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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
[Open Discussion] Where is a steampunk / magical / small creatures race?

Hi there,
Looking at the races currently announced I feel there is a gap.
So far we have
From these races, looking at the current images and information on the wiki, they all fairly similar.
Kaelar, Vaelune and Empyrean (humans with pointy ears) look very similar.
Dwarves Dünir are chunky and too serious.
Orcs are not cute.
Tulnar too serious.
As a player that usually goes for small, cute magical races with a steampunk culture, I feel there is a gap.
In Guild Wars 2 I played an Asura, in FFXIV I played a female smallest height Au Ra.
Looking at the current races in Ashes, the Niküa have potential, but I don't want to play an Hawaiian fish people.
Leaving me with the only option right now the Pyrai.
Still, can we have space for a Steampunk culture of less humanoid race that look magical and cool?
Let me leave you with Guineceans from Crowfall as inspiration, they look so cool, I would love play as a steampunk guinea pig
They could also be squirrels or Meerkats with a fantasy twist
Let me know your thoughts
Tittle Edit: Removed the "cute" term.
Looking at the races currently announced I feel there is a gap.
So far we have
- Humans (Kaelar and Vaelune)
- Dwarves (Dünir and Niküa)
- Orcs (Ren'Kai and Vek)
- Elves (Empyrean and Pyrai)
- Tulnar (not a lot of details)
From these races, looking at the current images and information on the wiki, they all fairly similar.
Kaelar, Vaelune and Empyrean (humans with pointy ears) look very similar.
Dwarves Dünir are chunky and too serious.
Orcs are not cute.
Tulnar too serious.
As a player that usually goes for small, cute magical races with a steampunk culture, I feel there is a gap.
In Guild Wars 2 I played an Asura, in FFXIV I played a female smallest height Au Ra.
Looking at the current races in Ashes, the Niküa have potential, but I don't want to play an Hawaiian fish people.
Leaving me with the only option right now the Pyrai.
Still, can we have space for a Steampunk culture of less humanoid race that look magical and cool?
Let me leave you with Guineceans from Crowfall as inspiration, they look so cool, I would love play as a steampunk guinea pig

They could also be squirrels or Meerkats with a fantasy twist

Let me know your thoughts
Tittle Edit: Removed the "cute" term.
TERA Online is available on both console and PC, it has all you are asking for. And it’s free to play. Go have fun. You’re not going to enjoy Ashes.
Woop! Come join the party!
I imagine that further races would be added after a few years.
Edit: Just give it a try and see what you think. I mean, there's no box cost, so even if you find you don't like it, you've only lost a month's sub.
Something like this big eyes+animal ears might not fit in ashes but its always the best race.
Everyone needs a pedo furry race /s.
it was the second time the gods made a mistake race
Nah, the skimpy big-tiddie race were the only race The Ancients left alive.
Well, the Tulnar aren't a real race, so, the statement stands!
I have to say it would be pretty neat if Ashes of Creation added in an Undead variant or at least an undead racial skin that you could acquire. It would fulfill my dead hopes for the forsaken in WoW which has taken the lazy way out by not adding in playable forsaken from other races.
I would disagree completely. There should absolutely be a science based aesthetic to the game. Do not forget that the races that were saved by the gods went to another world that had no magic for eons. Now maybe steampunk is not the direction but some major form of technological achievement should be present in the game.
For you, is that a deal-breaker for playing? What about other features like economy, crafting, PvP, etc?
Maybe AoC is a good chance to broaden your fantasy/MMO horizons and experience a different setting with everything else it has to offer.
True, but the dwarfes in warhammer dont have magic/mages, don't they?
Dwarves use rune magic in warhammer fantasy.
Oh definitely not, just providing feedback early on in development.
If they don't add more variety in the races I will most likely go Pyrai, but I will need to see more regarding movement, character creation, etc.
(and yes that word will get censored.)
Additionally, we are in Alpha stages where nothing is defined in stone, where people give feedback.
So can everyone tone down the freaking hostilities regarding this topic just because you don't like it?
The world is not just made of things we like, there is a balance.
Yeah they can exist in a game that’s not designed as high-fantasy. Steampunk is based in science fiction.
I was going to post that I am completely against the idea, but I do have to admit, this is true.
If a society goes from having magic to not having magic essentially overnight, one would expect them to develop scientifically instead - even if only to replace what they lost.
It wouldn't make a while lot of sense for there to be no technological advancements over the thousands of years everyone was in Sanctus.
Now, this doesn't necessarily mean a cute steampunk based race, but technology of some sort should exist.
Well they have all sorts of "cutsy" things going on in the game already... And we have not seen the full string of different race "loadouts" and such so maybe your request was too early and specific? I am not against a steampunk aesthetic being apart of the game as I said above some sort of technology has to be present for the lore to make sense. I just dont know if steampunk will be the direction to go, let alone adding in a cute race to specifically cater to your needs. Sorry if that upsets you.
Just imagine your character is doing the UWU face, and stop asking for cringe races.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
This is the wonderful thing about lore, you can make it do whatever you want. For instance, just as Magic doesn't work in Sanctus, all the technology developed to replace the magic in Sanctus might not work in Verra because the magic interferes with it.
Not saying that is the case here, but it could very easily be used to justify why there isn't more technology in the game.
thats also a good point. It could explain the persistence of a medieval culture as they couldnt bring the big guns back with them, however they can use that knowledge to quickly research and learn alternative methods. Case and point being the potion launchers as a substitute to guns.