Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Crafting/Blacksmith in Ashes
I am pretty new to the ashes community, literally have only found this game just a few days ago. However, the brief description I read on the main page about crafting and blacksmith gave me some pretty high hopes. I was wondering if there is other information out there on what their crafting system will be like?
If there is can someone please link what they've found on the crafting and blacksmith profession to me here in this thread. It would be greatly appreciated!
If there is can someone please link what they've found on the crafting and blacksmith profession to me here in this thread. It would be greatly appreciated!
We know only a tiny bit so far. Most of what we know is on the wiki or Both are run by the community.
Thanks for that link. I found a quote inside that wiki page that has me incredibly hopeful for the crafting system in this game.
I think Star Wars Galaxies had a great crafting system... The resource gathering and the crafting system altogether as a whole really was I think way beyond its time. That's kind of the direction we want to go, where there's choices to be made in the crafting system and those choices change what you end up with... It's not just about doing X recipe to get Y item. You know, there's actually thought involved in it and there is you know a market to be captured based on those decisions.[27] – Jeffrey Bard
I to this day still play star wars galaxies on an emu. No game in present day history has even come close to matching the crafting system they have in that game.
I wonder if there is a way to reach out to Jeffrey Bard? As I still actively craft in that game and can show him and explain certain parts of how crafting fully works in star wars galaxies.
After reading that wiki, I do think they've touched on one of the main aspects of it. Back when it was actually a live game and people had to pay for their accounts you truly did have to rely on others for certain resources, components etc. to be able to create an amazing item.
Normally there was someone who would harvest the resources from the ground and sell to you. ( These were things like metals/polymer/fruits/vegetables/petro chemicals etc. Then you also had to rely on combat characters as well to find the rare components that you could add into the item you were creating.
Also, the resources that players would harvest from the different worlds had stats on them. Certain stats needed to have high values depending on the items you were crafting vs other items needing other stats to be higher on that same resource.
I'll try to add 2 pictures below. One showing how copper had certain stats and then a looted component from a krayt dragon which was used to enhance crafted ranged weapons. The component from the krayt had stack size, speed and damage as it's stats. Depending on those stats would help your decision on what kind of weapon to put it into etc.
Obviously this is just a small example of the kind of thing that is used simply for just weapons crafting. It goes so in-depth that it's hard to explain in just a short forum post write up.
With only being able to max craft in one area needing to work with other people and bringing MMO back to the game will be good fun.
Ooooh, shall we make guesses as to who they might be?!
Hey there ! Some of us have been having a discussion on the crafting system on this thread:
Feel free to pitch in. Chances are the devs will take note of what we comment