Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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This game looks awful, like gw2

Gw2 was acceptable for a time because it's different. Copying it's style is cringeworthy and this game is dead in the water. I feel very bad for the investors hiring copycat losers.

This is the worst signal the game industry can send to pc gamers.

colors oll over place, no understanding of lighting each outdoor object looks seperate. jumping around like a lunatic buffing and debufffing constantly. no connection with reality etc.


  • nousrnanousrna Member
    anyone who is a normal pc gamer from way back and not a NuGamer agree?
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2021 13
    I played GW2 for quite a while and it is nothing like Ashes of Creation is planning to be. Yes the concept of a "living dynamic world" is the same but both games are going about it entirely differently.

    The colours and lighting are still first pass and will be improved. I'm not sure what you mean with the rest.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited 2021 13
    I have seen many games I didn't like.
    Never once did I make an account to post on their forums.
    On your bike, weirdo
  • MerekMerek Member
    From what they've shown, I would agree. However, I do suggest you word your statement a bit better next time, coming in with a hyper negative attitude will only overshadow your point of view. This is all under the assumption you had genuine criticism and weren't just flaming, though.
  • MowabyMowaby Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    nousrna wrote: »
    Gw2 was acceptable for a time because it's different. Copying it's style is cringeworthy and this game is dead in the water. I feel very bad for the investors hiring copycat losers.

    This is the worst signal the game industry can send to pc gamers.

    colors oll over place, no understanding of lighting each outdoor object looks seperate. jumping around like a lunatic buffing and debufffing constantly. no connection with reality etc.

    Also comparing a game in pre alpha to a game that has been released for years. I don't think you actually know anything about Ashes of Creation.
  • nousrnanousrna Member
    I have seen many games I didn't like.
    Never once did I make an account to post on their forums.
    On your bike, weirdo

    this users pic is an example. the look is closer to blade and soul type games than more serious fantasy medieval games.
  • halbarzhalbarz Member
    MMO's share ideas, it is not possible to be 100% unique so for sure there will be things similar to gw2, just Gw2 has things from t Dark Age of Camelot, etc.
    Your original message is very negative, especially since you are comparing a game in pre-alpha vs a live one.

    I would suggest doing some research on the development phases and reading up on what the game plans to be or not. It might help you to actually ask a question instead of making a statement :)
  • nousrnanousrna Member
    halbarz wrote: »
    MMO's share ideas, it is not possible to be 100% unique so for sure there will be things similar to gw2, just Gw2 has things from t Dark Age of Camelot, etc.
    Your original message is very negative, especially since you are comparing a game in pre-alpha vs a live one.

    I would suggest doing some research on the development phases and reading up on what the game plans to be or not. It might help you to actually ask a question instead of making a statement :)

    and you should look at blade&soul type games vs other ones that aren't like that from way back. you are sleepwalking
  • halbarzhalbarz Member
    nousrna wrote: »
    halbarz wrote: »
    MMO's share ideas, it is not possible to be 100% unique so for sure there will be things similar to gw2, just Gw2 has things from t Dark Age of Camelot, etc.
    Your original message is very negative, especially since you are comparing a game in pre-alpha vs a live one.

    I would suggest doing some research on the development phases and reading up on what the game plans to be or not. It might help you to actually ask a question instead of making a statement :)

    and you should look at blade&soul type games vs other ones that aren't like that from way back. you are sleepwalking

    Blade and souls also has features that are found back in every other MMO. :) The simple concept of "quests" makes it so that it is not 100% unique :) My point is that you should not judge a game until it's in a playable state (Beta/launch)

    90+% of what we know about Ashes is based on what we read/heard, the video material is all pre-alpha material.

  • uaouao Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The colours and lighting as still first pass and will be improved. I'm not sure what you mean with the rest.

    I just wonder for how long everything is still 'first pass'. the game is in development for more than 4 years by now. So lets say stuff needs 3 passes, we get the game released by 2029? :D that is if they would start with a second pass right now, but they dont even have all the features through a first pass yet apparently.
  • WarthWarth Member, Alpha Two
    Not sure who i feel more sorry for, this cringeworthy troll or the people who try to engage with him.
  • xydrassialxydrassial Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Looks great to me /shrug
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The game could look like ever quest 1 for all I care as long as the systems work as intended.

    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    nousrna wrote: »
    Gw2 was acceptable for a time because it's different. Copying it's style is cringeworthy and this game is dead in the water. I feel very bad for the investors hiring copycat losers.

    This is the worst signal the game industry can send to pc gamers.

    colors oll over place, no understanding of lighting each outdoor object looks seperate. jumping around like a lunatic buffing and debufffing constantly. no connection with reality etc.

    Lol. Fair dos. Don't suppose we'll see you around again.

    This link may help you:

  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    Warth wrote: »
    Not sure who i feel more sorry for, this cringeworthy troll or the people who try to engage with him.

    I often wonder how many trolls there are, or if it's just the same one who keeps coming back.
    This link may help you:

  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    edited 2021 13
    Ok OP I'm taking your forum posting keys away you are clearly too drunk to post if you think its proper to compare a completed game like gw2 to a game that is barely in alpha 1.

    Dont worry, you will get these back later once you post an apology thread.
    Commissioned at
  • P0NCH0P0NCH0 Member, Alpha Two
    What's with the gw2 hate? It was probably the most fun and social mmo I've ever played. Dungeons where challenging and rewarding before power creep set in. Raids filtered out the decent players from the rest. Jump puzzles are the best when you have a group of friends on discord doing them with you and even better with a mesmer to help out the less skillful with their portals. Raids are the best part of gw2, followed by the fashion wars. Half of what people did was tweak their costumes and socialize.

    If AoC can learn anything from gw2 it is that there was plenty of content to cater to big and small groups, and for different skill levels. Sure some of the world bosses/meta events are so easy it is a joke, but a lot of that was because experienced players guide the events to success. But some of the most rewarding times for me was when we barely won some meta content because of low participation and extremely good mastery of the event and your character.
  • LeiloniLeiloni Member, Alpha Two
    I don't think it looks like GW2 nor do the game systems even resemble GW2 at all and I've played a lot of that game. It's quite a bit of a stretch on both accounts.
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    uao wrote: »
    The colours and lighting as still first pass and will be improved. I'm not sure what you mean with the rest.

    I just wonder for how long everything is still 'first pass'. the game is in development for more than 4 years by now. So lets say stuff needs 3 passes, we get the game released by 2029? :D that is if they would start with a second pass right now, but they dont even have all the features through a first pass yet apparently.

    Thankfully that's not how it works. Games development isn't linear with set stages that all take the same amount of time. Yes it has taken 4 years to get to this point but there are a few things to keep in mind:

    1. When Intrepid first started they had 8 people in staff, whereas now they have close to 100, so the amount of time it takes to get things done is far faster now than it was back in 2017.
    2. Games development is like building a house. You can't start just putting bricks together immediately. You need the tools and the cement first. Intrepid have spent a lot of time putting together these tools that will then be used to create the game. This foundation is hard to see from an outside perspective which is why the development may seem slow right now. However, once the tools are in place, the proper building can begin and production will appear to speed up.
    3. It's not about "3 passes and then it's done". Instead things like the combat will be constantly iterated upon until the devs are happy with it. So when Steven says there will be a "combat revamp" it's much more about small changes that happen quite frequently over time rather than a single big overhaul.
    4. Finally, yes intrepid are being as open as possible but that doesn't mean they are showing us everything. There is a ton of stuff that happens behind the scenes that we never see, so it's hard to get a good idea of how far the project is going from our perspective.

    I hope that answers your questions. Of course, if you're still sceptical then that is fine. Steven himself has said it's fine to wait. The game is fully funded up until release so it will get here regardless of whether you support it or not. Just sit back and enjoy the ride :)
  • DreohDreoh Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2021 13
    For one, I don't know why OP has such a bias against the amazing game that is GW2

    Two, he/she is blatantly ignorant about how game development works and refuses to begin to acknowledge they might be so.

    To be honest, and I'm not saying this to belittle them, OP seems like they might be actually a child or teen
  • Well the MMO market is kind of saturated and been lots of MMO over the years really it would be extremely difficult to make an MMO without having it be like some other game. Kind of similar of me trying to come up with on orignal fire spell when there have been so many over the years.

    But Here are some very important things to keep in mind about this game.

    No instant que. And lot of content is going to be open world. Now no instant que does not sound very exciting because it is not exciting has tendency to ruin MMOs Had big threads on this.

    No Fast travel and low flying. Again not very exciting but makes Game very immersive makes it feel like a world you can actual explore.

    But one thing that I find very encouraging is that The Devs at Ashes of Creation are extremely passionate about what they are doing. ( In my opinion) Again not to exciting but Now days Many MMOs are like Boa Constricters that are wrapped around the players wallet trying to squeeze every last cent they can from them.
    Yes money is important but Putting an earnest effort to make a excellent gameis essential, not just milking it till it dies.

    If you really want to get technical well gold in this game is no different than gold in another game.
    Really your post is kind redundant cause what seperates one MMO from another is the Differences not so much the likes.

    As usually when read negatives post like this, my advice is well 15 dollars is a really small investment just give it a try nothing to lose.

  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    consultant wrote: »
    As usually when read negatives post like this, my advice is well 15 dollars is a really small investment just give it a try nothing to lose.

    This link may help you:

  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The OP is hilarious.

    Why not just say it looks like WoW or EQ if you want to make ridiculous comparisons? It looks nothing like GW2.
  • VolgaireVolgaire Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    It's pretty obviously a post to rile people up and everyone is taking the bait.
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2021 13
    It's pretty obviously a post to rile people up and everyone is taking the bait.

    I dunno man, I think he has a point, except the game is copying WoW, not GW2. He's probably just young and doesn't know that World of Warcraft was the first MMORPG in existence. They pretty much invented elves and orcs and dwarves from scratch, and the whole online roleplaying experience in a shared persistent world. Everything else is really just derivatives of WoW.
  • MaezrielMaezriel Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Warth wrote: »
    Not sure who i feel more sorry for, this cringeworthy troll or the people who try to engage with him.

    I often wonder how many trolls there are, or if it's just the same one who keeps coming back.

    You mean it's not just your alt accounts for when the forums get a little too quiet? Huh TIL :P
    If I said something that you disagree w/ feel free to say so here.
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    Maezriel wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Warth wrote: »
    Not sure who i feel more sorry for, this cringeworthy troll or the people who try to engage with him.

    I often wonder how many trolls there are, or if it's just the same one who keeps coming back.

    You mean it's not just your alt accounts for when the forums get a little too quiet? Huh TIL :P

    I'm much too lazy for that! Hahahaha :D
    This link may help you:

  • uaouao Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Thankfully that's not how it works. Games development isn't linear with set stages that all take the same amount of time. Yes it has taken 4 years to get to this point but there are a few things to keep in mind:

    1. When Intrepid first started they had 8 people in staff, whereas now they have close to 100, so the amount of time it takes to get things done is far faster now than it was back in 2017.
    2. Games development is like building a house. You can't start just putting bricks together immediately. You need the tools and the cement first. Intrepid have spent a lot of time putting together these tools that will then be used to create the game. This foundation is hard to see from an outside perspective which is why the development may seem slow right now. However, once the tools are in place, the proper building can begin and production will appear to speed up.
    3. It's not about "3 passes and then it's done". Instead things like the combat will be constantly iterated upon until the devs are happy with it. So when Steven says there will be a "combat revamp" it's much more about small changes that happen quite frequently over time rather than a single big overhaul.
    4. Finally, yes intrepid are being as open as possible but that doesn't mean they are showing us everything. There is a ton of stuff that happens behind the scenes that we never see, so it's hard to get a good idea of how far the project is going from our perspective.

    I hope that answers your questions. Of course, if you're still sceptical then that is fine. Steven himself has said it's fine to wait. The game is fully funded up until release so it will get here regardless of whether you support it or not. Just sit back and enjoy the ride :)

    You do have a good point about the team beeing rather small initially.
    Dont get me wrong i totally approve of stevens vision for the game, as u may see from my bow title i gave like 600€ to them after all. Though im not a person to just fanboy for anything so when i have a concern i will be vocal about it.
    That intrepid would be very open about the development is repeated alot, but i think thats not really true. Its more like open political marketing, where they show alot of stuff and act vocal on social media on crucial timeframes ensuring everything will be great eventually but they actually dont really show anything solid at all.
    We dont really have any idea what level of polish they aim for in all aspects of the game, some of the basic systems have been shown to us in a very rudimentary form, but it is that rudimentary everyone already knows what it means to have A combat system or A open world etc, so there isnt really any information we get about the finished game. The only things we can really estimate rn is how armor and houses for 3 base races will probably look like.
    I understand that creating the backend system can take a lot of work, but not dozens of people over 4 years? I admit im not an expert in game development, but i have seen people design stuff in ue4 on youtube before. And honestly, i do not think what they have shown so far would take a pretty long time to make for a decent amount of people.
    So we know something is not quite right,
    either intrepid is actually not that open in its development, maybe they have too few people experienced working on backend stuff and until thats done, and people can actually publicly test, they just dont show directly game related systems which they already have created. Which would explain why its taking so long without presentable progress, and that would be totaly ok - if not for the fact they claim to have a very open development.
    Or the other option is, they just work really slow overall, that could be because steven doesnt have quite enough experience to lead that many game developers to work efficiently, its his first time creating a game after all, and sadly that has very little to do with how great mmo ideas and intentions he has.

    Either way im sure aoc is gonna be great eventually, if we can give them one thing, its that steven is really devoted to making this game, so he will find a way. Maybe it takes a long time, maybe they need to release early to get more money for further development, who knows, but it will get there.

    i wrote too much, i have stuff to do...
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    No game can have truly "open" development for a couple of reasons:

    1. The general public won't understand what is happening.
    2. The company has to protect their assets from rival companies to a certain extent.

    The majority of players don't know the first thing about programming so even if Intrepid wanted to, showing us all the code that is written on a daily basis would be pointless. What would the players do with that information without an intimate knowledge of how the systems work, or how to program in C++?

    Yes, there are people who have built games very quickly in UE4, it's a fantastic platform. However, it is NOT very good for mmorpg development which is why a lot of mmorpg developers choose to make their own engine rather than using a pre-built one.

    I truly don't believe Intrepid could show us much more of the development without getting into the realms of showing stuff the players simply wouldn't understand.
  • LycancoffeeLycancoffee Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I like colorful surroundings. They make me happy, and they also make me feel extra awesome as I walk through them dressed all in black.
This discussion has been closed.