
Underwater World

Hello Friends,

I know there is a huge focus on Naval (as mentioned in this months Dev Update) but is anyone aware of what it will be like under the water. We saw some glimpses during the mount video. But is there any information on PvX underwater rather then on the seas?

Some of things that I am thinking about:

1. Hidden cave systems with air pockets under water.
2. Node systems in said cave systems
3. Resources gathering.
a) Herbs - All sorts of of options
b) Mining - Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (VMS)
c) Fishing - Spear fishing instead of Rod/Reel

Thanks for your thoughts,
Skylarck The Botanist


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    Spear fishing would be awesome.
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    What will be really neat to see is if there will be "coastal" Under-Realm nodes

    What would an underwater port look like? Would the fishing be different?
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    What will be really neat to see is if there will be "coastal" Under-Realm nodes

    What would an underwater port look like? Would the fishing be different?

    @Tyranthraxus ouuu that's interesting, an underrealm node system ending in a lake that is actually a swimway into the oceans. It would be pretty crazy to think of the aquatic life that only lives in that swimway. A Tulnar port... sounds so counter-intuitive I like it!

    There are IRL examples of fish evolving due to living in lightless environmental, being more translucent bodies, losing their eyes. Maybe things like the Leaf Sheep (look them up if you've never seen them) but in fish form!
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited December 2020
    An underwater cavern leading to.....

    A T L A N T I S



    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    BlightEmpireBlightEmpire Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Only if i can get the giant crystal and use godly powers like the atlantis movie from way back.
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    VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    It's most likely gonna be like real life under water. A little bit of something, and a whole lot of nothing.
    What I mean is I think there might be some coastal stuff to explore, but I don't see most of the sea having much going on underwater.

    I do hope there are hidden caves with resources out a sea. I do want to be fully involved in any sea content. I was a big fan of Darkfall Online and Atlas's sea content.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
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    I don't imagine there being any underwater nodes due to a lack of oxygen, but I'm willing to bet everything else you mentioned is probably an option. They keep saying there's lots of content in the oceans, even for players exploring by themselves so I'd imagine small islands or underwater caverns like you mentioned.

    I'd really like to see a feature where if a ship sinks in a naval battle you can find it on the ocean floor for a certain amount of time in order to loot it!
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    I'd really like to see a feature where if a ship sinks in a naval battle you can find it on the ocean floor for a certain amount of time in order to loot it!

    Now that seems like a fantastic idea!
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    Maviodas wrote: »
    Underwater Node.. don't say that, don't give me hope. I love that idea though it would be hellish to attack lol. But I can't wait to see what they do with Dungeons, resources and other aspects but in water. Gonna be fishin on my lil boat.

    @Maviodas definitely a great defensive node for sure but offensively it would be pretty garbage which would force the node to be stuck at a lower level node unless lots of people decide different (likely people on closest coast gaining XP for that node. In an RPG sense think of the required community to make sure the node is healthy. If its underwater, I would assume the majority of the goods would need to be shipped in from other nodes. This would create some great relationships.

    I also really appreciate the visual of, in a new wonderful brand new MMORPG there is one person in a simple small boat fishing without a care in the world xD.
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    I believe they've already assigned the nodes. There are 118, including Castle Nodes. If there were to be underwater ones, I imagine we'd have been told by now.
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    daveywavey wrote: »
    I believe they've already assigned the nodes. There are 118, including Castle Nodes. If there were to be underwater ones, I imagine we'd have been told by now.

    You never know! Religion is one of the elements of the game that SS has specifically stated to be something he wants players to 1st experience in-game; In Alphas and Betas, who knows if what we're seeing is mitigated/scaled down from what will exist, in Live?

    Some content isn't wanted by the devs to be seen until release. We can't possibly know all the details, as of today's date; There might be elements of the Under-Realm and the Tulnar that we haven't even been exposed to any hint of, as of yet!
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    bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    To be far during the Extralife live stream Maggie was playing as a Tlunar Merfolk for a while. So maybe?
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
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    I can see an underwater themed content expansion coming post launch if all goes well. Incorporating aquatic game systems from archeage ie. trade and naval combat with an aoc touch could be amazing if executed well
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    FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Underwater dungeons and NPC cities will exist.
    Also, the fact that there will be underwater legendary mounts does imply that there will be something to explore or do with them.

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    could be an interesting idea for an expansion i guess.

    but I wonder how would a caravan enter & leave underwater nodes ...
    you ride a donkey caravan to the coast and swap for a ... plesiosaurus?
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    but I wonder how would a caravan enter & leave underwater nodes ...
    you ride a donkey caravan to the coast and swap for a ... plesiosaurus?

    And hope you have enough Water Breathing potions...
    This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/

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    could be an interesting idea for an expansion i guess.

    but I wonder how would a caravan enter & leave underwater nodes ...
    you ride a donkey caravan to the coast and swap for a ... plesiosaurus?

    Maybe underwater caravans can only trade with Coastal Nodes which means only traveling by water mounts.

    Skylarck The Botanist.
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    Guild Wars 2 sets the bar high when it comes to underwater content, so I would love to see Intrepid build upon what ArenaNet has done right and possibly consider some of the OP's points.
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    Sum12hateSum12hate Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I believe there are amphibious mounts like the giant otter thing but I feel sea caravans will rely on ships (cue sea of thieves battles) would be interested to sea how this develops though since my goal is having a diversified mount shop I wouldn't mind sinking in a lot of time on faster/tougher sea mounts or maybe like voidwalkers said just switching the mount to a fully aquatic critter like a giant seahorse would solve this dilemma
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    Sum12hate wrote: »
    I believe there are amphibious mounts like the giant otter thing but I feel sea caravans will rely on ships (cue sea of thieves battles) would be interested to sea how this develops though since my goal is having a diversified mount shop I wouldn't mind sinking in a lot of time on faster/tougher sea mounts or maybe like voidwalkers said just switching the mount to a fully aquatic critter like a giant seahorse would solve this dilemma

    A seahorse! Now that's a good aquatic mount!
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    AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Skylarck wrote: »
    Sum12hate wrote: »
    I believe there are amphibious mounts like the giant otter thing but I feel sea caravans will rely on ships (cue sea of thieves battles) would be interested to sea how this develops though since my goal is having a diversified mount shop I wouldn't mind sinking in a lot of time on faster/tougher sea mounts or maybe like voidwalkers said just switching the mount to a fully aquatic critter like a giant seahorse would solve this dilemma

    A seahorse! Now that's a good aquatic mount!

    WoW sure thought so, since that’s what their fully underwater mount is.
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    DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    *cough* Ehem..... RELEASE! THE! KRAKEN!
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Whatabout a Flying Water (but not land) mount: Seapegasus :D:D:D
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    Sum12hateSum12hate Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    maouw wrote: »
    Whatabout a Flying Water (but not land) mount: Seapegasus :D:D:D

    Flying fish? Would be a cool animation build up speed in water breach for air and glide for visual aesthetic
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    Sum12hateSum12hate Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Atama wrote: »
    Skylarck wrote: »
    Sum12hate wrote: »
    I believe there are amphibious mounts like the giant otter thing but I feel sea caravans will rely on ships (cue sea of thieves battles) would be interested to sea how this develops though since my goal is having a diversified mount shop I wouldn't mind sinking in a lot of time on faster/tougher sea mounts or maybe like voidwalkers said just switching the mount to a fully aquatic critter like a giant seahorse would solve this dilemma

    A seahorse! Now that's a good aquatic mount!

    WoW sure thought so, since that’s what their fully underwater mount is.

    True.. but hopefully with proper breeding I can get a color scheme similar to horsea maybe even seadra
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    AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    maouw wrote: »
    Whatabout a Flying Water (but not land) mount: Seapegasus :D:D:D

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    Atama wrote: »
    maouw wrote: »
    Whatabout a Flying Water (but not land) mount: Seapegasus :D:D:D


    Underwatercorn + Suit Of Armour = Nuclear Submarine!

    Too far...?
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