Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Redemption of murderous players. How easy should it be?

Steven has mentioned before that the more players a person has killed (PK count), the more corruption would that player incur with each new PK and the higher the chances to lose gear upon death will be.
But he also mentioned that there would be activities to reduce a characters PK count (not to be confused with corruption points).
What ways would you reccoment for a player to lower the PK count? How easy should it be to redeem ones self?
Should it be level based?
But he also mentioned that there would be activities to reduce a characters PK count (not to be confused with corruption points).
What ways would you reccoment for a player to lower the PK count? How easy should it be to redeem ones self?
Should it be level based?
I hope AoC will improve this feature. Make it more serious for players to murder another player, since the redemption path wont be an easy one.
I suggest that quests to lower PK are mid range challenging and based on a players lv. A 40lv player shouldnt face the challenges a 30lv player has to.
It should be both time consuming (a days work) and gameplay challenging as well as interesting, in zones that other rewards are small, meaning the whole purpose is to redeem for your past PKs, and not farm some materials or lv up..
So, what activities should you do to lower the PK count? How many PKs can you erase each time? One, two or three? More?
PS. I am against cooldown and time limits regarding such quests for similar reasons I am opposed to dailies.
I prefer challenge barriers over artificial time barriers.
I personally think PKs would be a badge of honor. There will always be people against the pointless and gruesome murder of someone just mining some ore, but remember... we have been locked on a world with no magic for millennia and what better way to stretch your legs than to poke some helpless gatherers with your ethereal short pointy stabby stabbers?
Until we know one, I don't really have an opinion on the other.
On the other hand, it shouldn't be so hard that it feels insurmountable. Maybe it might if you really go overboard and max out corruption to a ridiculous level, almost a suicide-by-ganking sort of thing. But generally, it should give someone a real chance to come back and "fix" it without rage-quitting in total frustration.
But there're probably tons of ways to exploit this - e.g. have friends post a bunch of relatively trivial jobs and complete them for redemption credits.
Having your kill count lowered from assisting caravans could be a good idea - but it would need to be done well.
Players with corruption would need to sign up for defending a caravan that has a specific destination in mind, and only gain their count reduction if said caravan makes it to it's destination. The reduction offered needs to reflect the distance the caravan travels.
In order to prevent the corrupt player using this system in order to gain knowledge of a caravans location in order to have friends attack it, they would need to stand to gain an amount of corruption commensurate to the value of materials in the caravan if it does not make it to it's destination.
I could see this working as a system. There are likely more potential exploits that need to be looked in to, but as a general idea, I like it.
Meaning you can literally just grind/quest your corruption away.
However, it has also been stated that you gain corruption more easily based on how many times you've killed non-combatants in your lifetime.
This thread is about lowering that kill count, not lowering corruption.
"Not only do you have to do a lot of PKing that are consecutive (to drop equipped gear when you die), but if you have a number of PKs on your record...there is a method by which you can lower your previous PK count, so that it doesn't exacerbate the next amount of Corruption you gain from the system."
Seems likely that reducing the Cumulative PK count while Corrupted is going to be tied to reducing Corruption score.
"The quest has now been changed to help you reduce the amount of cumulative PKs you have.
Which in turn reduces the total Corruption earned per subsequent PK."
Yes but that's not how the system works. The system works by offering ways to lower your corruption score until you are no longer red. And to add to what he said, aside from XP grinding, I believe merely dying while Red also lowers your corruption.
It sounds like you're confusing kill count and corruption. You can get rid of your corruption and be a regular Green player and still have a high total PK kill count. If you want to lower your total kill count you can, but you're not necessarily going to be a Red player while doing so.
Yes cumulative PK factors into how much Corruption you gain per kill (as does things like player level if they're lower level than you). So you can work off Corruption in the regular ways, and in addition you can do this quest to reduce your total lifetime PK kill count so that further Corruption gained is lower.
I think what you are calling total lifetime PK kill count will be referred to by a different label. But, that is mostly semantics.
So... yes.
I specifically mention PK count is not the same as corruption. Just because you didnt watch that being mentioned it doesnt mean it wasnt mentioned.
We're off topic because we found something more interesting to discuss. Steven already said he has a quest to lower your PK count so I'm not sure what else there is to discuss on the topic since it's been answered. As for corruption I mentioned it because a few posts keep talking about both as if you have to be corrupted to have a high PK count (honestly almost every response to your thread before mine seems to be confusing the two).
Your other thread got derailed for the same reason. There was about 2 pages worth of people giving all the answers anyone would ever think of as to why you'd PK someone who didn't want to fight back. So naturally at that point either a thread dies, or people get more interested in talking about something else.
I didn't say that PK count is the same as Corruption score.
I agree that they aren't the same.
Are you lacking in reading comprehension? Read the several posts above mine. Noanni, Dreoh, Noanni again. There is a conversation going and I responded to that. My post is quite clear in context.
Yes but that's not how the system works. The system works by offering ways to lower your corruption score until you are no longer red. And to add to what he said, aside from XP grinding, I believe merely dying while Red also lowers your corruption.
Why do you bring corruption score to a PK count thread?
You and Dreoh have comprehension difficulties. Not me.
All it takes is one person posting to a thread, without even thinking, without even reading; in this case Dreoh, and a few more like you and the others to derail it.
You have an issue regarding staying on topic.
How is this the topic to discuss "corruption: how it wears off", when I posted about PK count (not to be confused with corruption points), and why if you wanna talk about corruption points don't you start a relevant topic?
Low-level player killing the low-level player
- low karma for the kill
- should be easy to burn off as a low level is usually quick to progress
- low level kill often has low impact, except where possibly griefing
Low-level player-killing high-level player
- low karma for the kill
- quite frankly if they can achieve the kill then kudos to them
High-level player killing high-level player
-grading amount per increase in pk count
Time to burn off approx
- 20-30min per kill high level,
- 10-20min low level
1st kill requires 20+min to burn off,
2nd 20+25
3rd 20+25+35
4th 20+25+35+50
L2 did it as an amount of karma that related to xp.. so that 20min would be 20min in a med-high xp place.. but that med-high xp place might also be high visibility so quick to burn off at risk of being killed, where as a slower place to burn off the karma may also be safer..
With a bounty hunter system, will be fun and games for the few that try the system first!
This post right here, and the person he's quoting, are both confusing "how to get rid of corruption" with "how to reduce kill count". They both are intending to talk about ideas as to how you might reduce kill count, and then instead spend their entire posts discussing corruption instead.
And this guy as well:
So no I did not derail your thread. It got derailed by everyone else fairly early on. It's clear people are confused about the idea of working off kill count vs being corrupted. Stop obsessing over every post I make on these forums.