Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Sword and shield DPS
Any support for sword and shield Dps build? I can't think of any mmo that has this and is actually implemented well.
Survivability? RP? Aesthetics?
Well, i mean i eventually plan to play one handed spear + shield but i dont think you would want to go anything + shield as a dps if you dont plan to offtank.
A shield can be used to devastating offensive effect with training. A lateral swipe with a shield is like taking a 2x4 to the face. Followed with a full-force lunge bash and a strike with a sword? Done.
You're totally right, @Damokles - it works on anything!
against a human maybe. Against a giant dragon? Not at all.
The bigger the difference in physical strength the more important it becomes tl concentrate your attack on a narrow spot through piercing or cutting.
And the more important it becomes to protect yourself from a big huge dragon claw coming at you?! Big metal barrier between me and it? Yes please! Hehehe
That’s what the sword is for... 🧐
A meak little piece of metal wont protect you from the crushing, flesh randing claws of a giant dagon though? xD
Just wanted to clarify because if the former, then yeah sure it'll no doubt be possible.
If we're discussing the latter than I don't see that happening, in my opinion. Within the parameters of an RPG there is a balance that must be ensured or the game runs the risk of leaning too heavily in one side's favor.
For a single player game that isn't an issue, necessarily, but in an MMO that leads to problems with balance.
Basically what I'm saying is that an SnB build should indeed deal damage, but not be a predominant DPS choice as having the shield inherently includes more mitigation potential. Otherwise why have the shield?
Pretty much I just don't want to be kicked from raid and dungeon groups because I'm running a sword and board dps. I don't have any desire to out dps a mage but at least have the build where I can carry my own weight. I don't even mind the idea of being off tank/dps hybrid, but I just don't like the idea of being discriminated for how I want to play my character.
It should be finy depending on the group tbh. hardcore min-max groups wouldnt pick you, but any other group should be okay with it aslong as you tell them straight up that you go offtank dps.
I don't think SnB build should do equal damage compared to a 2H melee build. But I don't think they should do 25% of a 2H build, maybe 65-75%. Good enough to hold your own solo in the wilderness, but not a burst-maximized dps spec.
Yeah.... but that wasnt any good tbh. The bleed came from the main hand sword though and not from the SnB combo. Sword and torch were/are still WAY better to inflict multiple types of dots.
GW1 had a pretty good SnB warrior bleed build i believe though^^
It had great everything builds. There were so many skills you could customise your build however you wanted.
I remember my Dervish/Assassin build. No one could escape Avatar of Grenth, if he could teleport behind you >:^)
The beauty of this game will be the discovery of new class specs that will work. I am main tanking for my guild and would LOVE to be able to be a dps contender when not getting my face bashed in but unfortunately we will probably be low dps and high CC (which I am ok with when it comes to pvp).
As far as you getting kicked from a raid....MY thought process will be this for players. Let's work on a build and find out what we can top your dps on (we can 1v1 to see while I am being healed and then compare this to other dps players or we can time bursting down the same mob and compare to others. If your dps is viable, you would absolutely be invited as a sword and board tank. if it isn't, we will work on finding something that works better but that you also enjoy. I would love to talk more about it with you if you happen to be looking for a guild : ). Add me on Discord and message me anytime! Khronus#4299.
edit: i expect it to be a fighter/ tank, but will have to see the spells and augments to really say.
BUT, SnB skill tree will definitely have more skills or passive abilities designed for tanking and survivability, compare to pure damage dealing and burst damage dealing skills. Hence, it will be upto the player to choose what skills to use in the end, may be less SnB skills in your skill bar but more archetype skills instead.
I thought we were only able to have one melee set and range weapon set we could swap in between. Am I wrong?
There will be the ability to swap weapons in combat, but only after a time period of neither dealing nor taking damage.
Here's hoping that duration is no longer than a second or two (i.e. a GCD unit).