money sink! MMOs struggle after a prolong period of time because of gold generation without adequate gold dumps. This would give players the ability to spend their hard earned in game gold to cultivate consumables.
I'd definitely be interested in chatting about how to create the lore/mechanics for this in game!
Only things I'd suggest are that there should be no production at all from vines for a few years, and then an increase in yield and quality over the next 7 or 8 years, at which point both are capped (this is analogous to how it is in the real world, any claims that older vines are better is purely marketing).
I would also like to see similar mechanics with other crops, olives and various types of fruit, specifically.
To me, this creates even more tension around a node being sieged. Even if a node is a second generation vassal of a metropolis, if that node happens to have a large amount of vines/trees in it that the metropolis has built a portion of their economy on, it is in that metropolis' best interest to see to it that the node wins the siege, so as to prevent the freeholds with those crops from being raided.
Again, this is analogous to real world events. It was a massive blow to people back in the day if a rival came through and burned their olive trees specifically - as it could be a decade before they could be replaced.
Sweet liquor eases the pain
I’d like the chance to be a vintner. I’d also like it if different races have their own wines.
What are these... wines... my precious?!?
I only know fermented mushrooms, yes-yes!
I could be down with this. Wine from grapes for elves, mead from honey for humans, beer from barley for dwarves, and spirits from corn for orcs - something like that.
As long as there isn't a hard barrier preventing races from consuming other beverages.
Maybe you could have a special spirit brewed from your turnips?!
There is a spirit (a type of schnapps, specifically) made from turnips from a specific area in Austria, I believe.
Food items temporarily boost your maximum hp (plus other buffs)
Drink items temporarily boost your mana pool (plus other buffs)
These boosts decay over time.
This would mean people would grab a meal right before heading to a big fight.
Rich people would flex on the poor by drinking/eating vintage wines every minute to maintain the maximum health/mana pool.
Poor people would just make do with a meal every now and then when required.
This would also mean you can have guild banquets so everyone is prepped right before a fight.
(Or maybe set up a banquet outside the steps to a boss room)
The name is Persian for "turnip".
That's made with a type of carrot iirc, not the one I had in mind.
Looks like Krautinger, made from the turnip (white beet).
That's the one I was thinking of, thanks!
You could get fantasy with it and have metals or herbs that need to be fermented in dragon saliva or whatever type of magical liquids you want to make it stronger or have specific attributes.
That's why I said fermenter rather than brewmaster. To give it room to do more stuff
What are the Tulnar? Chopped liver???
Maybe this is where our friend Damokles can help...
Mmm, delicious fermented mushrooms.
This kind of fits in with how the Tulnar are a combination of the four parent races, along with other... 'influences'.
Hey, if you were stuck underground for that many years, with only an elephant and a snake for company, you may have spawned a colony of reptilian-elephant-men, too! Don't give them too hard a time...!
Make it a random effect. If every race had a beverage that increased a specific stat, then make the tulnar drink give a boost to a random stat but an even better one then the other race drinks.
Dragon age has such great lore