Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Guards and Player/Guildbases

Hello folks,
I'm interested into our friend and helper, the guard. Guard NPC help to secure towns, cities & caravans. There is the possibility to hire for sieges and caravans mercenaries...yeah. .but what I'm interested in... if we can have gaurds for player bases or even guild HQ / Castle (if conquered).
And if yes, it leads to my main question.. Does the class change the appeareance of the guards? I know that in dwarf cities there are dwarf guard, in human cities there aew human guards and so on...
But for phantasy purpose take the class Summoner. Wouldn't it be nice to have undead guards or golems? I would totally love it. I kinda have to live with the fact that we can't have huge summon armies, so that would be something that would be okay.
What are your thoughts?
I appreciate any of your replies & suggestions!
- The Dark Wanderer -
I'm interested into our friend and helper, the guard. Guard NPC help to secure towns, cities & caravans. There is the possibility to hire for sieges and caravans mercenaries...yeah. .but what I'm interested in... if we can have gaurds for player bases or even guild HQ / Castle (if conquered).
And if yes, it leads to my main question.. Does the class change the appeareance of the guards? I know that in dwarf cities there are dwarf guard, in human cities there aew human guards and so on...
But for phantasy purpose take the class Summoner. Wouldn't it be nice to have undead guards or golems? I would totally love it. I kinda have to live with the fact that we can't have huge summon armies, so that would be something that would be okay.
What are your thoughts?
I appreciate any of your replies & suggestions!
- The Dark Wanderer -
I just hope they'll be killable, cos the immortal guards in ESO were ridiculous.
so often there are NPC who are much weaker but have so much more compared to us... thats a pity
Nothing like that exists at the moment, but after the game is released it could be possible if Steven wants it to happen.
Obviously, no undead attributes, just a cosmetic.
I'm not sure what you mean by "Does the class change the appeareance of the guards?". Do you mean that because you choose a summoner, that all the guards should be summoners on your client? And for others who choose other classes, that all the guards should be their class?
I'm already quite sure, that there will be different "types" of guards, that carry various weapons and do different attacks. Whether they reflect the archtypes in the game. Is not known publicly at least.
We do know NPC will have a wide and diverse selection of appearances already, utilizing cosmetics from monthly packs. As well, Intrepid has even shown in game NPC guard armor, made specifically for a lore NPC military unit, that can be earned by the player.
tl;dr: very likely NPC guards will have different archtype & appearance.
I know that the race which contribute the most to the node progressing, will be selected as art style for the city.. so yes
I'm talking about guards for the property of players per guilds.
And if yes, there will be hired guards... I'm going deeper... and ask about some specialities when you have certain classes like necromancer.... if you could have undead/skeleton guards.
It would be cool
I submitted a question... let's see what will happen.
I hope we get more infos next stream 😃